
Rise of an Overlord

“Prophecy? It can only be given nymphs to those who asks and entered your Paradise.” Willam said. “As I’ve remembered, it was five months ago when I last visited and checked your situation, but I did not ask for a prophecy because a large part of your power will be reduced and it will be a long time before you can regain it. And Universe?” Willam clarified with what he heard. “As far as I know, nature is what you are prophesying.” He added. “Yes, you heard it right sir. Prophecy from nature is what we give to those who ask. But the prophecy from the Universe comes naturally and there is a ninety seven percent certainty that it will come true.” Said Nara. “This prophecy is about your third generation, the three princes.” She added. Suddenly her green eyes turned white and her third eye opened between her eyebrows. “From the third generation, a king will arise. Not only in the human world but in all races. Three separated dimensions will collide into one. Creatures big or small will be living under the rule of the son.” "Not only was it published on planet Earth, after the universe gave the prophecy we immediately received greetings from our surrounding planets expressing their appreciation for the prophecy they received.” Nara said. Because of this revelation, the three were silenced in their conversation and thoroughly thought of the matter.....

Neko_des · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Spiritual Manifestation

Hio is currently standing at the middle of the hall and his body is positioned like Butler Elie's a while ago. His hands are also raised up to his elbows and his eyes are closed while listening to his Instructor.

"Being a Nascent Baron, Spiritual manifestation should be easy for you to do. It's the most basic of cultivation." Butler Elie said as he took a walk around the young man.

"Given that you are a primary/Nascent Baron cultivator, if you focus, you'll feel that your spiritual world is revolving in your stomach." This explanation confused Hio.

"Stomach? Shouldn't it be in the head?" Hio asked and opened his eyes slightly.

"Focus!" Butler Elie sternly said as he hit Hio with a stick that appeared out of nowhere.

"When you consume food does it go to your brain?" The butler asked.

The young man just shook his head and did not open his eyes.

"Digestive system, as the humdrums call it, is where we process our food which makes it the factory source of our energy." He began explaining.

"Majins are using Energy, from within for primary and intermediate while Baron and up are using both internal and external energies, collect's it, and transform it into magic. And the primary spot where our core power lies is in 'that' factory.

So, focus, feel your core power, pull it out of your body, and manifest it around your physical world. "

He taught the young man.

Hio listened to this and began to focus and concentrate on what he was going to do.

Once again Hio returned to his spiritual world and looked closely at his star core.

"So the star core is the source of my core power and the core power is everything that I have around this spiritual world." He spoke while analyzing his surroundings.

"Manifestation .. hmmmm"

After being analyzed, Hio sensed his star core. Again he recalls his awakening and how his star core was revealed to the physical world. He just mimicked this sensation and gradually, his star core showed on his physical hand!

Hio stared at it intently and looked at Butler Elie.

"Good. How about your spiritual world?" The butler asked him.

"What?! You mean I must take the stars one by one to the physical world?!" Hio asked in surprise.

"I said Spiritual manifestation not core manifestation." The butler responded bluntly.

"But there are thousands if not millions of stars I have in my spiritual world! It'll take me forever to pull all those out!" Hio complained about what he heard.

"Well, you better start now 'cause you only have until 6pm. " Butler Elie shrugged.

"Haaa????!!!" Hio's jaw dropped.

"By the way, it's already 12 o'clock. I have things to tend to young master." He said while walking away from Hio.

"I'll come back here at 3pm. And I hope you won't disappoint me. Punishment is severe but the reward might be more than what you expected. Just learn how to compress, and release." The butler added and left the hall with the two double doors banging.

"Whatt??!!! But I am your boss here!" Hio complained as if a lollipop has been stolen from him.

"Fck its really 12 noon! It took me 2 hours just to manifest my core?! Ugh!" He grunted.

"Hayy… There's no point in what I am doing. Better start with the work."

Again Hio stood up and held out his hands. He first focused on sensing his star core before returning to his spiritual world.

He first sensed the surrounding of his spiritual world before he began to unite the stars around him.

Gradually, he began to feel the connection with them and there, he noticed that every star has their own consciousness. But there are a few stars who seem to turn away from him.

One by one he felt them and one by one he released them into his physical world.

It was two -thirty that afternoon and Hio was sweating profusely while he stood as if a bucket of water had been poured over him. He also felt that the air around him was beginning to thin but he ignored it and continued with his spiritual manifestation. The young man then took a moment's breath and opened his eyes to look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Shit! It's already 2:30 and am still not even a fourth through all the stars!!" He complained and returned to his concentration to continue what he was doing.

Later he opened his eyes again to look at the clock on the wall

"Fck me! 2:35?! Butler Elie will be here any minute now!!! " Hio said in shock and concentrated again.

Five more minutes have passed and he's only been able to release almost two thousand stars into his physical world…

"Why isn't it ending ?!" Hio anxiously said as he collects the stars in his spiritual world.

When he opened his eyes again, 10 minutes has already past.

"Shit. Shit. Shit Shit!!!!" Hio flew frantically back and forth in his spiritual world while thinking of a way to speed up what he was doing.

Meanwhile, his other siblings, Leo and Kio were talking while cultivating in the indoor court of the right wing of their mansion. the two face each other, Leo is floating upright and holding out both palms while Kio is in cross-legged sitting form while floating in the air.

They were both surrounded by stars and the whole court looked like a sky divided into two galaxies. It was the spiritual manifestation of their core powers.

Behind Kio is his star core which is about the size bigger than a basketball, while behind Leo is also his star core which is one yard in diameter.

"You think he can do it with Butler Elie's Allotted time?" Kio asked seriously while his eyes are closed.

"It's almost 3pm, so if we see him running 10 times around the mansion, it's a fail. But I am guessing that he can. We both manifested our core powers before 6pm, so he can. That's your brother, I have confidence that he can do that." Said Lance.

"Not that. I mean the exact time! I finished mine at 4:30 and I still ran 5 laps, while yours is 4pm and you ran 4 laps." Kio said being specific.

"Wait. Wanna bet? How many laps do you think Hio will run? " Kio's spiritual manifestation suddenly disappeared as he opened his eyes.

"I got 4 laps, yours is 5, so I think his will be 4 or three." Leo answered him and the spiritual manifestation gradually disappeared from him.

"Owrayt! 1.5M it is! I'll go with 2 or less. He's a Nascent baron bruh!" Kio said excitedly.

"That is also why we should cultivate harder. He's just two steps from becoming a gold warrior. You want him to protect you, rather that you protecting him?" Leo sarcastically asked his brother.

"Psh! Bummer!!" Kio frowned and the two of them went out of the indoor court.

While the two were talking, Butler Elie walked back to the main hall of the left wing to check on Hio.

Hio, on the other hand, is restless and can hardly fix himself to find an easier way with his task!

A few more flying and tumbling, he remembered what butler Elie had told him.

'Compress and release'

"What does he mean by that? Like a metal spring?" Hio asked himself confused.

"Oh wait!! I think I know!" after some quick thought he found a way.

"This might be a wild guess but let us wish for it to work…"

Again, Hio calmed himself and focused. He first sensed his surroundings before re -materializing the stars from his spiritual world into the physical world. But this time, he wasn't trying to do it one-by-one.

"This is my spiritual world, everything should be connected to me. So first…."

Hio raised his two hands and felt everything in his spiritual world. Gradually there was a thread-like line that connects him from every star present.

When he felt that he was connected to his whole surroundings, he spoke again.


Gradually Hio seemed to be pulling the illusory threads that connected him and the objects around him.