
Rifted! Champions chosen to be Deities! (Leroy)

Another Champion gets sent to the Afterlife despite his "Spiritual brother's Machinations" to prevent his sending. However, it was done illegally by the Backdoor Afterlife Terminal, a Pseduo Deity that wanted to grow stronger before it was eliminated. Dimension Collapses are bad, the various Pantheons agree upon that. However, Champions are needed to specifically prevent certain Dimensional Collapses. To raise these Champions it is up to Pantheons to go about making deals and arrangements to send them to the Afterlife first. The process takes a lot longer when it is done illegally, and most take their own lives before finishing due to the pressure. From the African Pantheon, the Man-God Sango has made his move to find out what happen to one of his future Champions. Only time will tell if the Man-God will make it or not.

FrozenTidez · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Month 3 Week 1 Academy Part 17 Recovering



After a few painstaking hours, Leroy found some answers. The Monument was trying to remove his cultivation entirely and replace his Dantian. But it was also changing it into that of a Life Martial Artist. But it showed a type of conflict with the Flame Vortex Core Qi on further inspection.

The Life Qi slowed down the conversion method that the Flame Vortex Core did. The only thing that helped was the use of the Spatial Sense manual to drive out the Life Qi. And that almost led to Leroy destroying his body from the inside out from the rampant energy produced in the conflict.

'Ok, that Monument's Life Qi is way different than the shit I have come across so far.' Leroy thought things over as he moved back to camp. He wanted to get at least a few winks of sleep in to help relax his mind. 'Way more violent than Chu Xue's Life Qi and Victoria's Qi Flame Qi and my current Flame Vortex Core Qi can't catch up on its own.'

*Crack!* The sound of something giving way echoed out from inside his body. Another hardened-like substance that engulfed his Dantian had broken away. With a circulation of his Core Qi, it was grounded away and used to strengthen his passageways.

Rebuilding his Flamelighting Martial Arts Dantian backup was easy to compare to first establishing it. Since the quality was not as bad as the first time. Tempered by the Flame Vortex Core Qi not only once but twice now. As well as battling against the Antlife Qi that was released would make it way more durable.

"Now time for some good.. old.. rest.." Leroy's voice droned out as he realized he was surrounded. Despite controlling his qi as best he could, some Demonic Beast had felt the change and smelled the blood. "Guess sleep will have to wait for a little more then."

Leroy was going to show no mercy in fighting the Demonic Beast that attacked him. Each one defeated would be added for a test later as well as something else he had to prepare for. he also really needed to stockpile some food!

Those part of the rebellion and noble faction would have cried tears of blood if they knew a perfect chance was missed to take Leroy out. But no one really knew he left the camp that night.

Hours of fighting was good to relieve stress.

Leroy was exhausted even after waking up after getting back. Angered still about the events previously but putting them away for a later time when he is bored and in reflection. Or just feeling stupid and tired of living would he go back to the Monument.

To give up his cultivation to become a Life Martial Artist cultivator would just be stupid. But if he was needing a completely new identity that would work.

The noise outside made it impossible to get another few winks in of sleep really. Freshening up, he moved outside to see what was going on.

A few students and the traitor teacher were gathered around a hole. Victoria pulled Chu Xue over to see in a rush. Whispering a few things to him as they moved. The Duo main character Halo was strong with the two.

The student Pin Feng oddly enough was know where to be seen at this time. Which was odd considering the events from before had him involved heavily.

A student near teacher Chan-Yeol could be heard despite speaking lowly.

"We already sent people to notify the Vice-Principal, he should be arriving this afternoon." A student aid said quickly. Hoping this would make the situation a little better.

"This is a serious matter, it's vital that we find the "Murderer," otherwise it will be difficult to locate the perpetrator!" Teacher Chan-Yeol said. Trying to be righteous but a small wince gave away something else. He was injured somehow and a few students couldn't remember that happening when they were doing the tests. 'To think he gave me such trouble last night, but the wound should heal fast enough to prevent any other trouble! The plan must not fail!'

