
Rifted! Champions chosen to be Deities! (Leroy)

Another Champion gets sent to the Afterlife despite his "Spiritual brother's Machinations" to prevent his sending. However, it was done illegally by the Backdoor Afterlife Terminal, a Pseduo Deity that wanted to grow stronger before it was eliminated. Dimension Collapses are bad, the various Pantheons agree upon that. However, Champions are needed to specifically prevent certain Dimensional Collapses. To raise these Champions it is up to Pantheons to go about making deals and arrangements to send them to the Afterlife first. The process takes a lot longer when it is done illegally, and most take their own lives before finishing due to the pressure. From the African Pantheon, the Man-God Sango has made his move to find out what happen to one of his future Champions. Only time will tell if the Man-God will make it or not.

FrozenTidez · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Month 3 Week 1 Academy Part 18 Dealing and Wheeling

Another Offer-


Leroy and Tang Bo just finished talking. Oddly enough Tang Bo was able to hold onto the Qi Refining 3rd Rank by taking a few Qi Peplinshment Pills he had. Having circulated his qi despite his injuries helped the lighting heal him more. But it did not allow him to increase in strength from the excess. Every bit of effort was used instead to heal physically.

As if acting to his will in a way, the Lighting followed any area that Leroy touched to repair. It was like having the best tools available to assist and to help with the more difficult portions that required a fine surgical instrument.

During this time, a few half-baked plans were formed on how to deal with the developing situation. Tang Bo would be a nice surprise for those who wanted to kill anyone. Especially the person who attacked him last night.

But the information Tang Bo shared about a demonic beast of sorts attacking him as well made the situation change a little. From the information, Leroy was reminded about Pen Feng and his instigating earlier. With the provocation and the attack, several people would begin to panic if someone would stroke the flames in either direction.

Tang Bo sat up despite Leroy's advice to stay down. Right as Jasmine stepped into the tent unannounced at that. A slight panic look on her face. She was aware someone was tailing her a bit through the night and morning.

"You need to learn how to knock." Leroy said tersely. His attention was more on the person that stalked her from a distance than on her actually. Spatial Sense was going to take some time to get used to with expanding recon field. Jasmine barely gave Tang Bo a once over before staring at Leroy. "Well hurry up and speak."

"Humph! Give me a moment!" Jasmine said frustrated. She was mostly upset that someone stalked her during everything that was going on. Momentarily distracting her from the questions she was putting together to ask Leroy. "You are the first to talk to me like this."

"Eh, I will not be the last considering your erratic mental state at times. Puperty is really dangerous at your age. Considering you are a Beast Martial Artist as well.." Leroy moved to get some clothes to help disguise Tang Bo. Not minding the angry little beast girl in the room. Tang Bo wanted to be anywhere but here at the moment. "..you must be an absolute wreck. Not to mention female intrigue over the Victoria bitch and foolish Chu Xue."

His distaste for Victroia was quite evident. Considering what happened with them recently, Jasmine chalked it up to that. A knock on the tent was followed by Tang Xui coming in in a hurry. The other members were told to stick together and move independently if the situation call for it.

The input given by Jasmine helped Leroy to fix some of his quick-made plans. Tang Bo listens in adding only a little bit himself. He was surprised how his cousin Tang Xui talked so easily with the daughter of the North Kingdom.

It was agreed they would keep quiet that Tang Bo survived his wounds. Jasmine did not believe it completely of course that a Demon Beast cause that damage. Her teacher was the principal of the Akademy after all and no creature that acted like that was around to cause those wounds and leave the other alive.

She left to confirm her own suspicions after the coast was clear.

Tang Bo focused on recovering more and Leroy crashed for the remainder of the day.Equal parts exhaustion from the surgery as well as the pain from the previous incident.

One thing he did find out was that the Connection that appeared in the Screen window was due to Tang Bo after he focused on the other. Thinking about the Old Tiger he was able to get a fell for its general position but nothing like before. Focusing on the other gave the general direction it was somewhere in the Forest heading this way.

The only time he got up was to help Tang Xui with something.

Tang Xui asked Leroy for some help with a small pain in her shoulder. Injecting some Qi in a massage method solved it with no problem. Her cultivation was not damaged and in fact, it approved a little.

Since Leroy had used his Flame Vortex Core Qi just then on Tang Xui it created a connection of sorts. To what extent he had no idea besides it helping to increase the quality of one's qi. But not without great pain. It was a lesser effect of how the Flame Vortex Qi worked on his Dantian in making changes.

"Much better, my Qi passageways feel better as well, thanks." Leaning back a little, she bumped into Leroy before leaning forward in haste. "Sorry about that, thought you moved away! How the hell do you control your breathing like that?" The teen was flustered but calmed herself pretty quickly since Leroy didn't make a fuss.

"Meditation that is meant for Body Control for one and.. lots of training. Your muscles have developed nicely, I am seeing definitive results from the Body Tempering you are doing. Even though most do not do so after breaking into the Qi Refining Realm you see the benefits it brings."

