
Revenge of a Dying Lilac [SYSTEM RULES] {BL}

You died not because it was the heaven's judgement but because you were wrongly accused. Your death makes you realize your greatest regrets. And so, the normal life you thought you always you have, hiding it's dark secrets and is now slowly unfolded the deeper you dig in to the world of a so called system.

crimsonfujo656 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


He extended his stay in the motel. It's already been 3 days but still no clue about the missing person. He walk in circle while bitting his thumb nail. He's in panic. His time are slowly running out but he still couldn't find any single clue. He started to lost hope. Maybe he'll just start to pray for all Buddhas around the world to spare his life. Maybe he'll just have to be more religious so that the system won't dare to hurt him. But he throw all his thoughts away. Ofcourse even Buddhas cant save him. His life is a total disaster.


Mission has started.

Remaining time: 2days:15hrs:45mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%


Mission has started.

Remaining time: 2days:15hrs:44mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

"Aaaahhh will you just stop popping out whenever you want? You're making me more nervous. I know my time is running out and I'm trying to find ways here. Don't just popped out of nowhere just because you like it. I'm having a hard time you know"

He burst out. His frustrated self is clearly visible. He messed his hair using his fingers. He already looked everywhere. If possible he want to destroy even the floor just to make sure that there's nothing behind it.

"What else do I have to do? I'm out of ideas"

He slumped his body against the bed while facing the ceiling blankly.

"This bed is really soft and  comfy"

He suddenly rise up when he finally got his answers. For the past 3 days he didn't even think about it. That the answers to all his frustration is just below his body.

"Bed... That it, the bed. Haha why the heck did I forget the bed. The bed is a very important clue. Hahaha I'm a genius, a genius hahahaha"

He started the flipped everything out. From blankets, pillows, bedsheet until the bed foam. He looked every corner of it until he found a piece of paper in a narrowed side of the bed containing his very first clue.


"Congratulations dear host, You successfully found the first missing clue. Your bonus reward will be given once the mission is complete"

"Hahaha I finally found it...hahaha congratulations to me"

He felt victorious, like he win a very huge some of money. But his joyous celebration suddenly fade. He keep on wondering what the heck is this? His very own first clue is just a couple of numbers.

"15 3.. What is this? What the heck is going on? How am I supposed to know the meaning of this number?.....Lilac, Lilac are you there? can I use the White Compass Detector with a number?"


"No, White Compass Detector can only be use if the information given is of the name of a person or things that own. Numbers are automatically invalid"

"I indeed finally found it but still no use. What's the point?"

He sit on the floor releasing a deep sigh. Although he found the first clue but he didn't know what's the meaning of it.

He took his phone out of his pocket to browse in the internet to passed his frustration. He tried to search the meaning of the numbers but fail. The result is non-existing.

A sudden memory of him and his 5 years old niece flashed into his mind.

They're playing a house game in the living room. He's wearing a fairy costume while his niece is wearing a princess costume with a little crown on her head when suddenly he heard his niece blabber something.

"Oh you found it. Uncle, you have to take 5 2"

"What 5 2?"

"Eh? You don't know? I thought you do. It's popular is our school. We always play it"

"But I don't know that game. Will this little princess be kind enough teach me then?"

"Sure. You just have to find the hidden numbers and then when you found it you have to take a step according to the first number written on it. You have to start to where you found the numbers and then a you have to knock according to the second number and then you will find a treasure"

"Oh! I see. This fairy understood. Let's play it again then"

He was thinking back and forth about the number and the game they played. If you think about it, it's the same kind of situation. He'll just have to take a step 15x then knock 3x.

He stand up firmly. Moving closer to where he found his first clue. Then he started to march forward toes by toes.

"1 2 3 4 5......11 12 13---"

He stopped. He face at the wall while tilting his head looking confused.

"Then what now? It's dead end. The count is only 13 but not 15"

He went back again from where he start then do the same thing but the results is still the same. 13, only 13 steps nothing more, nothing less.

"Maybe the person who wrote this number counted it wrong. Maybe it's really 13 but since he forgot and is too lazy to do it again then he wrote 15 instead. Or maybe there's more than that"

He look at the wall he's standing earlier. He walk near it and took of his shoes. He then place it in the wall tip to tip.

"14 15. That's it. It's 15. The counting included the wall"

He knock on the wall 3x where the last shoe was placed. The sound coming from the wall is different. Like it has a space in between. He pressed his nails into the wall, making a mark. He walk out the room barefoot and went to the lobby area. He asked the receptionist to borrow some carpentry tools and was asked by the personnel to what purpose. He just said the the water in the bathroom is leaking and that he wants to fix it. The receptionist didn't asked more and thus handed him the tools he need. He quickly went to his room. Lock the door and went to the wall where a marked was left from his nail.

(A/n: please pardon me. I don't know the any names of the tools used by a carpenter. I tried to search it but my internet is too slow)

He grab the sharpest tool he saw and slowly grinding it into the wall. Sweat dripping from his face down to his collar bone. Untill it finally open. He took a deep breath while wiping off his sweat. He grab his phone and on the flashlight. He draw close to the open wall.


A loud scream emit the room. A mouse come out from the wall. It stop infront of him while squicking then run away.

He once again draw close to the open wall. When he saw something black inside. He slowly grab it with his shaking hands.

"A piece of cloth?"


"Congratulations dear host, You  successfully found the second missing clue. Your bonus reward will be given once the mission is complete"

He felt relieved. Finally he got something that can be of used to find the missing person. He wear his shoes back and walk out of the room, ready to checkout in the motel, silently leaving the mess inside the room. He wants to go home and take some good rest. Today is a very long day.


To Be Continued