He turned seeing Leroy looking somewhat haggard. Not knowing it was from the excursion he took a few hours ago. Maybe the wound from Victoria really did injure him. Chalking it up to another student might have attacked him and he was too scared to say anything.

"Tang Xui, you can rest assured, we'll find who is responsible."

Chan-Yeol was ignored as the Tang members were looking at Leroy who went into the hole and picked up Tang Bo by the back supporting him. His hand moved to check for spinal injuries then for his pulse and breath.

"He is..."

"He is on the border of death, won't be long now." Leroy said grimly. Surprisingly enough he was feeling bad somewhat. But only because of the memories that rose to the surface. Tang Bo was one of the few people that was decent with him in regard to discussing cultivation. Before the Tang family nonsense got in the way with Qi Deviation. "Never really had a chance to be your own man. At least I can make this easier for you somewhat."

"I can try to heal him." Chu Xue offered. A few looked at him oddly. The fact he offered to help the Tang Family despite everything that happened to his own family by Nobility was weird. A lot of gossip was starting to float around about the young man. Mostly due to Pin Feng's efforts. Tang Xui gave him a slight glare in response. "You don't have to worry about owing me a favor, this and that are two different things."

"I don't think you can heal these wounds. They look too devastating!" Victoria protested. She was worried this level of healing would have adverse effects on him. As well as other matters, such as not healing someone you just argued against. 'If he saved Tang Bo, it would just upset whoever was responsible for this. Chu Xue should have kept it under wraps that he could heal people who had grievous injuries.'

"She is right, besides.." Leroy walked forward towards his tent. "..I don't want people getting the wrong idea. Considering everything that happened. I will make sure he is comfortable at least." He stopped after thinking it over a little to add a little tidbit. "The quarrel between Tang Bo and the Commoners Union... is known to everyone really. Any one of them could have had the motive to kill him. I for one do not think you were involved, but that does not mean others won't. Life Martial Artists have all sorts of techniques after all to take one's life while healing, be careful brat."

A Tang family member thought this was odd and knew Tang Bo would be in trouble when getting back to the Family, if he survived that is. After all, unlike Tang Xui, he was not a branch member of the family. So the fault of the death can be found with others as lackeys.

Which really ticked them off now that they thought about it.

Not their fault the young master was an idiot.

"It can not end like this." The Tang member muttered. "I will not let it end like this!" The twisted look on his face as he looked around unnerved a few people.

"Hmm?" Victoria looked at the family lackey and had a bad feeling. Jasmine moved over to her side having come to see the commotion. Before she could talk to her friend, her outburst made her pause. "I was with Chu Xue last night. So he was not involved in the matter."

"Aren't you.." The lackey was about to give a rebuttal but Jasmine gave him a look to shut his mouth. He turned around quietly and thought of other ways to save his life. 'These meddlesome bitches! I am a dead man at this rate! Not to mention the others who won't even be able to run away far!'

Before it could become more troublesome, teacher Chan-Yeol spoke up.

"Tang Bo most likely was injured in a Demonic Beast attack!" He was covering his tracks seeing as Leroy took away the body and all. Best to sow the idea in their young minds now. Before it was too late anyway. "Do your best to not move alone for now."

"Ah, so a dangerous beast was here!" A Tang Family lackey jumped on the fastest method to help keep him safe.

"This is quite serious, for all I know... we could all be in danger!" Another Noble student said fearfully. As discussions broke out, the student that made the announcement before had returned.

"Hum?" Teacher Chan-Yeol turned to the student. Already mindful of what he would say. "How come you're back this soon? Did you speak with the Vie-Principal already? Why are you by yourself?"

"No... no good!" The student said out of breath. A lot of the students were out of shape despite being a martial artist. Having spent more time using qi for everything instead of their actual body strength. He leaned in and whispered what happened. "and..."

"What!?" Chan-Yeol said in a shout. He lifted the student up into the air furious. It was all an act that fooled the students present easily enough. Chu Xue and Victoria believed everything easily by the looks of it. Only Jasmine had a flash of doubt. "So the walkway is.."

"Yes, it's been ruined!" The student grabbed the arm to relieve some of the pressure. Slightly scared the teacher might injure him by mistake. "Let.. me.. go!" He smacked the arm and wiggled more.

