
Revenge Of The Blind Princess

"Ana...?" "You...?" "Hahahaha." "Idiot, Emi. Did you really believe that I would spare your life and allow you to ruin my plans?" "The perfect princess. The role model?" "Hahaha!" "Now you're nothing but a witch! The one who seduced hundreds of men." Anatalia approached Emilia, pulling her into an embrace, and then proceeded to tighten her grip around her neck, whispering, "Your family... I was the one who killed them. Idiot." “And now, it’s your turn.” Schemed against by her sister Antalia, Princess Emilia was executed after being accused as a witch. Her title as the kingdom of Eldoria's perfect princess and saintess was quickly replaced by the same woman that had plotted her demise. But... This wasn't the end. Signing a contract with the Mother of Demons, Emilia rose again from the dead. Desperate for vengeance, Emilia sought out a forbidden ancient ritual to summon demons to carry out her revenge. NOTE: Do read at least 5 chapters before you decide to drop it. Rather I would suggest give all the free chapters a try! Do join my discord server for monthly giveaways etc: https://discord.gg/rdTRqXTFGP

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Witch [3]

Chapter 3: The Witch [3]

He had always prided himself on being a kind and compassionate person, attributes that had contributed to the fame and success of his shop. So why had he allowed himself to succumb to such awfulness, even if it was just for a moment?

The vendor couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion and frustration as he observed the sudden popularity of the new shop that had emerged before him. Its shelves adorned with items similar to his own—brooches, earrings, and various other trinkets that he had once proudly offered to his customers.

To his surprise, this new establishment quickly gained popularity while his own business faced a significant decline. However, the vendor harbored no ill feelings towards the newfound success of the neighboring shop. He was not one to begrudge others their prosperity. He just couldn't fathom why his once-prosperous establishment had taken a downturn.

"There he is, that bastard!" shouted the lady who had just purchased a brooch from the neighboring shop. Her voice dripped with anger and frustration, pointing directly at Nair, the vendor.

As the accusation hung in the air, tension escalated, and a friend of the lady reached for a nearby pebble, poised to throw it at Nair. The vendour's eyes widened with fear, realizing the dire consequences that awaited him. In a split second, he instinctively retreated into the safety of his shop, swiftly locking the door behind him.

'I can no longer do business here...' The realization hit Nair with a heavy weight as he stood inside his now-desolate shop. The absence of customers and the lingering echoes of disappointment made it clear that his business had been irreparably damaged. It was time to make a difficult decision.

With a heavy heart, Nair returned home to his wife and young daughter. He gathered them together, their faces filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Sitting them down, he shared the news that they would be leaving for a different kingdom, where they could start anew.

His wife, who had also endured her share of hardships and bullying as his spouse, felt a mix of sadness and relief. She understood the toll it had taken on their lives and welcomed the prospect of a fresh start.

Their young daughter, just nine years old, listened intently to her parents' conversation. She had experienced the loneliness and isolation that comes from being associated with her father's tarnished reputation.

After much discussion and contemplation, the family agreed that it was time for them to move to a new kingdom.

"It's all her fault..."

"If only princess Emilia was alive," the vendor thought to himself, his mind drifting to the memory of the first princess.

"That witch? She would only ruin it further. Perhaps, you would have been dead by now," his wife interjected, her tone filled with disdain.

The vendor sighed, feeling the weight of the humiliation he had endured. "At least, that would be better than this humiliation," he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Leaving the familiar town behind, the family embarked on their journey in a carriage bound for the border city. They had made the decision to seek a fresh start in a new empire, and for that, they needed to reach the border city first.

The town they had left behind slowly faded into the distance, replaced by the lush greenery of the forest ahead. It was a well-traveled route, known for its safety and reliability.

"How much longer, Papa?" his daughter asked.

"About two more hours, Pie," Nair replied.

The once peaceful journey had taken an unexpected turn, as the horses began to exhibit strange behavior. Their usual docile demeanor transformed into a frenzy of wild movements, their eyes wide with fear or agitation.


"What's wrong?"

The carriage veered off the familiar path and onto an uncharted route within the depths of the forest. The wheels rumbled over the uneven terrain, jostling the passengers inside.

And there…

Concealed among the shadows of the forest, five knights stood in wait for Nair and his family.


"Nair, you are sentenced to death for smuggling illegal goods out of the Empire," Sir Eric proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of judgment.

"Sir Eric, there must be some-"

"What happened, dear?" his wife called out, concern lacing her voice as she sensed the sudden irregular movement of the carriage. She stepped out, her hand instinctively reaching to soothe her throbbing head from the impact.

"Nothing, stay inside!"


"Yes pie, wait insi-"

And before he could utter another word, a wave of excruciating pain engulfed Nair's body. His eyes widened in shock as he felt the cold, steel blade of a sword piercing through his abdomen, penetrating deep into his flesh.


Blood gushed forth from his mouth, staining his lips and dripping onto the forest floor below. The world around him blurred as the unbearable agony consumed his senses.Through the haze of pain, Nair's gaze fixed upon the face of the knight responsible for this brutal act. As his life force ebbed away, Nair's thoughts turned to his beloved wife and daughter.



Both his wife and daughter rushed towards Nair, their faces contorted with horror and despair as they witnessed the devastating scene unfolding before them.


Nair, weakened by the grievous wound and the diminishing flicker of life within him, mustered the last remnants of his strength to utter a feeble plea.

"Stay there," he managed to whisper, his voice barely audible.





The man's world shattered as Eric materialized behind his wife and daughter. In an instant, Eric's blade sliced through the air with a chilling swiftness, severing the delicate necks of the man's loved ones.

A cascade of crimson sprayed through the air, staining the atmosphere with the crimson testament of their brutal demise. The metallic scent of blood filled the man's nostrils, mingling with his own tortured cries. Their lifeless bodies slumped to the ground, heads rolling in grotesque mockery of the beauty they once possessed.

The man's anguish intensified as he beheld the graphic aftermath of Eric's savage act. His wife, a vision of sensuality and grace, lay still, her eyes forever closed, her luscious lips now pale and lifeless. His daughter, a blossoming flower full of innocence, was now robbed of her future, her vibrant spirit forever extinguished.



The man's anguished cries mingled with the crimson rivulets that flowed from his wounds, staining his body. His heart throbbed with a mixture of anger and sorrow, his emotions intertwining in a tumultuous symphony.

In the midst of his pain, the sound of footsteps reached his ears, piercing through the haze of despair.

"Was this to your satisfaction, princess?" Eric asked as he knelt and kissed Anatalia's hand.

The man questioned his very existence when he saw Anatalia appear there, wearing the same cloak.

"W-why...?" Nair asked, his voice trembling with a mixture of shock and despair. "Why did you do this?"

Anatalia, her expression cold and unyielding, gazed at him with piercing eyes. Slowly, she extended her left hand, palm facing upward. Without a word, Eric approached and placed his bloodstained sword into her outstretched hand.

"Filthy blood," she hissed with contempt, her voice dripping with disdain.

"I wanted my supporter to gain the upper hand."

"But you were his competitor…"

"So of course, I had to remove you from his path."

"For that... you killed my family?" he asked, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and grief. Nair's eyes widened in disbelief as he struggled to process her words.



Her maniacal laughter echoed through the silent forest, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Nair's spine. The darkness in her eyes revealed a twisted pleasure, a delight derived from the pain and suffering she had inflicted.

"It was fun!" she exclaimed, her eyes wild and gleaming with madness.


"You're not a saintess..."


"You are a witch..." Those were his final words before the sword swung down, severing his head from his body. Blood splattered onto Anatalia's cloak, staining it with a dark crimson.