
Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood

Star Wars/D&D SI theirishdreamer Posting this here because most of the Star Wars stories end up with harems and turn to crp or get so blown out of proportion from powers/system etc. Thought it would be nice to have some decent SW's reading material here. Originally posted on Spacebattles

Brezer · Movies
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40 Chs

01.24 : The Light Begins to Dim

[21 BBY]

[Asteroid-field, Rodia System]













[21 BBY]

[Asteroid-field, Rodia System]




////Signal Lost////


[21 BBY]

[Outer System Asteroid-field, Rodia System]









[21 BBY]

[Data-Centre, Magic-Mountain Facility, **Classified** Location, **Classified** System, 14th Sector Army, Outer Rim]

"....it's confirmed by Deep-dive, we've lost six of the forward observation droids. All, bar one, the important ones from the Argosy Report to Republic Intelligence....it's very clear the Separatist intelligence has made breakthroughs in either the GAR High Command, the Supreme Chancellors Office, or the highest levels of Senate Oversight. Oh, it looks like an accidently discovery by more active scans, but the systems and backups we never mentioned haven't been touched. They are attempting to hide this fleet movement from us Sir"

'Colonel' Arthas wasn't overly fond of Twi'leks, or aliens in general, but he'd been working intelligence long enough for the Ailon Nova Guard to know such things were a weakness. So when his people reported he listened calmly, took their advice, and supported their initiatives regards of species so long as they were well thought out. 'Major' Slythanas had at least had planetary militia training prior to the war, and had watched the Hutts as planetary security; listening to her seemed to have proven correct as Generals Yanthis and the Aegis Guard's Stormcrow had feared. He nodded, then replied after a moment's thought.

"Yes, rather poorly at that, but Clone Intelligence, therefore Republic Intelligence, is not great when it comes for believing partial reports. Unfortunately it means our foes will now be aware that we are aware of their fleet movements, even if we are not supposed to be aware of it"

The blue skinned alien in her Republic military uniform nodded, hands behind her back and at good solid military attention "Yes Sir, it was rather clumsy on their part...."

He shook his hand "Droids, blunt instruments. I expect whoever leaked was subtle, but the implementation was a ronko in a glass shop"

"Do we inform Republic Intelligence Colonel?"

"No, that decision lays with the Generals, but I would be very doubtful considering the distrust they have shown towards elements of the GAR's intelligence gathering apparatus"

It wasn't strange after all, all the larger mercenary groups maintained their own information networks, or discovered things through various back channels. Republic Intelligence was too....neat....at times for his liking, either shockingly accurate or cataclysmically wrong; often disregarding local sector information for 'grand strategy' decisions. The Jedi and Senate at fault there he knew, attempting to fight a war from their comfortable seats by the one as the other relied too much on their magic powers. Something that bled over into the former Judicials as the best officers from that service ended up in the Republic Navy....under Jedi command to his and his General's annoyance....


[21 BBY]

[Republic Aegis Guard Venator-class Star Destroyer The Necromancer, In Orbit Ryloth, 14th Sector Army]

Tight beam, secure lines, were the only way we could safely talk to each other as I stood gazing the three avatars of my colleagues in the Sector Army appeared from the own ships from within the system. A little bit paranoid on my part I expect the others thought, but that had been a subtle view for several months now as I helped create our nascent intelligence network with General Yanthis. Somewhat vindicated right now as we relieved the information provided by our Sector scouting and what our superiors all the way back in Coruscant were trying to tell us.

"There definitely reinforcing opposite our Sector, whatever those idiots back in the Senate think...." I stated with Yanthis's avatar nodding as I spoke "...they're going to strike, either during the relief operation, or immediately afterwards. What's worse they've got to know we know, since Coruscant couldn't keep a secret to save their lives, and likely know the plans for Christophsis as well"

"Meaning the whole thing could be a complete disaster" Yanthis finished "...especially if they wait till the Republic forces entrenched there are allowed to pull out into space, and then catch them in orbit or when they pull away from somewhere to crash land"

General Geen's hologram aboard his, actually fully functional compared to mine, Venator waved his hand in a tired gesture "Yes, Yes, I know....but we have little choice but proceed with the operation. Orders from the highest levels of the GAR, and with strong backing from the Senate Oversight Committee....so we go ahead with the operation as ordered...."

He paused, appearing to sigh and rub at the bridge of his nose "...but, you are all correct as well. There are serious security breaches here, even beyond our dear Daron's usual levels of concern on spies and leaks. Operation Silent Shadow will go ahead as ordered yes, but we make preparations of our own for....secondary and subsidiary operations that enable us to carry out our orders. Rahm you will form up your forces in the Arkanis system, outside the jump limit to Christophsis will I and Vladimir jump into the system along with the 4th Mobile Army. In preparation for this we will mine the hyper-lane, won't do more than delay a serious force but it will allow us the ability to retreat and reform since they will, unfortunately, know where we are going to fall back too"

General Geen motioned at me "Daron, you are to get your forces to full readiness, you have permission to draw upon any of the ready vessels in the Reserve but don't bring them in system. Have them ready to deploy....and you are to maintain inactive status on the Star Destroyer as well in case anyone is watching. It's under repair and not combat worthy"

I shrugged "It technically isn't, so it's not total lie to the Core, since she can't launch star fighters and the hyperdrive's still pretty beat up"

"Your turbolaser batteries are fully functional?"

