
Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood

Star Wars/D&D SI theirishdreamer Posting this here because most of the Star Wars stories end up with harems and turn to crp or get so blown out of proportion from powers/system etc. Thought it would be nice to have some decent SW's reading material here. Originally posted on Spacebattles

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01.13 : The Light Begins to Dim

[22 BBY]

[Office of the Chancellor, Senate Buildings, Galactic City, Coruscant]

The board needed adjustment again it appeared to Darth Sidious as Palpatine smiled kindly as the delegation of Senators nattering on about rights, and peace, and other nonsense. They were the bane of his existence, and it helped to plan and plot while he was forced to endure the inane chatter of the criminally stupid. It was one thing to have such useful idiots, helpful and beneficial, but it was quite another to have to actually sit through the cretinous yammering they called politics.

It was almost as if they didn't quite realise the galaxy was at war, or that their own planets policies and exploitation of the Mid and Outer Rim were the reasons behind that conflict. But for now his mind worked upon a number of problems had presented themselves; some areas being more successful than desired, and the usual issue of unwitting agents attempting to act beyond their intended role. His erstwhile Apprentice's position needed strengthen....after being captured by Pirates of all things. A Sith Apprentice captured by Pirates....it was the Jedi in Dooku at work there Sidous suspected, the idiocy could only be cured so much with his training.

No, he needed to restore confidence in the fool within the Separatist leadership, while at the same time enflaming the public of the Republic against the CIS. Not only that but the complaints of these idiots before him were the opposite of what the reality of the situation was according to his spies, and what Dooku had warned; the CIS position along the trade route between Bestine, Kinyen, and Eiadu was crumbling. A supply route been restored between Tallaan, with its 20th Sector Army, and Eriadu under the control of the Outer Rim Security Force under the Tarkin family.

That, quite simply, would not do at this point in time. Not after the destruction of the Malevolence, the pirates, and the need for another Republic victory. He needed the recently regrowing ORSF to be besieged at Eriadu and whittled down before they were gratefully relieved by his 'firm actions' to fulfil the terms of his patron of young Wilhuff Tarkin. The very last thing was for this reinforcement and victory by their own private army and allied forces instead of his Clone Army; nor would it allow him to build upon the distrust between one of his future admirals and the Jedi.

'Thankfully the Jedi, as ever, have been helpful in solving the problem' he admitted to himself as he spoke of the need for a compassionate response to the situ....blah, blah, blah, peace and such. It was if he was the only competent one in this dreadful bureaucracy; when he got in charge he'd simply have a few shot till someone actually got the job he wanted done right.

It appeared the 20th Sector Army of mercenaries, clone hating Jedi, and experienced former Judicial forces commanders was soon ready to go on the offensive. Quite the problem when the Separatist forces position was in chaos while they were still only being trained up and equipped; most likely a minor offensive with continuing usage of their current hit and run tactics would cripple the 1st and 3rd Confederate Fleets. Something that would just not do since he'd need those enemy forces to do some threatening in coming months.

Even the return of General Geen from his grilling before the Senate had done little more than allow more coordination between the aggressive sector generals beneath his command. Nor did it bring more information as they had moved into a position of complete distrust of the Senate....ideal for long term turning to his cause, but not useful right now as information leaks through his Office would be too apparent. But those same circumstances offered great potential if managed correctly....even if only a few of the outcomes occurred.

'All thanks to Master Yoda and Senator Amidala....at least officially' he thought plotting through the various scenarios based upon his options. Reassigning the forces of the current 20th Sector Army would immediately undercut the Republic position in the area...and if he replaced them with a 'stronger' force of Clones led by Jedi Generals it could really work to his advantage. The current strategy was built around the limitations of the fleet under the mercenaries; medium and escort combat vessels with fighter forces performing mobile raids and largely staying 'invisible' to their enemy.

Something a force of say....five Acclamators would not be able to copy in any way. In part because he could trust in the Jedi to provide regular updates to the Senate on their operations, and therefore allow better supply of information to the Separatists. That plus he could rely upon the Jedi to take both a more direct approach compared to the current Generals, and if they stayed true to form not use their forces as effectively. All he had to do was arrange a few votes with unknowing allies in the Senate, allow the Jedi's requests for more support to help Ryloth...and the malcontents whining over the raids Kinyen and Yag'Dhul in particular.

'Yes, and bringing in the light units in as escorts should whittle them down over Ryloth. No more hiding information either the Jedi would be there to provide' he further considered. It would ideally further alienate those commanders who already distrusted the Jedi, and the fact they would not allow themselves under Jedi command would cause further friction in the invasion force. Not enough to prevent an eventual successful attack, but ideally it would cause heavy casualties – and if not? It would allow him to take any success for the Jedi from a successful liberation and award it those clashed with them.

'Hmmm...yes, just have to avoid any hand of Palpatine appearing to pull the strings. The slavery of the Twi'leks should inflame the public, a victory buoy support for wartime measures, and a reversal of fortunes on the Eriadu run alienate many. Excellent' he congratulated himself and moved unto the next matter at hand. Young Anakin and a need to bolster is confidence and...


