
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 103

Ma Wan then slowly raise his placard.

"1.1 million!"

"1.2 million!"

After several times back and forth, the price of Tian Huang Yu embryos has doubled, and under Ao Dong's deliberate bidding, it has soared to a sum of 2 million!

Many people present also saw that Ao Dong had begun to deliberately target Ma Wen again.

Everyone was waiting to watch another good show, so they stared at Ma Wen's hand.

Ma Wen slowly raised his placard again. But this time he said: "20 million!"

Damn it!

The scene is crazy!

2 million is called just now and now directly call to 20 million? It's the same pattern as before! He directly increased the call by ten times!

Ao Dong's face was extremely ugly at this time.

Is this Ma Wen dying or what? Even if he have lots of money, isn't that money is still money? How he could he have so much to just churn it all out leisurely? Won't he feel hurt at all?!

Although Ao Dong himself is a famous prodigal in Huadong. But even so, he is not willing to buy something for ten times the price!

He hesitated suddenly.

Do I follow or not?

If he follow, then he would have thrown away more than 18 million for nothing if Ma Wen did not follow after.

If he doesn't follow, he's afraid that Ma Wen will kill him, and all these people will laugh at him.

He has lost his face just now, and if Ma Wen takes it again this time, it would be really shameful to come out!

Thinking of this, Ao Dong gritted his teeth and blurted out: "I bid 20.1 million!"

There was an exclamation at the scene!

Ao Dong added 100,000!

This is a challenge!

Ma Wen smiled slightly at this time, and raised his hand again: "I give out 30 million!"


"This fucking crazy!!!"

"This buddy is too rigid!!!"

2 million to 20 million. Then it was increased to 20.1 million. And now directly increased to 30 million! Ma Wen's style of bidding scares everyone on scene.

Ao Dong also collapsed!

What is Ma Wen doing? Is he really so filthy rich? 30 million! One can buy 15 pieces of this jade! No matter who pays this price, it will still be a big taker!

Ma Wen asked Ao Dong again at this time: "Mr. Ao Dong, come on, continue!"

Ao Dong panicked.

30 million to buy a piece of jade, if he let his family know, he will die a thousand times!

He is even afraid of that sister Ao Xue will crippled him for life.

But, so many people are watching!

How to do it?!

Ao Dong's face was red and white.

The auctioneer bid: "30 million once!"

"30 million twice!"

The lively audience at the scene began to shout:

"Mr. Ao Dong, bid!"

"Mr. Ao Dong, you have to be strong!"

"Mr. Ao Dong, don't let us look down on you!"

"Mr. Ao Dong, are you a coward? You just pretended to be so forceful, and now you are afraid?"

Ma Wen said with a smile: "Mr. Ao Dong, if you don't bid, you will lose!"

Ao Dong was extremely eye-catching at this time. Everyone was waiting for him to call.

However he hesitated for a moment. And then finally his reason still defeated his impulse.

He said angrily: "I give up!"




"What a shame!"

"What a fucking coward!"

There was a burst of scolding, laughter and booing. Making Ao Dong lost his face yet again.

He even regretted coming out today. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so embarrassed by Ma Wen today.

Feeling extremely embarrassed, Ao Dong was very angry. He turned his head and saw Ma Wen's teasing eyes looking at him. He was even more furious.

He couldn't help rushing out of his private seats and walked to Ma Wen to question him.

"This rug Ye! Did you deliberately fix me?!"

Ma Wen slowly picked up water on the table, took a sip, and said, "No one is forcing you to bid against me. You are the one who insists on doing it yourself. If you lose, you become angry and wanted to teach me a lesson?"

Wan Ting on the side also said coldly: "Mr. Ao Dong, the auction rules are like this. If you want to win then you have to bid. Don't come to auction house if you can't afford it."

Ao Dong gritted his teeth with anger, but he didn't dare to offend Wan Ting.

"I'm not done with you!" Ao Dong pointed at Ma Wen fiercely with his hand, and returned to his seats angrily.

Ma Wen couldn't help but shook his head. With Ao Dong, the prodigal son, the Qin family thought it would be difficult.

Under everyone's gaze, Ma Wen continued to swipe the premium card to pay.

Anyway, it was Qin Gang's money. It didn't hurt him at all to spend it.

If Qin Gang knew that he had spent so much money because of the prodigal Ao Dong of their Qin family, what would his reaction be like?

That man might strap him up to relieve his anger?

This might really be interesting.

One hour later, when the auction was nearing completion.

During this period of time, Ao Dong didn't bid even once. He was probably afraid of Ma Wen.

At this moment, several waiters struggled to push a trolley onto the stage with a huge object on it.

Ma Wen suddenly held his breath and looked up to the stage.

He felt a strong aura!

At this moment, Mr. Jing Hai in the next private seats was also aware and shocked. He is staring intensely on the final lot.

This is the final treasure!

However, when Bao Feng Gui opened the curtain covering it, the crowd showed disappointment.

Because what was on the cart turned out to be a big, tattered reef with seaweed and dried shells attached to it.

