
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

It was a hot, sunny day, the guards performed their usual patrols around the home, as servants tidied up any shabby-looking spots. The duo were at the central courtyard and they were hard at work picking grass.

Well, Akuv at the very least seems to be hard at work, picking the grass with his bare hands as he places them at the rattan basket he carries. Rey on the other hand is seated down, eating a honey flavoured biscuit.

"Hey, mophead! are you gonna just sit there and watch me work!?! What happened to hard work! This grass isn't gonna pick itself up!" - Akuv, who annoyingly called out his friend.

"But I am, have you not seen my accomplices doing the job?" - Rey.

"Accomplices? This isn't the time to be delusional, you fool!" - Akuv.

"Look over there." - Rey pointed.

Over at the other side, a few rabbits were eating the grass, and they were quite effective in mowing down a decent portion of the grass-ridden section.

"You.....you...you.." - Akuv.

"Yes, I'm a genius, you can spit it out now Akuv." - Rey.

"You're using rabbits as slave labour!?!?!" - Akuv.

"I should've kept my expectations lower." - Rey.

"What pride do you get by using rabbits as slave labour? huh! tell me what pride do you get you monster!!" - Akuv.

"Look, I am not just using rabbits as slave labour, there's another labour who works for free, that I forgot to introduce to you." - Rey.

"Who's the clown that you employed this time!?!?" - Akuv.

Rey took out a mirror and showed it to Akuv.

"I don't get it, is this some complex riddle that you want me to guess?" - Akuv.

"It's you, idiot." - Rey.

"What!!?!?" - Akuv.

Rey just snickered at his friend as Akuv went on a fit of rage.

"But Rey, don't you think using rabbits as slave labour is just unlawful?! look at them, look at these poor creatures, oh the torture!" - Akuv.

"Slave Labour? Akuv." - Rey.

"What!?!" - Akuv.

"Rabbits feeds on grass, they eat grass, grass is their life, how is it slave labour if all they're doing is eating." - Rey.

Akuv paused for a moment, and thought to himself. After a while, his eyes opened in realization, mouth agape.

"Ohhhhhh, so they eat grass....but still, don't you think weaselling your way like this is the right thing to do? Just imagine the praise you will get if you picked grass honestly!" - Akuv.

"We won't get any praises you idiot! we are CHEAP labour!" - Rey.

"Excuses!!" - Akuv.