
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 105

As soon as he finished refining the thunder order, he heard movement from downstairs.

The wife is back.

Ma Wen hurriedly took the remaining shards of clams and hide it under the bed. Then he walked out of the bedroom with the newly made bracelet made refined from sea spirit orbs.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Yu Ying standing in the living room, talking helplessly to her mother, Yu La.

Ma Wen walked over and saw Yu La shaking her wrist. On her wrist, it was the jade bracelet that Qin Gang gave him.

Yu La said with joy: "Yu Ying, this bracelet is really good. When I wear it out, everyone praises it is a good thing. Not to mention it's really giving me a lots of face!"

Yu Ying said helplessly: "Mom, didn't Ma Wen leave this bracelet at home a few days ago? Why did you wear it without saying anything? I thought I lost it."

Yu La glared: "I'm your mother, what's wrong with wearing it?! Give me a few more days to wear it to go out and show off!"

Seeing the two mother and daughter arguing, Ma Wen hurriedly walked over and said helplessly as well: "Yu Ying, let mom wear it if she like it. I just made a new bracelet and I plan to give it to you.

"What bracelet?" Yu La grabbed it like a treasure.

But when she saw it was just a string of shell beads, she immediately handed it to Yu Ying out of anger: "It's this kind of worthless thing again."

Yu Ying took it, and put it on her hand naturally. She looked at it and said, "You made it yourself, right?"


Ma Wen nodded and said, "This shell pearl bracelet has the effect of calming the nerves and helps you sleep. It can also ward off evil and help you in self-defense. Today is a little too late, so it is relatively rough in shape. I will make you a better one when I have the opportunity in the future, and... "

Before he could finish speaking, Yu Ying smiled slightly: "Thank you, I like it very much."

"You like it!"

Ma Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

The jade necklace he gave to Yu Ying before was very precious, but Yu Ying didn't wear it much.

She usually likes to be plain. She doesn't care about gold and silver jewelry, so she doesn't like to wear accessories that are too showy.

However, Yu Ying seemed very pleased with this string of clam bracelets.

Seeing Yu Ying, Yu La seemed to dislike the broken bracelet very much, and muttered angrily: "It's neither gold nor jade, but a bunch of worthless shell pearls. What's the use?"

Ma Wen smiled, not arguing with her.

It's okay not to let Yu Ying know its value. Otherwise, if she knew that this magical weapon bracelet was sold, the rich bosses all around would at least be willing to bid more than a billion for it.

After giving the bracelet to Yu Ying, Ma Wen went downstairs. He found a courier in the same city, and mailed Qin Gang the shock talisman with the premium card together.

In this way, it can be regarded as a satisfactory explanation to him.

Meanwhile in Qin's family house.

Mr. Jing Hai was sitting on the Grand Master's chair in the main hall at this time, his face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

When he came to Huadong on this trip, his aimed was this clam. There are sea spirit orbs in it which are used to make magical artifacts. The value is immeasurable!

But he didn't expected that Ma Wen to kill his plans halfway, disrupt his plan, and make him gritted his teeth with hatred!

Ao Dong stood nearby, standing with his hands down.

The prestige of Xuan Ji Tang is relatively famous outside, and naturally the Qin family also recognizes Master Jing Hai, and they all stand aside respectfully.

Qin Gang smiled complimentarily: "I didn't expect Mr. Jing Hai to come to the humble house. Qin is really fortunate. I don't know what the purpose of Mr. Jing Hai's coming is?"

Mr. Jing Hai took a sip of tea unhurriedly, put the cup on the table, and said slowly.

"I ran into Mr. Ao Dong at the auction, and he invited me to show your family's fortune."

Qin Gang had been prepared to clean up Ao Dong, and see if he would dare to sneak out next time, but seeing that Ao Dong invited the famous Mr. Jing Hai, he put the pressure down.

"Mr. Jing Hai, please take your time!"

Mr. Jing Hai nodded and said, "If I'm not wrong, the Qin family has been in bad luck over the past two years. I am afraid that someone in the family has an ominous thing. There was a bloody disaster last year. As for this year."

After speaking, he looked around pretending to be mysterious, and sighed: "I think your Qin family's fortune has come to an end. If this continues, the Qin family will be ruined, and the family will be destroyed!"

As soon as Mr. Jing Hai finished speaking, Qin Gang paled, and quickly said respectfully: "Mr. Jing Hai, you are truly a master of Xuan Ji Tang. My Qin family is indeed in bad luck. Please help!"

Everyone in the Qin family was also surprised!

Mr. Jing Hai is really an expert, and he is right on spot!

Ma Wen hasn't replied yet, and Qin Gang has already waited impatiently.

But right now, the famous Mr. Jing Hai came to the door himself, he seemed to have caught the straw, and asked quickly: "Mr. Jing Hai, do you have a solution?"

"Of course there is a way."

Mr. Jing Hai said slowly, and suddenly frowned: "But I see your house, I am afraid that there has been a magical trick that confuses the people recently, which has broken the Feng Shui and hastened the demise of the Qin family. If you let it continue to harm you, I am afraid that your Qin will all die within half a year!"

