
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

"Mutton for dinner, Mutton for breakfast, oh I can't wait to eat some more of them tonight!" - Akuv.

"Uh huh, just don't finish them or else we'll have nothing but bones to eat." - Rey.

"Oh come on you animal, you should tell yourself that! I am the master of saving!" - Akuv.

"Sure, how is your wound? getting any better? need pepper instead of salt this time?" - Rey.

"Hey, we can use that pepper to spice up your salty mouth! Aside from that, it's good though, it feels like it's not hurt at all! That salve is legendary buddy!" - Akuv.

"Great, now what's on our agenda?" - Rey.

"Well, since we are not called to work today, I guess it means we are free!" - Akuv.

"Great, I will be heading back to bed-" - Rey.

"So that means we can visit Edegbe and see how is he doing!" - Akuv.

"Or we could do that. It's been ages since we seen him anyways, let's hit him up." - Rey.

"Hit!?! What!? Rey we can't just beat our friend to a pulp! So do we use a hoe or a hard stick to hit him up?" - Akuv.

"It's another way of saying let's meet him  Akuv." - Rey.

"Oh, well why can't you say it normally Rey? you trying to be quirky?" - Akuv.

"Ugh, forget about it, let's freshen up and meet Edegbe at Shanga already." - Rey.

"Fine by me!" - Akuv.

Rey and Akuv freshened up and changed into appropriate attire to go out and meet Edegbe, their friend whom they had not seen for quite a while. Along the way, the duo conversed among themselves.

"I forgot where he lives again." - Rey.

"He lives at the edge of town, if I'm not wrong." - Akuv.

"Ah, right, the least bustling and peaceful part of town, the kind of place he would stay in." - Rey.

"Oh that makes sense, he's always alone playing with himself." - Akuv.

"Akuv! he isn't doing any of that, he's just indulging in his work, he creates bronze statues." - Rey.

"Oh right, heh my bad. He is very gifted in his craft, not even the best sculptor from the lands around could compete with his work!" - Akuv.

"That's true, though as impressive as his rivals can be, his gift with metallurgy and creating intricate bronze statues and plaques." - Rey.

"For sure! Say, what do you think of his clothing Rey?" - Akuv.

"What do you mean?" - Rey.

"His clothing, doesn't it strike you that it's any different from the rest?" - Akuv.

"Oh yeah, it did, many times. His red coral clothing and red beaded winged crown struck me as something odd. It was quite a red sight." - Rey.

"That's exactly my point!" - Akuv.

"But he is a foreigner, and I am not saying the locals or adventurers among the seas, I am talking about somewhere beyond this region." - Rey.

"Really? Well, he doesn't look too far from some locals and sailors from the Azari Coast." - Akuv.

"Well, true, but the locals and Azaris don't see him as one of their own. While he speaks their tongue, he practices a faith and culture different from the people of the Azari coast. His clothing, accent, and skill in metallurgy show that he is an outlier from the people's of this region." - Rey.

"Well that makes sense, they say he comes from a really distant place. He's a pretty cool guy, though some sculptors envy his skill, and he is very secretive about it!" - Akuv.

"Well, that's what makes him special, Akuv, if another person knows his skill, they'd either be good friends or bitter rivals, and I don't think he'd want to find that out that hard way. Besides, if his competitor acquires his skill, he'd not be any special than the next guy, and he might run out of business should a better sculptor takes his place. It's because of his unique skills was he able to set himself apart, and make a decent living." - Rey.

"I see, well your street philosophies do have some wisdom after all. You should keep talking to the wall Rey." - Akuv.

"Oh geez, it's good to receive some sarcastic compliment, buddo." - Rey.

After a while, they reached the town of Shanga. It was a medium-sized town, vibrant with architecture resembling that of the Swahili and Somalian people, but with a small South Arabian, Western Indian, and Greek influence to show the town's vibrant cosmopolitanism through its foreign merchants and international trade.

A loud hammering could be heard from the edge of town, and the duo already guessed who the person was.

"Ah good old Edegbe, always at the forge, I wonder what he's up to this time." - Rey.

"Perhaps more statues, what are we waiting for? let's hit him up!" - Akuv.

"....You mean figuratively right? not hit him literally right?" - Rey.

"Oh just hurry up!" - Akuv.

Making their way to the edge of town, they stumbled on their friend, Edegbe, who had not noticed their presence. He was brushing any dirt residue from the bronze plaque that he recently crafted, polishing it along the process.

"Nice work, what does the plaque symbolize?" - Rey.

"Yeah cool art! We wanna know what is it about." - Akuv.

Edegbe was startled by the random voice and jolted up from his seat, but was relieved when he saw it was none other than his two friends, Rey and Akuv.

