
Rise Of Evil God

A hero or villain let the fate decide - Witness the journey of a manipulative , narcissistic and scheming protagonist who wants his desire to be fulfilled no matter how. Li Chen beginning his journey from a mortal clearing his path to become at the top of everything eliminating everyone who comes in his way. _______________ Warning: Strong violence and mature content. -->Some scenes may not be liked by all people so just take those as air and move to main story. -->Love is just a waste of time so, no time wasted on those things to develop deep relationship with every female character. -->Our protagonist is an evil so don't consider it as a joke tag. Warning: This work is purely fiction, and it does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. Please read with caution. _______ Support and enjoy the Journey................................

Soul_Reaper_007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

**Tang Shuang**(1)

She looked at him with doubts visible in her eyes.

you don't believe me, he soke.

But you look fine ? - she questioned hesitantly.

I recovered- he said.

She nodded and hall became silent again.

You have not thanked me till now- Li chen said while looking accusingly at her.

Well, sorry and thanks for your help Li chen- She said with embarrassed face.

Only thanks you will not reward me? -He asked with a amusing smile.

well i will raise your salary- she said.

only that- he again said.

What other things do you....

Just before she could finish her sentence she felt two lips were sealing her lips as she tried to move back to resist one strong hand held her thin waist while other hand moved behind her head through her hairs.

She tried to resist  by not opening her mouth but suddenly her lips were bitten by his teeths and she felt pain so she opened her mouth.

Just like that his tongue entered her mouth and started to entangle with her tongue while sucking from her mouth. As a result her body also started getting hot, she was a woman who had not sex for past almost 18 years.

His husband passed in an accident just after she gave birth to a daughter.

She was suppressing her Lust for a long time but now due to LI Chen's aggression it started breaking its bound . Li Chen took the opportunity and started massaging her breasts from top. Tang Shuang's body also started responding her tongue was now rolling to and fro between his and her mouth.

After 3 minutes when she was almost out of breath Li Chen stopped , as a result she breathed heavily.

She looked Ye chen's face and tried to get away from him  but he hold her hand and pulled her back .

Li Chen stop - she said angrily.

  Li chen looked at her and said," just think about it if i was not present there today what would have happened to you"

He was looking at her changing expression she was unable to utter a word.

Now Li Chen want to put a psychological pressure on her by making her imagine things.

She looked at him and said," but this not the right way to settle things".

Then tell me other ways to settle everything, what can be comparable to your life- he said mockingly with a smile.

She was not able to answer this question.

Don't worry i will settle this with my ways- he said.

After saying he again kissed her and started rolling his tongue inside her mouth.

Now she was not refusing his advancement like before , in few moments later her tongue also started responding.

Now Li Chen started tearing her upper half of clothes .she was wearing a black bra which was looking sexy on her fair skin. He just looked at it and with condensing some qi cut down the bra strap with use of fire easily . Her two breasts were now exposed in front of him , he started pinching and kneading them.

nggggg.... Tang shuang tried to suppress her moans but moaned eventually, Li chen also started sucking her breasts like a baby while pinching and kneading other breast. After few minutes Tang Shuang started moaning actively.

Aahhh....aahhhhh...sounds filled the hall.

Li Chen looked at her amusingly and smiled.

He went lower and kissed her belly and went down . He lowered her skirt and was greeted with sight of a wet black thin pantie.

Love juices were flowing at her thighs , Li Chen smiled and put down the pantie .

There he saw white pussy covered by small golden hairs it looked like Tang Shuang paid good attention for cleaning this part of her body.

Li Chen started rubbing there with his two fingers while kissing her, aggressively. His lust was now at its peak he unbuttoned  his shirt .and also took off his pants . Now Tang Shuang saw how well developed Li chen's body was she was mesmerized for few seconds.

In this time Li Chen also took off his underwear and his 10 inches dick came in vision of Tang Shuang. It was also due to his silver body due to which his little brother also became bigger.

Tang Shuang was frightened initially with his size but there was also expectation in her eyes to feel something new.

LI chen lowered his waist and placed his dick near the entrance of her vagina , and started rubbing on her pussy.  Tang Shuang moaned because of this her eyes were begging him to put it inside .

Li chen spread her vagina with fingers which was pink from inside and there was a little hole visible ,Li chen thrusted inside her with and he was halfway inside then he stopped .

Aaahhhhhhh.....  Tang Shuang moaned with tears flowing from her eyes she felt both pleasure and pain at the same time while watching her face Li Chen again thrusted and he was now deep inside her his dick was knocking her womb.

This was also first experience for Tang Shuang like this as someone has never went this deep inside her. She moaned in pleasure, He started moving in and out just after few thrust  Tang Shuang's body tightened and she gripped his backed tightly.

Aaaahhhhhhh......  she moaned as fluids started coming out from her lower part but LI Chen continued thrusting so it became more  intense for Tang shuang. After some time her body became relaxed and she started panting while moaning. 

Li Chen lifted her up while continued thrusting , she hold him tightly and he moving to dining table the place her on top  continued what he was doing while sucking his breasts.

After 10  more intense minutes Li Chen also reached his peak , he looked at Tang Shuang who was also at her peak when she looked at him he was smiling at her.

Tang Shuang realized that he is planning something evil , she realized it quickly and said with pleading eyes," not inside. not inside".

In response Li Chen held her waist and started thrusting more quickly, Tang shuang moaned heavily few minutes later Li Chen's dick started throbbing inside her and he let everything inside her deepest part . Tang Shuang also moaned as she reached her second orgasm. 

Li Chen took out his dick which was still erect with a "plop" sound mixture of semen , love juice and small amount of blood came out of Tang Shuang's pussy .

The blood was due to rupture of blood vessels. Tang shuang saw fluids dripping from her pussy and looked at Li Chen with complicated gaze .

Li Chen was still smiling at her when her gaze moved towards her lover part she became frightened.

No more please!!!!- She begged.

Li Chen just chuckled 

I have just started then he picked her upon and started moving towards bedroom while fluids dripping from her body. Tang shuang remained still in his arms her mind was blank at this moment.

  Li Chen opened the door and then threw her on the bad then he made her to stick out her ass she just followed his wishes obediently Li Chen started her breasts again from behind then he thrust it inside again . Tang Shuang nearly screamed while moaning, after few thrusts he took out his dick which was now slippery.

Have you tried with other hole?- He asked suddenly.

Tang Shuang became confused at this question but before she could realize anything a big shaft entered almost 3 inches inside her butt hole, she screamed with pain , Li chen just smile.

Please take it out, please take it out, she started almost begging.

Li Chen waited for few seconds then hold her back and thrusted strongly inside her she screamed again , tears started flowing from her eyes but her butt hole was tightly gripping his dick like it wanted to cut it off inside her. After waiting for almost a minute Li Chen started thrusting it started thrusting it . After few minutes Tang Shuang also started feeling pleasure and so Li Chen also started thrusting faster and faster.

Tang Shuang was now at cloud nine, her soul almost flew away from her body , her mind was blank her body was weak.

Her breasting were moving with every thrust her mouth was dripping with saliva her pussy was dripping with fluids and she was moaning in hoarse voice while being penetrated deep in her butt hole. After 30 minutes of intense workout he again reached his peak while Tang Shuang orgasmed 5 to 6 time in total.

When he was at his peak he pulled out from her and thrusted in her vagina again after thrusting few times he again filled her inside with hot semen. He pulled out from her, her semen mixed with fluids started again leaking.

He carried her again and took her to bath tub after washing himself he came outside of bathroom and went near balcony with towel wrapped on hhis waist.