
Revenge Of The Blind Princess

"Ana...?" "You...?" "Hahahaha." "Idiot, Emi. Did you really believe that I would spare your life and allow you to ruin my plans?" "The perfect princess. The role model?" "Hahaha!" "Now you're nothing but a witch! The one who seduced hundreds of men." Anatalia approached Emilia, pulling her into an embrace, and then proceeded to tighten her grip around her neck, whispering, "Your family... I was the one who killed them. Idiot." “And now, it’s your turn.” Schemed against by her sister Antalia, Princess Emilia was executed after being accused as a witch. Her title as the kingdom of Eldoria's perfect princess and saintess was quickly replaced by the same woman that had plotted her demise. But... This wasn't the end. Signing a contract with the Mother of Demons, Emilia rose again from the dead. Desperate for vengeance, Emilia sought out a forbidden ancient ritual to summon demons to carry out her revenge. NOTE: Do read at least 5 chapters before you decide to drop it. Rather I would suggest give all the free chapters a try! Do join my discord server for monthly giveaways etc: https://discord.gg/rdTRqXTFGP

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: The Witch [2]

Chapter 2: The Witch [2]

"How much was this again?" a lady wearing a tattered brown cloak inquired of a vendor who sold decorative items.

Among the array of offerings, her eyes were fixed on a blue butterfly brooch, which had caught her interest.

"It's expensive," the man scoffed, his half-bald head and matured appearance adding to his dismissive demeanor.

Despite being in his forties, he treated the young woman, who appeared to be no older than 21, with a lack of respect.

Her ragged cloak seemed to cast a shadow of suspicion, as if she were perceived as a potential thief or beggar. The fact that he had even allowed her inside the shop was considered a small miracle in itself.

"Expensive, but how much?" she asked, her face concealed by the darkness of her cloak.

"It is beyond what you can afford. It's best if you look for more ordinary items, though I doubt you could afford those either," he responded, his tone somewhat stern.

Undeterred, the lady persisted, saying, "Whether I can afford it or not is my concern. Could you please tell me the exact price?"

"You bi-," the vendor's anger surged, fueled by the audacity of a woman daring to talk back to him.

His rage intensified further when he considered her status as a beggar, fueling his contempt. How dare someone as lowly as her speak with an authoritative voice?

However, before his hand could meet its intended target, it was abruptly halted mid-air. A knight, who had entered the store, had caught the vendor's arm, preventing the impending strike.

The knight who intervened possessed lustrous black hair that cascaded around his shoulders, framing a face adorned with deep purple gem-like eyes that shimmered with an enigmatic allure.

His fair complexion radiated a sense of nobility, accentuated by the two blue earrings adorning his ears, a perfect complement to his overall appearance. Clad in a pristine white suit of armor adorned with intricate golden lines, it bore the illustrious crest of the empire—a majestic pegasus—embodied with regal grace.

"Let it go," the vendor coldly requested, urging the knight to release his grip on his hand.

The knight's fury burned brightly as he confronted the vendor. "And what if I don't?" he retorted, incredulous at the vendor's audacity to raise his hand against someone in the first place.

He tightened his grip, his intent to crush the vendor's hand growing stronger. However, before he could carry out his aggression, a soft and gentle voice interjected, piercing through the tension.

"Sir Eric, please stop," the woman implored, her voice filled with a calm yet commanding tone. With her words, she unveiled her face by lifting the cloak, revealing her features to the world.

While the cloak gracefully slipped off her shoulders, a radiant vision stood before them. Princess Anatalia, the embodiment of ethereal beauty, revealed herself in all her resplendent glory. Her cascading golden-yellow tresses, kissed by sunlight, framed a face adorned with sparkling blue eyes that held both depth and mystery. Lips painted in a rosy hue added a touch of allure to her regal countenance.

The onlookers found themselves captivated by her presence, unable to tear their gaze away from the enchanting sight. A hushed silence fell upon the shop as the revered princess, second in line to the throne of the illustrious Empire of Mitas, stepped forward.

Sir Eric, the valiant knight who had intervened moments ago, was not immune to the mesmerizing effect of the princess's presence.

Meanwhile, the once defiant vendor, faced with the luminous aura of Princess Anatalia, was overcome with a wave of humility and remorse, his earlier actions now a stain upon his conscience. His earlier actions replayed in his mind, filling him with regret.

"Please forgive me, Your Highness!" He was on his knees, apologizing for what he had done and begging for a pardon.

Princess Anatalia, renowned for her compassionate nature, cast a gentle gaze upon him.

"If I really was a beggar, wouldn't you have almost slapped me?"

The vendor, still on his knees, felt the weight of his actions pressing upon him. He realized the gravity of his mistake, the injustice he had almost committed.

"I will be merciful and just let you go with a simple slap." Princess Anatalia's voice resonated through the crowd, her words carrying both authority and compassion.

For the vendor, the weight of the princess's mercy was overwhelming. In a society where attempting to harm or disrespect royalty could lead to swift and merciless execution, her act of forgiveness was a profound and life-altering gift.

The onlookers, witnessing this unexpected display of mercy, erupted into applause. Their applause echoed through the marketplace, a symphony of appreciation for their compassionate princess.

"Long live the princess!"

"Long live princess Anatalia!"

The resounding cries of "Long live Princess Anatalia!" filled the air, echoing through the marketplace and reaching the ears of those near and far.

Princess Anatalia graciously acknowledged the cheers and nodded to the knight by her side. With a firm resolve, the knight delivered the requested punishment—a resounding slap that left a handprint on the vendor's cheek. Though momentarily dazed, the vendor remained standing.

As the princess, the knight, and their entourage departed from the marketplace, leaving behind a stunned and contemplative crowd, the vendor stood alone, his hand pressed against his stinging cheek.

The once bustling shop now stood eerily silent, devoid of the lively chatter and the clinking of coins that had once filled the air. The absence of customers was palpable, leaving the vendor to contemplate the consequences of his actions.

Days turned into a desolate cycle as the vendor witnessed the stark reality of his dwindling business. Not a single item was sold during the next ten days, each passing moment a reminder of the price he had paid for his disrespect towards Princess Anatalia.


'How did this happen?'

The vendor's heart weighed heavy with remorse as he questioned his life decisions and attempted to unravel the darkness that had consumed him on that fateful day. Why did he try to hit the princess? Just because she was dressed like a beggar?