
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 104

Mr. Jing Hai is going to go crazy facing this Ma Wen!

He enjoys a great reputation both at home and abroad. Everyone present respects him, but this kid is extremely arrogant. He demolished his platform several times. It is really annoying!

What's even more exaggerated is that he dare to scold him!

This is simply looking for death!

The people present were also shocked!

Who the hell is this grandson? How dare you be rude to Mr. Jing Hai? You dare to scold Mr. Jing Hai? Are you tired of your life? Mr. Jing Hai, a feng shui master has 10,000 ways to kill you without drawing blood!

However, even though Mr. Jing Hai was angry in his heart, in order to get the clam at a low price, he still maintained his demeanor on the surface and smiled and said, "This friend, you and I had a little misunderstanding at the entrance just now. It is just a little misunderstanding. Just let it go. If you bid against with me for revenge, it would be too wasteful, right?"

Mr. Jing Hai himself is preparing 15 million to take this clam, but if he and Ma Wen are firm to fight, the next bid will exceed 30 million.

He doesn't want to spend so much money!

Therefore, he swallowed his breath and hoped that Ma Wen could withdraw his bid.

After he gets the 15 million clams, he will slowly settle accounts with him!

Ma Wen had seen his motives a long time ago, and said contemptuously: "Don't talk nonsense with me, I am also fond of this clam. If you can afford it, you can bid for it, and you can retreat if you can't afford it. Just let me take it!"

The scene is becoming crazy again!

Damn it!

This buddy actually let Mr. Jing Hai play eggs.

Is it too harsh?

Mr. Jing Hai kept his anger in check, and in order to save money, he continued to speak: "I really like this clam, can you give me face?"

Ma Wen glanced at him and said flatly: "Give you face? Do I know you?"

After speaking, Ma Wen asked again: "Hey, why don't you just tell me. Can you afford to bid?"

Mr. Jing Hai's face was extremely ugly. So far no one has dared to speak to him like this!

Moreover, the other party looked as young as twenty or so. He is younger than his own disciples and grandchildren!

Under the annoyance, Mr. Jing Hai was too lazy to maintain his demeanor, and said coldly: "Unexpectedly, my face would be so despised by others! Well, since it is fair competition, then the higher bidder will naturally get it! I want to see how much wealth you have, come and grab this clam from me!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and shouted: "I'll pay 50 million!!"

The loud voice made the audience exploded again!

The bidding became a big bet, and the atmosphere in the venue quickly became lively!

The rules are simple. Whoever has more money, is the king of this battle!

Mr. Jing Hai's thinking is very simple. If he fights with him a little bit, he is afraid that he will go on endlessly. Therefore, he must bid a price that can bluff him, and directly ask him 50 million. He must not dare to follow!

However, no one thought that Ma Wen's face remained unchanged, and two words were spit out in his mouth.

"100 million!"

The auction price doubled again!

The atmosphere in the venue is boiling with excitement!

In just a few minutes, the price of this lot has even doubled tenfold. It has become the focus of auction in history!

Ao Dong couldn't help shouting, "Ma Wen, you don't pretend to be there to bid! Do you have the money?"

Ma Wen couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's true. You are not convinced? I might as well tell you the truth. The card that I use is from your Qin family. It was given to me by your second uncle. Is it unexpected? Are you surprised?"

"You! You!" Ao Dong's face flushed, "You bastard! How dare you waste Qin family's money! Sooner or later, I'm going to kill you, a fucking liar!"

Mr. Jing Hai turned his head, looked at Ao Dong, and asked, "Mr. Ao Dong, do you know this person?"

Ao Dong snorted coldly and said, "He is a live-in son-in-law of the Xiao family, and he doesn't have a job. He eats soft rice at home. Recently, he has earn some money by tricking my second uncle."

"Is it?"

Mr. Jing Hai raised his eyebrows, as if taking a reassurance pill, and snorted coldly.

"Slap a swollen face to fill a fat man. Young man, I advise you not to be too arrogant. Otherwise you are the one who will suffers. Not that I despise you, can you get one hundred million?"

Ma Wen's face was slightly cold, and he said lightly: "I can get it or not, don't worry about it. You can continue to bid if you have money, and shut your mouth if you don't have them!"

Mr. Jing Hai couldn't stand it any longer and cursed: "Boy! You are looking for death!"

Ma Wen laughed and said, "I'm looking for death? It's up to you? You can't even afford to buy things, and you want to kill me? What a fool!"

Mr. Jing Hai was repeatedly ridiculed by Ma Wen and could no longer maintain his demeanor. He sullenly shouted, "Young man! You'd better give me face! Obediently and let it go! Otherwise you will have only your life to beg, and your life will be useless!"

Bao Feng Gui's expression suddenly changed as soon as these words were spoken. It is as clear as sky that this Jing Hai wanted to break the rules at Treasure Pavilion!