"Sorry, I got a bit excited!" Teacher Chan-Yeol dropped the student but didn't look sorry at all. He turned to the students looking slightly troubled. "What a mess, things have gotten a little serious. The protection of the students is now the most important matter!"

"We should find another way out of here!" A student said fearfully.

"Maybe if we get everyone together and build a makeshift bridge someone can hurry up and get help?" Another student said. They all started throwing out ideas and getting rowdier.

"Enough!" Teacher Chan-Yeol needed to get control of the situation. "Altogether, we have six teachers, so each teacher will be responsible for 5-6 students when taking bathroom breaks or going to gather food. Organize into teams yourself!" He let that sink in which went against the idea of keeping everyone safe really. "Our priority is to ensure the students all make it back!"

As the students started to break into teams, Leroy had made preparations in his tent on other matters. He would be surprised by the idea of someone later that would approach him. Someone had been looking into matters based on rumors involving him of all people.


Tent a makeshift Surgery Room-


Leroy checked the body of Tang Bo over. The more he examined the more he found himself stumped the boy was still alive. By all accounts, he should be dead with the level of cultivation he had. Placing his hand over the head and heart, he tried to connect with him using Spatial Sense.

Inside Tang Bo's Mental Scape, it was a mess. Shifting scenes of abuse of all kinds were everywhere from older siblings. To say he saw stuff, was an understatement that no child should see. Well according to Psychologists and Psychotherapists anyway.

Moving to the area of the Dantian, Leroy observed how dim it looked.

"Didn't know he was able to break into the Qi Refining in such a state.. But man he is really at the end of the line." Leroy was about to pull away but a small flux alerted him to something. "Hmm, lighting?!"

*Bzzt!* The lighting circled around the damaged Dantian. Each area it passed over caused it to heal Tang Bo somewhat. As the area darkened more, the Dantian shrunk a little. Reflecting that he dropped down a rank.

*BBBZZZTTT!* The lighting had devoured the Qi and the Cultivation in the process. The wounds healed quicker around the mind as well as throughout the body's critical locations.

Leroy was unaware but the process was speeding up due to him being in the vicinity. As well as him connecting with Tang Bo right now. At this rate, the young Tang member would be out of the critical zone and stable at least.

Leroy did not need people thinking he had some miracle healing ability or worse. A treasure that could heal someone from fatal wounds.

"How the heck am I going to explain this?" Leroy muttered as his head started to throb. Unaware that Tang Bo had enough wits about him to move. His eyes opened weakly at the other. "This lighting feels like my Qi, so how did he get it?"

"Your lighting?" Tang Bo asked weakly. Almost causing Leroy to jump as the Champion didn't feel anyone approaching. He couldn't sense that Tang Bo woke up either. Which made sense considering the situation. "What is going on?"

"Well... let's see." Leroy calmed himself as he thought about how to explain to a patient what condition they were in without giving said patient was alive because of him. But he had no idea off the bat. "How about you tell me what happened to you first." As he stopped using Astral Sense, he noticed the damage to Tang Bo was still heavy. 'Stable he may be in a bit, but I doubt he stays at the current Rank he just dropped to. This is barely better than the Qi Deviation that he suffered from.'

As the two conversed under whispers, some people were up to no good once more. Jasmine was making her way toward Leroy's tent wanting to check with him about something she heard. A cloaked figure was hidden in the woods watching her every move.

Despite the current situation, plans were still in motion involving her.

Leroy still had a damaged Dantian that was painstakingly hard to fix. As he talked to Tang Bo he went about fixing the various injuries. One to keep the boy alive as a trump card and two to help him understand what was going within.

Status: Leroy Agu Shentai

Health: 85 Qi: 285

Power: 15 Defense: 16

Willpower: 25 Intellect: 26

Connection: 3

Flame Vortex: Qi Refining Rank III


Flamelighting Martial Arts: Qi Refining Rank IV(Damaged)

Metal Seed: Tech Lvl 2

Fire-Lighting Body: Tech Lvl 2

Spatial Sense: Tech Lvl 1

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