
Rise of an Overlord

“Prophecy? It can only be given nymphs to those who asks and entered your Paradise.” Willam said. “As I’ve remembered, it was five months ago when I last visited and checked your situation, but I did not ask for a prophecy because a large part of your power will be reduced and it will be a long time before you can regain it. And Universe?” Willam clarified with what he heard. “As far as I know, nature is what you are prophesying.” He added. “Yes, you heard it right sir. Prophecy from nature is what we give to those who ask. But the prophecy from the Universe comes naturally and there is a ninety seven percent certainty that it will come true.” Said Nara. “This prophecy is about your third generation, the three princes.” She added. Suddenly her green eyes turned white and her third eye opened between her eyebrows. “From the third generation, a king will arise. Not only in the human world but in all races. Three separated dimensions will collide into one. Creatures big or small will be living under the rule of the son.” "Not only was it published on planet Earth, after the universe gave the prophecy we immediately received greetings from our surrounding planets expressing their appreciation for the prophecy they received.” Nara said. Because of this revelation, the three were silenced in their conversation and thoroughly thought of the matter.....

Neko_des · Fantasy
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15 Chs


At three o'clock in the afternoon, a private plane landed on the runway. On board were the three brothers, Leo, Kio and Hio.

When the landing of the plane was completed, the three got out of it. They were met by a 15-meter-long limousine, including the two security bikes at the front and a Security car at the rear. All vehicles are black, the same color of the suit worn by its occupants.

"Nice, great entourage! Here we are again with flashy attention. " Hio said Awkwardly.

"I'll never get tired of this hehe." Kio said smiling and started to get off the plane into the limousine.

"There goes the public face of the 3 Princes." Lance said as he shook his head and followed his brother.

Hio then followed his brothers and hoped in the car.

The airport was full of eyes and whispers because of the 'little commotion' that was taking place.

When the three got in and sat comfortably, their chauffeur started the vehicle and left.

"Can't gramps just send us a simple car?" Hio asked while on the road.

"You know he won't. Especially with the three of us. He wants everything to be flashy with lots of securities. " Lance replied.

"What are we? 10 years old who always needs a tail guard wherever we go?" Hio complained and just looked at the scenery outside the window while traveling.

"Wait. Is there a new route to the mansion? I don't remember this way to our house. " He said when he noticed the route they're taking.

"Nope. We'll be going directly to the gate and have your awakening, then go home after. " Kio replied. "Lolo is there too waiting for us." He added.

"Wait what?! So soon?! Why?!" Hio asked in shock.

"It's supposed to be on your 20th birthday, but since your graduation is near that time, and you have some priorities at school, grandpa agreed to reschedule it right after your graduation." Lance answered.

"Ugh! Can't we just go tomorrow? I still have a hangover!" Hio's dramatically complained and acted like he have a headache.

"We all know you're not getting any hangover kid." Kio said teasing him.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I'm already 20!" Hio replied and crossed his arms like a child.

Later on, their vehicle stopped and the chauffer's security person in the driver's seat of the limousine opened the door for them.

"We are here princes." The man said as he gestured his other arm towards the direction of the park.

"Eve's garden?" Hio's asked in confusion.

Its a park that was also owned by their family.

"Yep. Let's go." Lance said as he put his arms on the back of his brother's shoulders and invited him to go inside.

They walked into it and headed for the maze garden. It is an immense circular maze and it is also the main attraction of this park. The bushes made here reach five meters in height so if you enter here for the first time you will definitely get lost.

The three men went in and walked through the maze.

"So, I assume that the 'Gate' you guys are pertaining to is the pavilion in the middle of this maze?" confirmation of Hio.

"Technically, yes. But there are different gates. One is here in the middle of the maze." Lance replied.

"I did my awakening in Rome." Said Kio.

"Oh… I remember now. It was 2 years ago when you celebrated your birthday in Rome." Hio added

"Yep. And yours is here. It's supposedly under the Pacific Ocean but we are already way, way behind time." Lance Jumped in.

The so -called 'Gates' are the places where strong energy is received and gathered by a planet. It can have at least five places and sometimes up to a hundred, depending on its position in the solar system and the galaxy in which it resides. Only there can the 'awakening' of a magician or majin who has not yet received his core power be performed.

A creature can only receive an 'awakening ceremony' if he or she has majin blood, is born with a unique talent, and if it lives on a planet that is abundant in essence power.

A few more turns and they reached the middle of the maze. There are five people spread around acting as sentries and two guarding the entrance. At its very center is a pavilion surrounded by water. There was a man in a robe with the hood covering his head and face, and their grandfather. There are three short bridges that serve as the way in and out of the pavilion.

One of the short bridges faces the entrance of the maze where the three brothers entered, standing at the other end of the small bridge is the head butler of their mansion, Butler Elie.

He smiled when he saw the three.

The siblings approached the pavilion and Butler Elie met them at the end of the short bridge. The two stopped and let Butler Elie escort Hio into the pavilion.

"Its good to see you back, Young master." He said while smiling and escorted Hio.

"Its good to see you too Butler Elie." The young man also greeted him with a smile.

When they reached the other end of the short bridge, Butler Elie let Hio walk into the pavilion.

Hio approached his grandfather and hugged him.

"I miss you lolo." Hio said.

"I miss you too sweeetheart." William said as he hugged his grandson tightly.

"I'm so sorry for the sudden call but I guess your brothers already explained to you what is going on?" He added as the two of them let go from each other's embrace.

"Yeaahh .. I guess I really don't have any reason to say pass anymore." Hio said scratching the back of his head.

"You really are a blood of mine." William replied smiling and faced the man in the robe.

"This is Taafeite, a gate master. He'll be assisting you with your awakening." William introduced to the man in robe.

Before they begin, William faced the guards and signaled that the awakening of the youngest of the three princes is about to begin.

They bowed slightly and raised their right hand in the shape of a fist and spoke at the same time.

"Obice praesidio!"

"Integra claustra!"

Gradually the center-field of the maze was enveloped in what seemed to be a glass dome. When the spell was completed, an invisible plate cover-like barier covered the entire area, William faced them again and nodded to Hio and the gate master.

Taafeite bowed slightly and faced Hio.

"If possible I will ask from the prince to put his hands up to his chest with the palms facing downwards." It adds.

Hio followed and held out his hands.

After that, Taafeite also placed his hands down with his palm facing Hio's.

"Crystal hands." Hio almost whispered in amazement when he saw Taafeite's hands.

"He's from Vitreus. I forgot to mention" William whispered when he saw his grandson's reaction.

"Close your eyes my prince, and feel your spiritual world." Taafeite's said.

Hio obeyed and closed his eyes.


After Taafeite recited the spell, Hio felt a slight chill from the tips of his fingers to between his abdomen and stomach. After this his mind cleared as if he were in a dream and traveling in space.


Lolo- is a Filipino term used to address their grandfathers or anyone in senior age as a sign of respect. "Lola" is a term used for grandmothers.