"Yes, though it's something a kluge from robbing that Lucrehulk and those Lupus-class General Kota took out last month. Command and control are fully up to standard though, same with sensors and fire-control"

It was the only reason I was being let near the second Venator-class; because it was beaten to all hell, and we'd been force to take shortcuts to get her operational. Shortcuts such as the aircraft carrier element of the Venator, a big part of the design, being essentially defunct at the moment – not that it should matter too much in defending Ryloth as we had large squadrons planet side, and the Scarab droid-ones looted from the Separatists. Everything had been a desperate effort these past long weeks....made even more-so by persuading my superior to maintain operational security from the idiots the future emperor was manipulating.

"That will be sufficient, it will have to be I'm afraid..." he replied still the glowing holographic avatar of weary calm "...as we can't afford to draw in the escort squadrons from the convoys on the suspicion of a major offensive. It does no good to defend against one threat while losing ground against another. Though, unfortunately yet again, it seems maintaining operational independence has been justified by recent events....I want fall back options present by all of you within the next four hours. Time is against us my fellow soldiers..."


[21 BBY]

[Republic Navy Venator-class Star Destroyer Selfless, Exiting Hyperspace, Christophsis System]

"All systems green General..." Locus Geen heard his Executive Officer, a young human from the Mid-Rim as he'd been forced to distribute a number of the Clones to other ships they'd refitted and crewed to bring up efficiency "...evacuations have already begun on the planet?"

"The Separatist Fleet?" he queried watching the tactical display as the young officer spoke over the communications-set around his head. There was no sign of the blockade fleet under Admiral Trench, nor the forces his scouting units had reported, and his slicers had been tracking by the CIS transmissions to control their fleets;- a weakness of their droid heavy forces.

"Has engaged the forces assigned to the spoiling attack on Ando.....the remaining picket of a Munificent and two Lupus-class with droid-fighter escort has been eliminated already according to General Tiin's flagship. Evacuations are underway"

Locus frowned slightly at that. They'd rushed in before his forces had arrived...beneficial as they were ahead of schedule and perhaps sensed an opportunity, but he disliked such deviations in plans with divided forces as the Republic brought to the sabbac table at the moment "Understood. Launch all fighters, hold position just outside the hyper limit to Arkanis unless the Jedi or Senator request otherwise. Confirm with the Relief Force."

"Understood, Sir"

His previous flagship, the Acclamator Majestic, was ready to be loaded but that was a reserve should the Relief Force be seriously damaged. Not a problem at the moment as there was far less opposition than expected, and the tactical display was now showing the data transmitted by the already in-system fleet under the Jedi Generals command. Something that unnerved him in the pit of his stomach....

'The enemy know the outline of this plan....so why are they letting us get away with this?' he mused sitting calmly and projecting an aura of certainty despite the unease at only instincts '....or at least we are fairly damn certain they know if they knew about that selectively edited report I submitted on our ready status'

"Any reports from other systems?" he asked as time passed by in a slow eternity as the evacuation continued on the planet and his fleet sat waiting at full alert further out "...nothing from Ryloth, Arkanis?"

"No Sir, nothing beyond the expected"

"Good, continue monitoring the situation" he replied with a small smile as the tension continued to grow like a coiled spring inside him. A strike along a smugglers route by the Separatists had been considered, his own forces had been doing it regularly since arriving at Ryloth....but yet a large fleet was hovering about nearby and yet had not arrived....

It concerned him. He would have struck by now...

"General, Relief Force Alpha reports evac complete, they are preparing to break orbit"

Locus resisted blinking as time apparently caught up with him, merely nodding instead and gesturing at the tactical display "Excellent, a textbook operation my friends....recall the star-fighters and prepare to enter hyperspace along with the Relief Force. Let us not overstay our welcome....confirm probes are operational"

"Confirming probes are operational Sir..." his Executive Officer replied after a moment "...one in the destroyed Lupus, another in the gas giant's outer rings"

"Good, now let us..."


[21 BBY][Thirty minutes later]

[Confederate Navy Providence-class Battleship Dominator, Entering Hyperspace, Christophsis System]

"Uhh....Mistress, we are about to enter Hyperspace and engage the enemy"

Saato opened her eyes, glaring at the irritant of a B-1 droid as it did as she had ordered. Only that saved it from being destroyed for the sin of disturbing her meditation "Good, now go and ensure my strike team of Commando droids is prepared"

"Roger, Roger"

She stood, her blood beginning to pump at the thought to slaying a member of the Jedi Council. That would bring her great honour, and power...yes, elevation over the other wretches who attempted to mimic her potential and strength in the Dark Side. The Twins could fight of course, and would serve a valuable distraction once they had engaged the enemy.

'Let them think they have escaped....and then when their joy and relief is greatest we shall snatch it away and break them utterly' she thought with a cold smile as her saber ignited in a blaze of crimson light. They outnumbered the Sector significantly, and if they could catch the 'reinforcements' of the Jedi over Ryloth it would be disastrous for them....a great victory for the Separatist cause. One that she would bring and then present to Count Dooku as rise ever higher in the ranks...