
Rise of an Overlord

“Prophecy? It can only be given nymphs to those who asks and entered your Paradise.” Willam said. “As I’ve remembered, it was five months ago when I last visited and checked your situation, but I did not ask for a prophecy because a large part of your power will be reduced and it will be a long time before you can regain it. And Universe?” Willam clarified with what he heard. “As far as I know, nature is what you are prophesying.” He added. “Yes, you heard it right sir. Prophecy from nature is what we give to those who ask. But the prophecy from the Universe comes naturally and there is a ninety seven percent certainty that it will come true.” Said Nara. “This prophecy is about your third generation, the three princes.” She added. Suddenly her green eyes turned white and her third eye opened between her eyebrows. “From the third generation, a king will arise. Not only in the human world but in all races. Three separated dimensions will collide into one. Creatures big or small will be living under the rule of the son.” "Not only was it published on planet Earth, after the universe gave the prophecy we immediately received greetings from our surrounding planets expressing their appreciation for the prophecy they received.” Nara said. Because of this revelation, the three were silenced in their conversation and thoroughly thought of the matter.....

Neko_des · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Star Core

The spiritual world of a creature is like a galaxy. If one sees it, there are a few stars that surrounds it but usually, it is shrouded in emptiness.

In order for a creature to officially become a Magician or Majin, it must first find from the stars surrounding its spiritual world its star core, or create its own.

The 'star core' serves as the foundation of the majins on their journey to cultivation!

As Hio traveled through his spiritual world to find his star core he felt a tiny flow of energy from his palms.

"Ugh! What's that?" He said and looked at his palms which were currently in spiritual form.

A few hours of travel in his spiritual world have passed, but Hio still can't find his star core. He didn't feel it too much maybe it was also because of his fascination with the stars that he passes by on his journey.

"It should be something I can feel and is connected to me…" he whispered to himself and looked around. "Something shinier than anything even if it's just a speck of dust," he added.

Later he noticed a dot that was so very bright, but not blinding to his eyes. Even though it is far from Hio's place, he can still see the light coming from it.

Again, Hio felt a strange sensation from his whole body towards his stomach.

Quickly but without haste, Hio flew to the light he had seen to fill the curiosity that enveloped him.

As he approaches it, the gradual size increase of the shining dot is noticeable.

From that point on, it became as big as a pin-pong ball at closer view.

"This is my star core?" Happy but with a bit of disappointment, Hio said.

"As far as I know, the star core starts with so small in size and grows as the majin develops its power." He said floating with his one hand supporting his chin, circling his own star core. "According to the records I've read, it can be as big as the sun!"

"I can feel my connection with it and the power that lies in it but…" he stopped for a moment and thought.

"Ahh! According to what I've read, one can unite with his star core as a foundation and develop it as he cultivates and grow, Orr!... "

Hio looked around and saw a star almost the size of the sun when viewed from Earth.

The young man's eyes lit up and he stretched out his left arm to reach for it. As he felt the weird connection with the star, gradually, the star approached him without changing shape or size.

From his right palm is his star core, and to his left it holds the star that shines like the sun.

"I'm not into their expectations, but I think I need to take into practice what I've read." Hio said while looking at the two objects in his hands.

"And besides, my star core is too small for me!"

He shook and spun the star he was holding in his left hand and concentrate his mental power to remove the things that are not needed from it.

It is the kind of filtering of unnecessary things from a star and absorbing those object's essence power, until the only thing left is its star core.

Although it was difficult, he gradually managed to do it.

After that, all that was left of him was a stone the size of his fist. It was the star core that came from the star he picked up and filtered. But compared to his shining star core, it seems to be dying and was flickering like a firefly nearing the extinguish of its light.

little by little, he move his star core and the star core of the star he got closer to each other.

When the two came in contact with each other, He staarted to combine them and chanted the spell..



Meanwhile, while Hio was performing the merging of the two star cores, there was a brief shift of night and day as if someone had just turned off and on the light.

"Woah!! What a badass!!" Kio said in amazement as he looked at the sky and onto his older brother.