[22 BBY][Two weeks later]

[Governor's Secure Bunker, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector]

Gideon Tarkin frowned, just as Wilhuff was doing, as the holographic representation of their allied Republic General over in Tallaan stated the unhappy news. Just as the situation had begun to improve it seemed those imbeciles in the Senate and Jedi Order had seen fit to blunder unto the battlefield, and then wreck their plans for reopening proper supply-lines. Their scouts indicated a drop in Sep performance, and the time was ripe to press them hard.

Oh, they were 'reinforcing the Sector' according to the Jedi; but he and the rest of the family had been seeing how most Jedi had fought the war so far....and they'd been lucky themselves to not get those. Instead getting one who knew his trade, and one of the alien auxiliaries who'd wisely left that bizarre Order and learned the soldiers trade. Till now it seemed.

"There is nothing to be done?"

The holographic near human shook his head, hands behind his back and face calm but unhappy "I'm afraid not Sir, myself and my fellow Generals, including the Jedi General Kota, have strongly objected to this redeployment but have been overridden by High Command. All we can do is push through a large convoy within the next week to resupply Eriadu...and on a personal level I've authorised deployment of two legions worth of ground troops to be sent from our training bases in your Sector, along whatever combat capable ships can be spared"

"Thank you General Daron, we shall make arrangements within the next twenty-four hours"

The figure bowed slightly before his image vanished "Of course, I will take my leave, Brigadier, Governor"

He glanced at Wilhuff "This is a disaster"

Severe as ever Wilhuff nodded without showing much of an expression beyond irritation "Yes, Shayla should have done more in the Senate to warn us"

Gideon sighed, sitting back into his chair "I expect she did all she could, as did the Chancellor I expect, but it does not lessen the problem. We are going to have to rein in our operations, I fear the good General there speaks truth that the current strategy cannot be maintained with the loss of the blockade runners and light escort ships for inexperienced Clones and Jedi Generals aboard capital ships"

Wilhuff nodded after a moment "I agree, the report was concise, so we must fall back upon our own resources once again just as our alien General has done. After my conversations with the Chancellor I had hoped to avoid such measures, but it seems even he cannot sway the incompetents within the Senate all the time. I trust you will make use of your rank to ensure that the Republic at least pays for our doing their job for them"

"Of course" he replied "...and our naval forces too. I do believe it is time to consolidate all Republic forces in the Sector under our leadership....since reinforcements are likely months away now"

"Yes, I will make use of my powers as Governor and authorise further expansion, along with training up of our auxiliary forces. Aliens are less effective of course, but our auxiliaries are at least motivated, and the performance of this Grand Army is less than desired after snatching defeat from the jaws of our victory...."


[22 BBY]

[Republic Aegis Guard Combat Freighter Stormcrow, Republic Ryloth Liberation Task-force, Corellia]

'They actually called it the Ryloth Liberation Task-force, absolutely bloody daft' I thought silently as I watched the combined fleet of what had formerly been 20th Sector Army being assembled. Oh I sensed the hand of the future Emperor, the Jedi, idiots, and probably the Force too behind all this, but all I could do now was try to ensure we didn't all die in some moronic frontal assault down the hyperlane to Ryloth. The CIS would know we were coming with even the most incompetent spies with official names like this, and they had the advantage of Team Sith unfortunately enough too.

"You're not happy about this General"

I nodded "No Yulan, I'm not. Sure we've gotten our forces worked up to combat ready status, and yes we're getting reinforced, but assaulting a heavily blockaded planet along a single hyperlane will not be fun. Not when we're going to be stuck with senior Jedi champing at the bit to breakthrough in a frontal assault, and the most obvious task-force name in the bloody galaxy"

"Yes, Sir....I can see the problem with that. Nor do I imagine General Yanthis is all that happy either about our reassignment"

That made me snort in amusement. Our Ailon 'ally' had ranted to me for about an hour when orders came through, and we'd both firmly agreed that we were sticking to our contracts of no Jedi commanding us. It wouldn't help coordination much....if at all, but it wasn't like the other option would do us any good now would it?

"Heh, like you wouldn't believe, and I doubt General Geen will a fun time reigning him in while we send our Slave Army on the Righteous Quest to Free the Slaves"

"Your being very cynical today General"

"Yes, possibly to do with stupid people being in charge of giving me orders, but the sermonising by the Senate on the Holo-net is also very annoying. The Republic is built on the backs of slaves, from Eriadu to Tattoine, to many, many, Core worlds where they'll call it something else...yet they stand up and pontificate to us 'savages' from the Outer Rim about the rights of sentients. Hypocrites, the lot of them"

Yulan chuckled "Sir, your starting to sound like the enemy I'm afraid"

"Don't be blind to when they have a point..." I replied honestly watching as our supply ships were loaded and the two former Munificents, now Revenant-class like the Bright Eagle, were rearmed for deployment "...or else you'll underestimate them. I'm just warning we will have to work extra hard now to deal with not just with the enemy before us but the one at our backs; incompetent and greedy politicians 'serving' the Republic"

My Executive Officer, and de-facto Captain of the Stormcrow when I was in battle, nodded the feeling of agreement echoing through the Force from him "I agree General, the Board?"

I nodded "Agree with me too I'm afraid, as does Geen and Yanthis as best I can tell. Well, we just have to soldier on and do our best..." I turned around, glancing at him before I retired to my Sanctum to get a last meditation and study of the artefacts before we departed "...but for now monitor the loading of supplies, I shall retire for a time to meditate"

"Of course General, I'll ensure you're not disturbed outside of an emergency"