"Rey! Akuv! It's been a long time my friends, come have a seat!" - Edegbe.

"It sure is my friend! It's been ages indeed, how have you been?" - Akuv said, as the both of them took a seat as Edegbe went on to boil some tea at the fireplace nearby.

"Well, I have been busy! been getting a lot of requests and getting into some personal experimentations lately. I've been trying to make sturdier bronze ingots to be sold to the smiths." - Edegbe.

"Well, how is it going?" - Rey.

"It's been great! I have managed to produce a sturdier bronze ingot! Now I can sell it to the smiths for a decent price. This will be a good way to diversify my income and not rely solely on crafts." - Edegbe.

"But wouldn't that be a lot of work?" - Akuv.

"Of course, but with hard work and resolve, we can get anything done!" - Edegbe.

"Preach brother! You hear that Rey? You need HARDWORK to push through life and challenges!" - Akuv.

"And some intelligence too, come on don't leave me out, Edegbro." - Rey.

"And of course some intelligence too, you gotta know what you're doing!" - Edegbe.

"Thank you, my good man." - Rey.

"Oh, about your question earlier guys, the Bronze plaque is just a request by a hunter, symbolizing his victory against a panther he hunted. I'll be sending this plaque after refinements, soon." - Edegbe.

"We got panthers around here?" - Akuv.

"Duh, have you not noticed them?" - Rey.

"I'm sorry, the only panther I have seen is you Rey." - Akuv.

"Of course, you would have, your eyes can't tell a difference between a rock and a coconut, so it make sense why you'd think so." - Rey.

"Ouch! Don't need to go hard on me buddy!" - Akuv.

Edegbe just laughed at their banters, as he poured the hot tea into three wooden cups and served it to them, with some bananas and corn soup.

"Dig in friends! We got much to talk about!" - Edegbe.

Rey and Akuv took their glass, and toasted with Edegbe as they drank the hot tea, right after that, they feasted on the bananas and the corn soup. Meanwhile, Edeg\be

"Mmfh, this is some creamy and tasty soup Edegbe, you're not only good with metals but with food too." - Rey.

"Yeah! It's so thick and creamy, as it is flavorful brother!" - Akuv.

"Oh shucks, it's nothing much, just some basic snacks. Anywho, how have you guys been? Anything new happening in life?" - Edegbe.

"Yeah! firstly we got a job as a grasspicker at a noble's court!" - Akuv.

"Uh huh, it may be cheap labor, but hey, at least we can earn something, though not much." - Rey.

"Well hey, that's a great start, you guys must be proud that you're getting a job, it's a good step to prosperity!" - Edegbe.

"Hate to be the pessimistic one, but I can see that we could be exploited. At least the old guard over there was kind enough to give us some food, though." - Rey.

"See! Edegbe, Rey has always been the bummer in our group, he's just finding reasons to complain and weasel his way to not work! Please advice this fool that he needs to work hard to get far in life!" - Akuv.

"Hey come on Rey, it can't be that bad, I mean if you feel like you are being exploited, never hesitate to demand or bring your expertise somewhere else!" - Edegbe.

"Never thought of that, but again, I just wanna relax." - Rey.

"Of course you do, you've been tired sitting down and talking to walls, anyways." - Akuv.

"Oh give me a break. Speaking of which, what's happening in town?" - Rey.

"Well, for starters, there's an increased number of merchants from the Azari coasts, word has it that an empire from the interior seized one of its seaports and is looking to extend their trade connections here. They bring more increased quantities of gold, soapstones, and Ivory! So we might see a new age of Ivory crafting." - Edegbe.

"Oh, I see, that's cool, anything else?" - Rey.

"Aside from that, nothing much, the monarch has been rather quiet these past few days, but hearsay has it that they are planning to build a new public work in the town of Kkumbu." - Edegbe.

"Finally, something interesting!" - Akuv.

"Wow, any idea what it's gonna be?" - Rey.

"No idea! It's just a rumor after all." - Edegbe.

Just as the trio was conversing, a stranger came by to check up with Edegbe.

"Hello, Edegbe! sorry to interrupt you, but Lord Okeyo is waiting for you and your bronze plaque. He hopes you can deliver his commissioned piece." - Stranger.

"Oh I am just done! I am about to make my leave now. Rey, and Akuv, sorry for the short conversation, I hope we can catch up more next time!" - Edegbe.

"Sure no problem, feel free to visit us anytime friendo!" - Akuv.

"Yep, it's nice to talk to someone with a semblance of intelligence. Anywho, take care Edegbe, see you whenever." - Rey.

Edegbe took his leave with the stranger as he carried the Bronze Plaque, followed by Rey and Akuv who decided to spend their time at the town of Shanga.