"Another monster have arrived." Leo calmly said with a big smile looking at his youngest brother's awakening process.

"Sentries! Be vigilant and double the defense!" William commands when he saw the event.

"Assured!" They shouted and even doubled the barrier they made.

"Earth isn't just occupied by humans! I should have known this will come!" he whispered to himself and looked deeply at the two people performing the awakening ceremony.


Hio slowly merges the two star cores. Even though it was hard because they were trying to consume each other, it could not be seen on the young man's face.

One can only see the determination in his face to combine the two star cores without overpowering the other.

Without breathing, Hio gradually formed a new star core from his own star core and the star core that came from the star he filtered.

"Arrrgghh! C'mon !!! you're just a fourth ahead from merging! Don't be hard to get!" It grunted while forcing the two to combine.

His pushing is forced but it is also prevented, since the sudden union of two star cores can cause death and loss of essence power of both star cores. And if you let them be, they will be hostile to each other and one will consume the other.

Hio's star core can do this, but the essence power in the star core he collected will be useless and it will only serve as decoration.

With a lot of effort and restraint during the process, Hio finally combined the two star cores! It's so bright compared to his former star core and despicably bigger!

It is currently the size of a base-ball. It is spherical in shape and not perfectly round but it shines like the midday sun!

"I made it! I created my star core!" The young man said enthusiastically as he stares to his creation while breathing heavily.

After a few minutes of admiring his creation, his spirit returned to the physical world.

As Hio opened his eyes, a light between him and Taafeite's palms facing each other illuminates. This is Hio's star core. But its form is not visible to others other than the two closest to it.

"The third prince's core power has been awakened!" Taafeite's happily announced while marveling at the young man's star core.

*cheers !!*

The center of the maze field was filled with cheers and joy when the announcement of the gate master was heard. Some others jumped in glee! The guards who set up the barrier further strengthened their defense.

The gate master frowned a little when he analyzed Hio's star core..

"This is not your original star core, am I right dear prince?" he sincerely asked.

Suddenly, the celebration stopped around as they looked at Taafeite and Hio when they heard what he said.

Leo and Kio's eyes met in confusion with what the gate master said, but Leo only slightly shrugged his shoulders. Signs that he also did not know what it means.

"I-I did a bit of modification before merging with it…" Hio replied with an awkward smile.

"Is it- is- Is it baaaad?" Hio then added with a bit of hesitation.

"This is not bad, dear Prince. I was just surprised…. I'm sorry. " Taafeite said and bowed slightly.

"Once again I congratulate you on your successful awakening." He added and confronted the people who witnessed the awakening of the young man.

"I am Taafeite from Vitreus! A Gate master! Cordially announcing and confirming that Prince Headen Iryll Orth is now a full -fledged Majin!" He said with a loud cheerful voice.

Once again the lively celebration came back!

After that, Hio came out of the pavilion, walked to his family and was greeted by his two brothers and grandfather together with Butler Elie.

"Yooo!!! Congrats!!!" Kio greeted and hugged him.

"Good Job!" Leo also said and joined in the hug.

After greeting the siblings, Butler Elie and his grandfather also greeted him.

"Congratulations young master! You are now an official Majin!" Butler Elie greeted him with a bright smile.

"You did well babe. But I'm curious with what the gate master said. What kind of 'modification' did you do with your star core before merging with it?" Asked his grandfather.

"Yeah, I was curious too! Did you reshape it?" Kio asked.

"Uhhhmmm .. I saw my star core, found out that it's small…. Look for something, did this and that and this and merged it. And there! I got a newly created star core! " Hio explained complicatedly.

"Huhh ??" Kio, Butler Elie and William spoke at the same time.

"You know what, let's talk about this when we get home." Leo jumped in and put his arm around his brother's shoulder.

"I know it's tiring to do an awakening, especially with Hio, your process is a bit slow." He added.

"Yeah, we haven't had dinner yet. From our flight, we went straight here!" Kio added.

"Now that you said it. I can feel my stomach rumbling. This really is a busy day isn't it?" Hio replied.

"So shall we Princes ??" Butler Elie invites them.

The three agreed and traveled back to their mansion.