His face was sullen, but he didn't dare to refute Master Jing Hai. He can only feel very uncomfortable.

Ma Wen smiled slightly: "If you want my life, you have to wait for the auction to end, right? Now the auction is not over, and I just paid 100 million. Please continue to bid!"

Wan Ting was very surprised. Mr. Jing Hai is not an ordinary person, even with the Song family backing, there is no guarantee that she can deal with Mr. Jing Hai.

But what did Ma Wen mean by offending Master Yu so much? Where does the confidence come from?

Dai Fu fell on the sofa and was shocked. He beat his heart, panting, and thinking: "It's over, this time is over. My son-in-law is over, and my family will be over."

Mr. Jing Hai's face was stiff, Ma Wen didn't put him in his eyes at all, these words were undoubtedly slapped him in the face!

However, Ma Wen was right. This was at the auction. If he wanted to get the clam, he had to continue bidding.

But, 100 million…

Who the hell can afford it?!

Everyone's eyes are on Master Yu, to see how he responds.

Mr. Jing Hai's face was green and white. But for that clam, he suppressed his anger and said in a low voice to Ma Wen:

"My friend, if I offended you just now, it was really unintentional, please forgive me."

"But this clam is really useful to me. Please raise your hand and let me give you a favor. My favor is more valuable than this clam!"

The cold light in his eyes flickered. This hairy boy dared to make himself so embarrassed. When this matter is over, he must kill him!

Ma Wen said faintly: "I'm sorry, I can use it to be useful, so I can't let you have it!"

"Moreover, I just said that you are a chicken bully in my eyes, and your favor is worthless to me!"

Mr. Jing Hai broke down!

He has only one thought now: When the auction ends, he will find a way to kill Ma Wen!

He must kill him!

Seeing that Mr. Jing Hai was counseled, the people at the scene couldn't help but sigh. They didn't expect that this young man had just gone all the way to the end. Even Mr. Jing Hai tasted his defeat!

With the final hammer drop of the auctioneer, Ma Wen finally succeeded in taking the finale of the clam at a price of 100 million.

Mr. Jing Hai was so angry that he glanced bitterly at Ma Wen, his face was green and he left the scene directly.

He wants to kill Ma Wen right now, but circumstances don't allow it. This matter will be solved slowly!

Looking at the back of Mr. Jing Hai leaving, Wan Ting reminded Ma Wen: "Mr. Jing Hai is not an ordinary person. I don't think he will give up and will definitely make trouble for you. You must be careful these days."

Ma Wen smiled and said: "I'm afraid he won't come!"

100 million smashed in and replaced it with a clam.

Everyone thought Ma Wen was crazy. But only Ma Wen know the true value of the clam.

On the way back, Ma Wen explained to Dai Fu about the auction. Indicating that the one hundred million was authorized by the Qin family, so that the Old Master could relax.

After arriving home, Ma Wen immediately began to study the clamshell while Yu Ying was still at work.

This clam is as big as a wheel. It has been cleaned up, and after a simple polishing, a golden-red smooth shell surface is revealed.

Ma Wen broke it into several pieces with a little effort.

He picked up a piece and looked at it.

Sure enough, three white beads were exposed in the thick shell.

This is the essence of clams. The three spirit obs.

The clam is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism, and the pearl of this clam is even more spiritual.

Only clams that have a life span of more than a hundred years will have them. They are formed by absorbing the essence of the ocean.

This is the best for refining, and it can only be met but not sought. Which is why Ma Wen willingly to spend 100 million to get it.

Ma Wen look at the three sea spirit orbs from the clams. He was quite satisfied.

Afterwards, Ma Wen took out the blood dragon wood. According to the method in the Nine Profound Heavenly Manual, he use his palm and transferred some spiritual energy to the blood dragon wood.

As soon as the spiritual energy entered it, it immediately elicited the strongest thunderous breath inside.

As soon as the clam encountered this thunderous breath, it burst out with a slight golden light, and quickly absorbed the essence.

Ma Wen picked up the clam and began to refine the magical artifact.

Soon, the clam gradually formed in his hands.

He took out the pearl necklace that he had bought at the auction today, and remove some pearls from it. Then he refined them with the spirit obs, and finally refined them into a bracelet.

The remaining clam shells are also top grade.

He took one of them, refined it into a shock talisman. Planning to take this to Qin Gang.

The shock talisman made with a clamshell shell blended with the thunderous breath is specializes in breaking the evil spirits. It is enough for the Qin family to deal with that evil spirit.

After finishing these refining, Ma Wen saw that there were still a lot of crustacean fragments left. Seeing that it was still early in the evening, he held the fragments with his hand and tried to refine a thunder order.

According to the records in the Nine Profound Heavenly Manual, this thunder order is a low-level magical weapon. It is mainly used to summon thunder and rain.

However, he added the thunder energy from the blood dragon wood which doubled its effect. It can be used to expel ghosts and suppress evil, as well as use as a weapon for attacking.