"Yes, it also made it easier to manage my Qi and use certain techniques. But without the Amp Flower it is really hard to push it further. My Blood Qi is much more vigorous and I recover quicker but..." Tang Xui wondered how long it would take if she abolished her cultivation and start fresh in the Body Tempering Realm. "..there is an obvious loss from not painstakingly building my Cultivation Base into the Qi Refining Realm before."

"Hmm, you have all the noted and methods I gave you, nothing is stopping you from starting fresh." Taking out a Qi Stone that he inscribed with the Flame Vortex Core Qi, and placed a Formation of the Flmaelighting Qi on the outside to keep it contained, he passed it over. "This is a prototype, if what I think is correct, Qi Stones will become really important to CUltivators who want to fix their problems."

Taking the Inscribes Stone, Tang Xui placed it away as she thought the matters over once more. She had the resources and the help and support to do so. Her father already told her she does not have to worry about the Tang Family to much. With Tang Xuan and a few others really close to her, she had a decision to make.. and soon.

*Rumble! Rumble!* The ground started to shake crazily a fw minutes later. People started screaming about a Demon Beast stampede was happening and started running for their lives.

Leroy got up looking at Tang Bo and Tang Xui who looked conflicted. The trio already agreed on the next course of action if something major happened. The Champion couldn't tell the latter he knew a few patrols had arrived in the Test area.

He lacked evidence and only knew because of the Demon Beasts that was refined into the Flame Vortex when he headed back before. The information had come in stronger since he woke up with a clearer understanding on what he could do with the Internal Space.

Tang Xui left to go and keep the Clear Tang Family members together before it was to late. She agreed to look out for those from the Town Leroy came from as well. As soon as she left the Champion made a move.

*Woosh!* Tang Bo broke down into qi and was placed inside Leroy's Internal Space. Having tested the effects was ok if the person was conscious. Meditating helped keep the consumption down a good bit.

Tang Bo just had to keep a stable mind. Which was good to help deal with his personality. It was better than dying or people finding out he was alive just yet. It would ruin a few plans they made.

Inside the Old Tiger Bihan looked at the newcomer with great interest. Unlike itself which was a fragment of a Soul, this person was a living breathing individual. However, they had to take special means to survive while the old tiger just had to keep from getting sucked into the Flame Vortex high above.

Leroy left his tent to head into the woods. Considering some students and teachers would be killed during the ensuing chaos, it was best to get away from camp right now and regroup later. That was the plan anyway.

As he moved, he heard a few voices that were right on time for some events.

"Run!" A student yelled at a fat student next to him. "It's really bad back there!" They were referring to the wave of Demon Beasts already causing trouble. Following behind the two were a few more students running.

They passed by Chu Xue who just came out from cultivating a little. His first response not containing any concern for himself.

"I wonder what happened to senior sister Victoria and the rest?" His eyes turned to a mountain pass in a distance as shaking ensued once more. "Landslide!? No... Demon Stampede!" He took off in a sprint to look for his friends. "Damn it, this is troublesome!"

The first tent he checked was Pin Feng's. Panic took him after not finding anyone he knew.

'This guy really cares about that boyfriend of his.' Leroy thought as he perched in a tree. Using Spatial Sense as best he could, he searched for other students that could be helped. Jasmine's job was to also round up students as best she could to prevent casualties. 'Good way to help build respect from the Commoners is to show you care about them little beastie girl.'

As low-level Demon Beasts got into range, Leroy started sending out Qi Flame Darts that incased rocks. The numbers were high but easy to thin since the Demon Beasts were mostly in the Body Tempering Realm with one or two at the of level Qi Refining Realm.

The Flame Darts exploded, sending shards everywhere. Making the Demon Beast agitated and wild as they bumped and killed each other in the stampede.

As the students continued to panic and moved about Jasmine caught on to the fact this was too chaotic. Almost as if it was planned with the Demon Beasts having various marks that caused pain to the rear end but were not life-threatening...

The teachers were nowhere to be found as well. The students lacked proper leadership and anyone one to lead them for a counterattack against Demon Beasts they could beat easily.

'He said something like this would happen! They are so unorganized!' Jasmine thought about the teachers to herself while moving to help. She was experiencing firsthand what a little discord could do to people who were not ready. Especially if someone they trust led them astray beforehand. She shook her head chalking it up to coincidence for now. 'No way is he right about everything! I need to get a handle on some of these students!'

Rallying was not her forte at all. Besides Victoria who she couldn't find at the time, her people skills were lacking. The North Princess had much to learn about being a leader it seemed.

Leroy turned to the first set of students that made it far away from camp towards his tree. As soon as they darted off in a different direction that left the camp area, he stopped attacking and went to head that way.

Jasmine roused the students up and headed to get somewhere safer once it was clear no one else would fight. Unaware a traitor was in their group that kept everyone scared. The bribe received from his benefactor was to enticing to miss despite the fact it involved the North Kingdom Princess.

Status: Leroy Agu Shentai

Health: 85 Qi: 285

Power: 15 Defense: 16

Willpower: 25 Intellect: 26

Connection: 3

Flame Vortex: Qi Refining Rank III


Flamelighting Martial Arts: Qi Refining Rank IV(Damaged)

Metal Seed: Tech Lvl 2

Fire-Lighting Body: Tech Lvl 2

Spatial Sense: Tech Lvl 1

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