
Rise of an Overlord

“Prophecy? It can only be given nymphs to those who asks and entered your Paradise.” Willam said. “As I’ve remembered, it was five months ago when I last visited and checked your situation, but I did not ask for a prophecy because a large part of your power will be reduced and it will be a long time before you can regain it. And Universe?” Willam clarified with what he heard. “As far as I know, nature is what you are prophesying.” He added. “Yes, you heard it right sir. Prophecy from nature is what we give to those who ask. But the prophecy from the Universe comes naturally and there is a ninety seven percent certainty that it will come true.” Said Nara. “This prophecy is about your third generation, the three princes.” She added. Suddenly her green eyes turned white and her third eye opened between her eyebrows. “From the third generation, a king will arise. Not only in the human world but in all races. Three separated dimensions will collide into one. Creatures big or small will be living under the rule of the son.” "Not only was it published on planet Earth, after the universe gave the prophecy we immediately received greetings from our surrounding planets expressing their appreciation for the prophecy they received.” Nara said. Because of this revelation, the three were silenced in their conversation and thoroughly thought of the matter.....

Neko_des · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


The long table in the dining area of ​​the mansion was in deep silence. the mouths of the two brothers were hanging down without them being aware of it. William, on the other hand, leaned forward massaging his forehead.

"Uhmmm… The gate master said it's not bad though." Hio eases the mood of the table.

"Its not. But do you know its not a basic technique to do that. Mostly only Advanced Barons can do that. And you did it at first try!" William said with amazement to his grandson.

"Advanced Baron? What's that? " Hio asked in astonishment.

"Babe, you see… after you awakening, you should be doing the basics of being a majin and study their stages." Leo said. "At your current situation, given that you are a newly awakened majin, you are just at the primary stage. But what you just did with your star core is an Advance Baron stage thing! "

"What you are supposed to do is find your affinity, natural talent and start your cultivation. Butler Elie will be your guide until you reached Warrior level when you can be Independent with your own cultivation." Kio added seriously to the conversation.

"Ehhmmm .. owkaaayyy, I don't get any of it." Hio said in confusion.

"Let me explain hun. You see, there are 9 main levels of majins in cultivation world." William began.

"Starting with the primary where you'll learn the basics, Intermediate, where your power is enough to strengthen the foundation of your core and start sensing the essence power around you. The Baron that has 2 sub-stages; Nascent Baron and Advanced Baron where you develop your star core. Starting with the Baron stage, every stage has its sub-stages. Commander, Captain, Admiral, Ruler, and finally the current known Highest rank among the cultivators, the Overlord!" Explaining this to his grandson,

"Ohhh .. I don't know what to say .." Hio said.

"Lance is currently a Platinum commander, while Kevin is a Super Warior." His grandfather added.

"And I am a primary level majin." Said Hio.

"Supposedly, yes. But since you already merged your star core with another, you are considered at the Advanced Baron stage. Taking your awakening into consideration, you'll be at the bottleneck or mid-level of a Nascent Baron. " William corrects him.

"So am like at the Backdoor? Skipping the basics? "

"Hahahahahaha no." Kio laughed as they corrected Hio.

"You think you're the only one whose awakening is weird? I started as a top intermediate majin! One jump and I was a Nascent Baron." Kio proudly said.

"I also started as an Entry Baron. But you got a higher boost!!" Leo exclaimed.

"Maybe it's because of the concentration of the essence power at the gate?" Hio said Humbly.

"Oh no. Gates quantity that appears on a planet depends on how much essence power does the planet receives. It's the division of the energy that the planet receives." His grandfather explained to him.

"Anyway, no one skips the basics. That's the base of cultivation." He added.

"So I, as a Nascent Baron, will start learning basic cultivation of majins?" Hio asked.

"HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. No. you'll be having a 3-in-1 majin training/cultivation/development." Leo said laughing.

"Let me give you a tip." Kio said and approached his younger brother. "Butler Elie is the best when it comes to mixed-advanced trainings and cultivation but please do a warm-up exercise not only with your physique but also mentally." He added with a wink.

"What do you mean by that?" Hio asked confusely.

"It means your training with Butler Elie will be hard and he knows no Prince when he's your teacher." Leo answered.

"Why can't grandpa be my Trainor?" Hio turned to his grandfather. "Given that you are the master of Butler Elie, your level is higher than his!"

"You sure of that?" Leo asked him incredulously.

"Yeah! You can instantly cope up with our levels through him!" Kio happily teased his brother.

Hio suddenly had second thoughts when he heard Kio's words.

"I think there is a catch to this."

"Remember when I was 17 and we went to Japan?" Leo asked him briefly.

"Yeah .. that's a bad luck! We're at the beach that time and an earthquake and a tsunami hit! I can't forget that event!" Hio said as he recalled the events of the past.

"And I am forced to use power just so that you guys won't be harmed. And woke up after a week." Leo added.

"Babe you see, every Prince of Orth that is born was blessed by creatures like nymps, sirena and tikbalang." Kio said stating the fact. "No nature disaster will come upon us even if we stand still in the epicenter of an intensity 8 earthquake. Unless it is not the work of nature."

"So you mean…." Hio said in shock and looked at his grandfather.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!" His grandpa just laughed, seemed to be proud of what he did.

"Earthquakes are the work of nature. The tsunami should not be that strong. But that same day, lolo discovered that I am starting to awaken my affinity without the help of a gate master." Leo explained.

"So grandpa tried to test my power." He shugged as he added.

"Eehhmm .. I guess amma go with butler Elie for safety hehehhehe." Hio said hesitantly.

When their dinner was over, their grandfather said goodbye because he still had a lot to take care of. The three siblings, on the other hand, talked for a while in the living area and then went upstairs to their respective rooms.


The next day Hio woke from the knocking of one of the house helpers on his door.

"Am awake!!" He responded while rubbing his eyes, still in his drowsy state .

"Good morning Prince Hio, The Head butler would like you to know that he is waiting for you in the main hall on the left side of the mansion after your breakfast." The house helper greeted the young man.

"Why the left wing? Is anyone using the indoor court in the right wing?" Hio asked but he heard no answer from the other side of the wall.

"Ugh! Whatever .." He muttered and started his morning ritual.

When he was all set, he went to the Dining area of ​​the right wing of the mansion and had breakfast. Hio was accompanied by his siblings who greeted him 'good luck' after their meal.

After that, Hio went to the left wing of the mansion. it took him almost eight minutes to walk from the right wing to the main hall of the left wing where their training would begin.

When Hio arrived, he continued to enter the hall because its two large doors were already open.

"Good morning young master. I hope you had a great breakfast .." Butler Elie greeted him.

"Good morning Butler Elie. I hope I am not late." Hio said awkwardly.

"Oh no. Everything is within the expected time, from waking you up to breakfast and your warm-up walk from the right wing to here." The butler responded with a smile. "See the clock, it's exactly 10 in the morning."

Hio looked at his watch on his right hand and saw that it was exactly ten in the morning.

"So, Shall we begin!" Butlet Elie said and snapped his two fingers.


The double door behind Hio closed. Butler Elie turned to him and raised his hands to his elbow level.

Suddenly their surroundings changed. From the hall it seemed as if the two of them had moved into space.

"Spiritual manifestation." Butler Elie said and turned to Hio.

"This is where we will begin your training." He added with a smile.