
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

"This is some exquisite mutton! The old guard really knows how to give some good meat!" - Akuv.

"Or maybe it was the cooks who gave this, either way, it's good to have some nice food." - Rey.

The duo finished a plate of roasted mutton with a side of plain bread. It was a different diet than their usual meal, chickpea stew and plain bread. It was hearty, but they were frankly getting bored of it and needed a change of culinary landscape.

"I say we store this mutton! It can last us for months!" - Akuv.

"Don't you think wild animals might be attracted to the smell?" - Rey.

"Weird, the only animal I could think of is a species called Rey." - Akuv.

"Funny." - Rey.

"But how are we gonna store this mutton....I mean that's a lot of meat!" - Akuv.

"Well that's easy, you use salt, or maybe smoke it, but that's too much work." - Rey.

"Salt? but don't we use that for cooking?" - Akuv.

"My pops use it for storing meat as well, and salted meats can last for months if done well." - Rey.

"Oh! your pops is a smart man, uhhhh, do we even have salt to begin with?" - Akuv.

"Sure we do, it's just right over here beside me." - Rey.

"Oh, well what are you waiting for then? start sprinkling on the meat then!" - Akuv.

"Uh...that's too much work, could you do it for me?" - Rey.

"I can't believe I have a hairy buffalo as a friend." - Akuv.

"Friendship is blind too, just like love." - Rey.

"Well my wife wasn't blind when she married me, unlike yours!" - Akuv.

"Of course, my wife and I were in a relationship, you were set up in an arranged marriage, have you forgotten?" - Rey.

"Well, we still love each other! eugh, quit it with your street philosophies mophead! Lemme go get that salt." - Akuv.

Knowing well that Rey wouldn't pass the salt cellar, Akuv got up and walked to the salt cellar that was right beside Rey. Just as he walked, he tripped on a noticeable mutton bone and fell on the ground hard, injuring his hand in the process as he banged on the salt table, causing some sprinkles of salt to spill on the ground. Rey was startled by the sequence of action that had taken place and went over to Akuv.

"Oh my god Akuv how could you have missed that bone!?! As much as I'd like to rub salt on you with a joke...I will get you patched up buddy." - Rey.

"Rub salt on me!?!? well that's a new way to heal wounds, lemme do that real quick!" - Akuv.

"AKUV NO-" - Reu.

Akuv took the spilled salt and rubbed it on his wound, much to no one's surprise, Akuv cried even more as the wound was aggravated by his aforementioned action. Rey just stood there, watching at Akuv, with a poker, blank expression.

"You didn't tell me it was gonna hurt!?! Curse you for tricking me Rey!!!" - Akuv.

"It was a figure of speech Akuv! How could you have not heard that in your life? Has anyone not used it before?" - Rey.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me sooner that it was just a figure of speech?!" - Akuv.

"My bad, I had never known you were this much of a fool." - Rey.

"Oh screw you! get me something to heal my wound Rey!" - Akuv.

"On it, sire." - Rey said as he rushed on to find any woven cloth and a healing salve that would help Akuv to heal his wounds. As he took both items, he went on to treat his wounded friend.

"Next time you gotta be more cautious, Akuv." - Rey.

"Hey, I was cautious! I don't even know where that bone came from, It's like someone just wrote it to be there for a cheap plot device and unfunny comedic purposes!" - Akuv.

"Wow, okay, so tell me something else, jester, is it gonna rain trees and chickens tomorrow?" - Rey.

"I swear!!!!" - Akuv.

"You're not even drunk and you spout random nonsense, I can't imagine if you're drunk." - Rey.

"Well...I am not sure too, we can always try it out-" - Akuv.

"You know what, hold that thought, I don't even wanna know." - Rey.

"Oh you're no fun, we should definitely get drunk one day!" - Akuv.

"One day, when we are not broke." - Rey.

"That's why we got a JOB, you hairy big foot unwashed idiot!" - Akuv.

"Watcha call me? That wound of yours could use some more salt." - Rey.

"Please, have mercy!!!!!!!" - Akuv.

Rey cleaned Akuv's wounds, applied some healing salve over them, and wrapped it with a linen cloth. Seeing as it was already late at night, the duo went to each of their separate beds, and blew off the candle, taking a good night's sleep, to get a good rest for tomorrow's endeavors.