
Revenge Of The Blind Princess

"Ana...?" "You...?" "Hahahaha." "Idiot, Emi. Did you really believe that I would spare your life and allow you to ruin my plans?" "The perfect princess. The role model?" "Hahaha!" "Now you're nothing but a witch! The one who seduced hundreds of men." Anatalia approached Emilia, pulling her into an embrace, and then proceeded to tighten her grip around her neck, whispering, "Your family... I was the one who killed them. Idiot." “And now, it’s your turn.” Schemed against by her sister Antalia, Princess Emilia was executed after being accused as a witch. Her title as the kingdom of Eldoria's perfect princess and saintess was quickly replaced by the same woman that had plotted her demise. But... This wasn't the end. Signing a contract with the Mother of Demons, Emilia rose again from the dead. Desperate for vengeance, Emilia sought out a forbidden ancient ritual to summon demons to carry out her revenge. NOTE: Do read at least 5 chapters before you decide to drop it. Rather I would suggest give all the free chapters a try! Do join my discord server for monthly giveaways etc: https://discord.gg/rdTRqXTFGP

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Diablo

Chapter 4: Diablo

"Tsk tsk..."

"You were a successful vendor..."

"You had a beautiful family."

"But look at you now."

"This is the price you pay for competing with my friend. Hahahaha," Anatalia laughed as loudly as possible, causing the birds to fly away.

"Princess, I think it's best if we leave," Eric pleaded with the princess as he draped a shawl around her. The fog was starting to roll in, bringing a chill with it.

Anatalia glanced at Eric, a smirk on her face. He took the shawl and gently placed it over her shoulders, shielding her from the cold.

"It was fun, Sir Knight. Let's do something even better tomorrow!" she said as she handed the sword back to Eric.

"Yes," Eric simply nodded.

Lowering his arms to almost the height of the princess's knees, he pushed them forward, and Anatalia found herself falling into his arms, being carried like a princess should be.

She gazed at the knight as he carried her towards the waiting carriage in the distance, the biting cold intensifying with each step. Upon reaching the carriage, he slowly lowered his hands, gently placing her back on the ground.

He then grasped the handle and opened the carriage door.

"Princess," he murmured, offering his hand.

Using it for support, she climbed into the carriage, finally settling inside. Eric closed the door slowly and moved towards a nearby tree, where he untied the horse and mounted it.

The other knights followed suit, and once ready, they swiftly departed from the location, putting distance between themselves and the scene.

The fog gradually engulfed the entire forest, leaving dewdrops on leaves and grass as a result of the bitter cold. Nair, too, bore evidence of the chilling atmosphere.

A single droplet of water trickled down his lifeless face. Just like his daughter and wife, he had been beheaded and stabbed, his body left exposed and frozen. The heartless princess hadn't even considered giving him a proper burial. It seemed that his story had reached its tragic end... or so Anatalia believed, until...

A shadow cast itself upon the lifeless bodies, moving steadily as if it were a person taking deliberate steps. The moonlight, barely able to penetrate the dense fog, illuminated a figure draped in a cloak.

"Arise," a soft, feminine voice echoed as she sliced her wrist and allowed a few drops of blood to fall onto Nair's corpse. The body became enveloped in a faint red glow, which steadily grew brighter, eventually forming a massive sphere.

For a brief moment, the body remained suspended within the sphere, defying gravity. However, as the glow subsided, the body descended back to the ground, creating a heavy thud upon impact. The severed head rejoined the body, and the previously inflicted stab wound miraculously healed.

The woman knelt down slowly, extending her hand to touch the man's hand. "Cold," she muttered under her breath, her voice filled with concern. Despite her efforts, the body still retained its frigid temperature.

Doubt and worry crept into her mind. "Did it fail...?" she questioned, her teeth sinking into her lower lip in an anxious gesture.

The corpse suddenly opened its eyes, causing the lady to startle in surprise. Their proximity added to her shock as she found herself making eye contact with the reanimated body. As the corpse began to move, the sound of cracking joints echoed in the area.

"Quite the body you have given me," a deep and chilling voice spoke from the corpse.

The lady was once again taken aback. "You...," she stammered, unable to fully comprehend the situation.

"You could have given me a better body, lady," the corpse vanished from its original position and reappeared behind the woman in an instant.

Startled, she felt the voice whispering in her ear, causing her to clumsily turn around in an attempt to move away. However, the corpse caught hold of her hand and pulled her towards him. In the process, the cloak that concealed her face fell away, revealing her angelic features.

The corpse's eyes widened at the sight before him, moonlight accentuating her beauty. Her complexion was as fair as snow, adorned with ruby-red eyes and luscious red lips. Silvery-white hair cascaded down her face and neck, leaving the corpse momentarily speechless as it gulped in anticipation.

"Let go," the lady commanded, her voice firm as she regained her composure. She gripped the corpse's hands and pushed him away, creating some distance between them. The corpse, now a few meters away, paused and briefly glanced at the ground before returning its gaze to the lady, remaining silent.

Taking the lead, the lady spoke, "Who are you?" Her voice betrayed a mix of curiosity and caution.

The corpse, once belonging to the overweight man Nair, began to laugh. First a chuckle, then escalating into boisterous laughter. The lady couldn't help but be startled, but she maintained her facade of composure.

"This is quite interesting," the corpse chuckled, his chubby cheeks stretching.

The lady pressed further, "What?"

"Diablo," the corpse replied, his voice deep and chilling, causing a shiver to run down the lady's spine.

"D-Diablo?" she stammered in disbelief.

"Yes, my lady," the corpse teleported behind her once again, but this time she wasn't startled. He placed his hand around her as if in a hug, resting part of his weight on her.

"Now tell me, lady, why did you summon me?" Diablo whispered into her ear, his charming voice leaving her cheeks blushing red.

"I..." she hesitated for a moment before pulling away from his grasp.

"I want your help," she finally declared.

"Help?" Diablo tapped his chin, considering her words.

"Yes. Will you form a contract with me?" she asked, her gaze unwavering.

The moon disappeared behind the clouds, casting a shadow over Diablo's face, but as the light reappeared, she could see a smile forming on his lips.

"Sure," he replied, accepting her proposition.

"But what will I get in return?" Diablo asked, interrupting the lady's excitement.

"Anything. It doesn't matter. You can take anything I possess," the lady replied confidently.

"Anything?" The corpse smiled once again, a wicked glint in his eyes.