
Revenge of a Dying Lilac [SYSTEM RULES] {BL}

You died not because it was the heaven's judgement but because you were wrongly accused. Your death makes you realize your greatest regrets. And so, the normal life you thought you always you have, hiding it's dark secrets and is now slowly unfolded the deeper you dig in to the world of a so called system.

crimsonfujo656 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


His sleeping figure currently enjoying his fluffy bed and cuddly pillow, snuggling with it. But it didn't last long when the thing he hated the most wake him up in his comfy slumber.


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 1day:10hrs:25mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 1day:10hrs:24mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 1day:10hrs:23mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

"Okay okay I'm up I'm up...happy now? Tsk"

He get up from bed and start his daily routine. Few hours later, he's still wiping of his wet hair with a towel, sitting on the bed.

"Lilac, I want to use the White Compass Detector now"


"As you with dear host"


White Compass Detector Initiating.....


A ball of white light flashing out. It's not as bright as the last time. But still can cause a second of blindness. All though this ball of light is of great help but it has its side effects. All equipment in the inventory chart has its advantages and disadvantages.

"Ummm what will I do next?"


"Place the missing clue above the light including your hand. Please wait until the White Compass Detector activates and locate it's source"

He followed what the system said and waited for a minute but each second passed his palm started to hurt like something is sucking on it.

"Hey why does it hurt?"




"Ahh it hurts stop it.. let go of my...hand"

He tried to pull out but the ball of light only making it tighter than before.



Within a second a big compass was floating in mid air, displaying a symbol he don't understand. When the ball of light faded, he fell on the floor because of the force he used in pulling out his hand while the piece of cloth flew down. He look at his palm and saw a cross wound. There's even traces of blood in it.

"What the heck was that? Something is sucking out my blood. Hey Lilac, why didn't you warn me that those thing can suck blood?"


"Tsk. What a useless system"


"Every equipment displayed in the inventory chart needed a source of energy to be activated. It can either absorb life essence or by giving it blood. But since we can not force you to ejaculate....well forget about it. But most effective and easy way is to let it suck the amount of energy needed. AND DON'T CALL ME USELESS. I, Lilac, is one if the most reliable system for the past-----"




"Whoa it's the first time you to answer me that's not related to my mission. All I need it to do is provoke you huh... You almost spill out the bean hehehe"

He faced the compass while scratching his head. The symbol is like of an ancient time. He saw a lot of ancient artifacts and symbols in the museum but this kind of symbol is new to him. The symbol has a heart shape with a crown on top and a deep ruby red in the middle with two cross sword below just like the wound in his palm.

"This is crazy it looked so cool. I gonna get a photo of it---"

He was about to move when the symbol was replaced with an image he didn't believe he'll see again.

"Wh-- why it is you? I.... It couldn't be you. Lilac, Lilac I think there's something wrong with the compass. I think it's broken"

He didn't realize that his eyes is in tears. He stared at the image blankly, trying to find the right emotion he have right now.

The smile, the face he loves to stare. The innocent figure he longed for. The image of his best friend. He misses her. He misses her so much that it hunt him to the core to why he died in her hands. Her very delicate hands was tainted with his blood. The same blood that's still running through his veins until now. He wants to cry harder but with his unjustified and unreasonable death stop him to do so. He felt pity not to her but to himself. That he didn't try to defend himself, he didn't resist to every pain he received. He have the chance to speak but he keep on silent. He had a chance fight but he didn't retaliate. He's a coward, weak, scaredycat. He is a person who's afraid to fight back, that he rather took all the pain alone than to cause harm to others.

He's weak at heart. Even though he suffered countless humiliation and bullying before because of his orientation, it didn't stop him from dreaming that someday someone will accept him, that someone will love him just like his parents did. That someone will spend happy times with him. And it did, he meet his best friend who accepted him wholeheartedly. She embrace him even his flaws specially his sexuality. But it's not the case right now, he might be a person who cherish every bit of their memories together but he need to move on. He need to face the cruel world, the deadly truth. He need to be strong in order to protect himself. In order to fight back. He need to be selfish. And starting right now he need to accept the fact that the woman who once give him happiness will be his first ever enemy.

The image of his best friend also contains her basic information. Although he already knows about it, he still read the information given to him.


Name: Carla Haveir

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Natal date: September 28

Address: **** City

Status: Single

Occupation: ----

"Lilac, are you sure this informations are true? How come she lives in **** city when she's---  no way.... Did she just moved that place because of what she did to me? Is she trying to hide? But that place is isolated with no electricity or even signal. How come she--"

When his senses came back together, he immediately drive his way to that place. Although he didn't know the direction but since there's a Google map everything is going smoothly and since he remember that the place he will be in don't have a signal he took a screenshot in every part of the map and tried to remember every possible sign as he could.

"That bitch, why did she choose that place? She can't even live without her phone what's more without electricity or signal"

He drive from the speed of 60k/h up to 100k/h. He don't care if he violated some traffic rules as long as he reach that place as soon as possible.


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 1day:5hrs:5mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 1day:5hrs:4mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

"Not now, please not now"


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 1day:5hrs:3mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%


He slammed his palm hard to the  steering wheel. If one can see, they might thought that his nervous but the truth is, he's calm inside, he's relax in his heart though his mind is having some difficulties on wether he'll be happy to see her again or loath her instead.


To Be Continued
