
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

"Great job picking all the grass in one day boys! You know I have doubt anyone could do that, but you guys gladly proved us wrong! Although, those rabbits over there are looking oddly big." - The Old guard said as he pointed to the rabbits that lay with big bellies, one of them burping out a grass.

"Oh they're just big-boned." - Rey.

"If you say so! Anyways here is your payment, a silver coin each for each for your efforts. We'll make sure to inform you if your services are required, have a good day ahead lads!" - The old guard gave them a silver coin each. while Akuv seemed enthusiastic about the payment, Rey was indifferent in his facial expression.

"Gee thanks mister for the the coin! Have a good day ahead!" - Akuv.

"...Thank you, stay well." - Rey.

The duo exited from the noble's homestead. Akuv was excited about getting paid as he flaunted the silver coin, inspecting it and generally admiring the coin. Rey on the other hand, seemed annoyed at Akuv's actions.

"You seem pretty excited." - Rey.

"Yeah of course I am! see Rey!?! didn't I tell ya, if you work hard, diligently and honestly, you would receive praise and be awarded for your hard work!" - Akuv.

"Award? A silver coin is a big award? what kind of spoiled dirt have you been smoking? This is our means of living, as it could barely buy us anything but a small heap of bread, enough to feed a rat!" - Rey.

"Now you're just exaggerating, we can at least buy some peanuts to feed us for tonight." - Akuv.

"...I am taking the last piece of mutton tonight, you can have the peanuts." - Rey.

Just as they were about to take their leave, the old guard approached the duo and yelled at them to wait.

"I almost forgot to give you boys this as a token of your hard work. It may not be much, but I hope it'll keep your spirits high! Have a good day you two." - The Old guard said as he gave them a large pot of raw mutton accompanied by bread. It was enough to last them for days, even weeks if they were to ration it well.

The duo were just dumbfounded as Rey held onto the pot of raw Mutton, staring at the savory meat.

"You know Akuv, you are right, hard work does pay off." - Rey.

"See? at least my words are at least finally entering your bushy head for once, now are you gonna be hardworking from now on, Rey?" - Akuv.

"No, I'll keep sticking to lazying around." - Rey.

"What do you mean!?!?!" - Akuv.

"We still got rewarded, despite my super smart usage of rabbit labor, so why fix something that works?" - Rey.

"Oh to even think that I had hope of you learning!" - Akuv.

"Meh, let's get back home, I'm hungry, and I can't wait to roast this mutton." - Rey.

"Well finally something I can agree on, now let's get moving!" - Akuv.