
Rise of an Overlord

“Prophecy? It can only be given nymphs to those who asks and entered your Paradise.” Willam said. “As I’ve remembered, it was five months ago when I last visited and checked your situation, but I did not ask for a prophecy because a large part of your power will be reduced and it will be a long time before you can regain it. And Universe?” Willam clarified with what he heard. “As far as I know, nature is what you are prophesying.” He added. “Yes, you heard it right sir. Prophecy from nature is what we give to those who ask. But the prophecy from the Universe comes naturally and there is a ninety seven percent certainty that it will come true.” Said Nara. “This prophecy is about your third generation, the three princes.” She added. Suddenly her green eyes turned white and her third eye opened between her eyebrows. “From the third generation, a king will arise. Not only in the human world but in all races. Three separated dimensions will collide into one. Creatures big or small will be living under the rule of the son.” "Not only was it published on planet Earth, after the universe gave the prophecy we immediately received greetings from our surrounding planets expressing their appreciation for the prophecy they received.” Nara said. Because of this revelation, the three were silenced in their conversation and thoroughly thought of the matter.....

Neko_des · Fantasy
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15 Chs

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It's already eleven o'clock in the evening, but laughters and cheers could still be heard on the balcony of Hio's house.

He and his entire team celebrated their graduation and thesis approval, as it was awarded as the best thesis in their entire department.


'cheers!' they shouted at the same time as they happily celebrated their graduation and hard earned victory,

'Congrats to us pare. Hooooo!! I really thought we couldn't get on stage this sem! ' said Troy and drank the bottle of beer he was holding.

'Yeah! I was also nervous about our AutoCAD teacher. I thought the institute wouldn't let us go! ' Sean added.

'Parekoys we have nothing to worry about. From the talent of our programmer, and the best adviser we can ever have! Its just a piece of cake!' Jean brags as he pointed their programmer Troy and adviser, sir Raffy.

'Its because you didn't do a thing but eat and sleep while they work!' Sir Raffy teased Jean.

'Oh sir, there is! Its called moral support! ' Jean's defense.

'Yeah... Didn't you approached Sir Joel 'privately' for our high grade? Hahahahahaha!' Hio jumped in and filled the table with laughter and teasing.

Haeden Iryll Orth, or better known as Hio, is a fresh graduate of an institute from a nearby province. He is known as a kind and very sociable person. But because of his 'Intimidating aura' and his demeanor and appearance people often gets shy or afraid to talk to him.

Standing 5'8 tall, slim body with a fair skin tone and a long slightly wavy hair down to his back, someone might get confused of him as a girl if he's staying still and not talking.

His life is simple, because that's what he wants.

He owns the house where their celebration is currently being held, but his friends only knew that he is just a care taker and his Auntie who is abroad actually owns the house.

He was accompanied by Manang Lioda, his house helper. As far as they know, she is also his co-care taker.

The festivities continued until four o'clock in the morning. The whole group and their adviser agreed to just sleep at Hio's house, since they were all almost dead-drunk from the amount liquors they took .


The next morning, Hio woke up to the sound of his cell phone. He immediately picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID.

'Hmm ..' Hio growled in response as one of his eyes glanced at the fingers of his wall clock.

'Good morning my dear li'l bro. seems like your still asleep. ' Said the voice on the other line.

'It's still 8 in the morning. How come I'm not still sleeping? ' Hio complained in a husky voice. He wanted to go back to his sleep!

'Don't you miss me?' Said the man on the other line.

'You mean us ?? Hey babe! Don't you miss us? ' Another man shouted.

'Ugh! Why don't you just go up here in my room ?! ' Hio's complaint response.

'The door was locked.' Bland answer from the other side.

'Manang Loida has a spare key from the storage. Just ask her one and come up here, okay? Love you 'Hio replied and dropped the call.

When he was about to go back to sleep he heard the sound of the door of his room opening.

Two men approached him smilingly. If you look closely to their faces, you'll notice the resemblance with their appearances.

They are his brothers. Lance Earl Orth or better known as Leo (26), a 6'2 brawny handsome man and Kevin Ireene Orth, or known to the public as Kio, and Krong as his siblings call him (24), 6 feet with an athletic body and the face of the three brothers.

'Hey there babe.' Tender greet by the oldest brother as he slowly sat down next to his bed.

'Eyy ...' Hio replied in a low tone, indicating that he was still drowsy.

'Wake up sleepy head! We're here to pick you up! ' Krong greeted him warmly and suddenly jumped on the bed to wake Hio up.

'UGH!' Hio bounced and immediately woke up due to the impact of his brother's sudden jumping over the cushion of his bed.

'Let me sleep!' it shouted as it chased Kio away.

'You need to wake up bro. cause we're here to pick you up! ' Kio said happily.

'Yeah, pick me up. Where? ' Hio replied while covering himself with a blanket.

'To go back home.' Leo replied smiling.

'ahh .. yeah hooomee ..' Hio replied to his siblings.

He was about to go back to sleep when his brother's answer sank into him.

He immediately got awoken from his drowsiness and faced his brothers.

'Wait what? Me? Going home? you sure with that? ' Hio asked unbelievingly.

'Yep. Sure as sure sure! ' Kio answered him happily.

'Oh no, I'm not asking you! You also said that 3 years ago after I finished my 1st year in college. And where did I end up? Hawaii! And what happened after that? I was grounded for a year! and my accounts were suspended! ' Hio complained to Kio and faced his oldest brother.

'Kuya Lance is that true? I mean why? We're always good with LDR relationship...' Hio asked confusedly.

'Because Lolo misses you, and you don't have anything to do here. You have finished your studies and what you want have been granted. Time to face reality babe. ' Leo replied and brushed his brother's head.

'Besides, Krong and I faced it too. Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit' he added with a smile.

'I know. I also wanted to be like you guys, a magician. But you know the reason why I'm hesitant to do it. ' Hio's response was apprehensive.

'You mean the prophecy? Do you believe that? It's just a fraud made by Nymphs. ' Kio replied as he stretched his body.

'It's also known as expectations. You guys know I don't like that, that's also why I insisted on leaving the mansion. let you guys be the king, amma pass on that prii. ' Hio said while frowning.

'Whatever. Anyway, you can have an hour to sleep and another hour to prepare yourself. We'll be leaving by noon. See you downstairs babe. Leo said as he exited Hio's room.

'I lost my drowsiness thanks to your news!' Hio sighed and got up from his bed to accompany his siblings to the dining area for breakfast.


Kuya- a Filipino term used to address your brother or a man older than you as a way of respect. "Ate" is the term for older women.

Pare/Parekoy- A Filipino slang word used to address a friend or acquaintance.

Eyy guys!! this is my first work so please expect less. There might be some grammatical errors and redundancy with my words so bare with it. chz.

I may also give you slow updates depending on the ff reasons; Work, energy, and frequent writer's block. so bare with it again! charot!!

anyw. next chapter is up tomorrow, meow!

Neko_descreators' thoughts