There was a lot of discussion among audience, and they didn't understand why they regarded this broken stone as the finale.

At this time, Bao Feng Gui explained.

"Don't worry, everyone, this is the final product of this show. The natural clams!"

"This clam is naturally generated on the seafloor. It has been identified that the shellfish has been 100 years old and has been soaked on the seafloor for thousands of years after death. The shell has shown a natural pattern making it definitely a unique treasure."

After speaking, he ordered the courtesy lady to wipe off a piece for everyone to watch.

Sure enough, the exposed palm-sized area showed a transparent gold-red color like amber which was beautiful.

This time the venue was in a complete sensation.

"The price of crustaceans in the international auction ranges from 30,000 to 50,000, and the life span of shells is only 20 to 100 years. This clam has hundreds of years of age. It is not easy to find and it is definitely a treasure among the treasures. The best treasures."

"It is even more rare than it has slept on the seabed for thousands of years, the color is golden red and transparent. There is also a natural pattern. It can be said that it has an excellent meaning and is the top treasure among the clams."

"The starting price of this clam is 9 million."

The crowds began bidding frantically. Soon the price drove up to 12 million.

Many people retire when they knew the difficulties, but there are still people who know the values of the treasures are persevering.

At this moment, Mr. Jing Hai stood up and said loudly: "I'm bid 15 million!"

After speaking, he turned around and bowed his hands to everyone, smiling: "Dear friends, the reason I am here at this auction today is for this clam. Please give Jing Hai a little face and retreat. Later let Jing Hai a certain time, and I will give everyone a talisman as a gift of gratitude."

Most of the guests present were the bosses. Knowing the reputation of Mr. Jing Hai, they did not dare to offend casually.

If they don't retreat and insist to fight against Mr. Jing Hai, they can only make a fool of themselves.

Besides, by giving way to receive one 200,000 talisman, it is not in vain. So although many people are unhappy, they still choose to bear with it.

Although Bao Feng Gui's face remained silent, he was really unhappy in his heart.

Originally, the auction was for the higher bidder, but Mr. Jing Hai broke the rules.

If the 15 million were taken away by him, it wouldn't be a big deal for him to make less money, but after the news were spreads where Treasure Pavilion will kneel to the powerful people, the prestige of Treasure Pavilion in the industry will surely be damaged.

But Bao Feng Gui also knew that Mr. Jing Hai was very strong and very skilled, so he couldn't easily offend him. He could only silently give up.

Mr. Jing Hai was so proud that he couldn't hold back his excitement.

For this clam, he did not hesitate to fly to Huadong. After several setbacks, he finally got what he wanted!

What is a mere 15 million?

As long as this things get into his hands, he can definitely make a fortune!

Moreover, the scene was indeed silent. It seemed that he had made a move with Master stroke, and no one dared to bid with him!

This is face, this is majesty!

All over the country, who wouldn't give a bit of a thin face to Mr. Jing Hai?

It seems that this piece of crustacean feels like he has picked up a big leak of 15 million!

At this moment, a faint voice sounded again.

"I pay 30 million!"

As soon as this sound came out, the venue was quiet.

Everyone looked at the bidder in unison, with surprise in their hearts.

It's him again!

It was the young man in ordinary clothes. At first glance, there was nothing extraordinary, but the previous two bids with Ao Dong were impressive!

The point is that he bid sky-high prices twice and swiped his card for payment both times. It was so awesome!

However, no one thought that this guy would dare to challenge Mr. Jing Hai?

Mr. Jing Hai saw him at a glance, and his face suddenly sank.

At this time, Ao Dong stood up in shock and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Wan Ting didn't expect that Ma Wen would suddenly bid against with Mr. Jing Hai.

She only knew that Ma Wen had the ability to appraise treasures, but did not know how many assets Ma Wen had.

She couldn't help thinking to herself that she didn't even want to offend Master Jing Hai. Yet this Ma Wen, wouldn't he worry about Mr. Jing Hai's revenge?

It was Dai Fu who recovered first, and hurriedly pulled him: "Ma Wen, what are you doing, sit down!"

"Dad, I have a sense of measure."

Ma Wen turned his head and said lightly, then raised his head again, his eyes extremely calm.

"Ma Wen, what do you mean? You want to grab Master Jing Hai's stuff?" Ao Dong took the initiative and asked coldly.

Ma Wen smiled slightly: "This is an auction. Everyone can bid. How can you say that I am robbing others? You are an adult already, don't you understand the simple rules of auction?"

After speaking, Ma Wen sneered again: "You. You should just sit there and stop talking. Don't you feel ashamed after losing your face?"

When Ao Dong heard this, he was immediately embarrassed and immediately sat back with a guilty conscience and stopped speaking.

Mr. Jing Hai sullenly, staring at Ma Wen like an owl, coldly said: "It's you again! Do you know where I came from? Do you dare to snatch things from Jing Hai?"

Ma Wen sneered and asked him: "I care not what kind of chicken bully you are, I will snatch it from you today. What I want is what I will get!"