"What is it?"

Qin Gang was stunned for a while.

Ma Wen was the only one who showed Feng Shui to the Qin family recently.

Qin Gang was extremely convinced by Ma Wen, and quickly said: "Mr. Jin Hai, can you read it wrong? There was indeed a Mr. Ma Wen who helped me resolve it, but his methods are very useful, and it should not be a magic trick."

Mr. Jing Hai snorted coldly and shouted: "A person who pretends to be a ghost is the best at deceiving an ignorant person. If you are willing to believe him, just let me go!"

"Mr. Jing Hai, please stayed." Qin Gang panicked, and quickly stopped: "Please enlighten me, Mr. Jing Hai, what is wrong with Mr. Ye's method?"

Without raising his head, Mr. Jing Hai reached out and pointed to the central room: "You bring a bowl of water."

Qin Gang quickly ordered someone to bring a bowl of clear water.

Mr. Jing Hai took the clear water to read a word, melted a few talisman on the water, and then flicked the water on Qin Gang's eyelids.

Qin had just opened his eyes, and suddenly he was terrified and backed away.

"Mr. Jing Hai, this… What is this?!"

He suddenly saw a strange layer of black smoke on his house!

Moreover, on the heads of the Qin family, there were wisps of gray lifeless air, and the faces of the people were pale, just like a group of zombies.

Mr. Jing Hai snorted: "I opened the eyes of the sky to you. What you see is Yin Qi, but your family members are all under danger and will die soon."

Qin Gang was so frightened that he fell into a chair and muttered, "What can I do about this?"

"It's okay, if I come here today, it can be regarded as destined for you."

Mr. Jing Hai took out a safety talisman and handed it to a member of the Qin clan.

Qin Gang suddenly saw that this safety talisman glowed with a faint golden light, and the golden light immediately diminished the death spirit on the head of the tribe.

Mr. Jing Hai flicked his hand in front of Qin Gang, and everything Qin Gang saw suddenly disappeared and returned to its original state.

"This, this…" Qin Gang was in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Jing Hai is really a god! Please save my Qin family, I am willing to pay no matter how much money."

"Save a life and win a seventh-level pagoda. I came here today for this."

As Mr. Jing Hai said, he took out dozens of safety talisman and handed them over: "If you order your people to carry these with them, it will naturally resolve the bad luck."

Qin Gang took it gratefully and hesitated: "Mr. Jing Hai, I wonder how much does this thing worth?"

Mr. Jing Hai waved his hand: "Resolving bad luck is also a merit. I don't accept any money. But if there is a magic trick to coax you and let you spend a lot of money to buy a magical weapon, you must not charge it."

Ao Dong next to him couldn't help saying, "Second Uncle, I've said Ma Wen is a liar! He took the money from our house and didn't know where he was going to spend it! You must chase the money back, otherwise you will sue him. A fraud! Let him live his life in prison!"

Ao Xue frowned, thinking, not knowing why, but she felt that Mr. Jing Hai looked more like a liar.

That Ma Wen, apart from being a bit bad and having no IQ at all, he didn't seem so bad, and in many cases, he could give people a feeling of inscrutable depth, like a deep pool of nowhere. The bottom of the lake or a deep ocean trench.

"You shut up!" Qin Gang glared at Ao Dong, then turned and respectfully said to Mr. Jing Hai: "Thank you for your advice, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

Mr. Jing Hai nodded meaningfully, got up and left.

As soon as Mr. Jing Hai left, Ao Dong immediately said: "Second Uncle, Mr. Jing Hai is a well-known master of Xuan Ji Tang. How can a liar like Ma Wen can be compare to him? This time, Mr. Jing Hai will solve all the problems in our family. It doesn't cost a penny!"

"Mr. Jing Hai didn't charge any money, but Ma Wen cheated our family a lot of money. He spent 100 million and took a piece of a broken shell. This is a scam! You are too naive, how can you give him so much money? If this spreads out, wont' the people in Huadong call us Qin family fools?"

Qin Gang was silent, but his face was already suspicious.

Mr. Jing Hai's reputation is indeed very strong, and the things that Mr. Jing Hai just let himself see are vivid, and he have to be believed.

More importantly, Mr. Jing Hai did not take a cent, while Ma Wen spent more than 100 million on the auction.

The more such a comparison, the more he felt that Ma Wen might be something wrong!

At this moment, a housekeeper of the Qin family knocked on the door, and only stepped in after getting permission from Qin Gang.

"Mr. Qin, there is your express delivery."

After speaking, he handed over a paper box.

Qin Gang frowned, and after unpacking the paper box, he found a token lying quietly inside.

Looking closely at this token, it seems that it is only a thin piece, only the size of a matchbox, worn with a cheap red string, and it looks exactly like the stalls in tourist attractions.

Qin Gang looked at the sender and saw that the word Ma Wen was written on it.

Looking at the remarks, there are only a few words written on it: "Shock talisman. Hang in the main hall to break the evil!"