
Revenge of a Dying Lilac [SYSTEM RULES] {BL}

You died not because it was the heaven's judgement but because you were wrongly accused. Your death makes you realize your greatest regrets. And so, the normal life you thought you always you have, hiding it's dark secrets and is now slowly unfolded the deeper you dig in to the world of a so called system.

crimsonfujo656 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


He finally reached his destination. He get off the car as he observe the 2 storey house. It's old but the sturdiness of the structure is clearly visible. Dried leaves covered the soil. Even the tress surrounded the house are now baldish and dying. If looked from afar, the house look like a haunted house. Like it came out from a horror movies.

The house is dark like no one is living on it for ages. The windows are full of dust even some have cracks. He walk near the front door and was shock when the knob is not locked. As he walk inside the house, he notice that all the stuff inside is covered with white fabrics. Thick spider webs can be found around the house.

He walk deeper and deeper while looking around. Observing the surroundings if there's some unusual sound. The house is dead silent. When he suddenly hear a noise that almost give him a heart attack.


"Dear host, your time clock was reduced from 1day:3hrs:45mins down to 20hrs:50mins"



"Dear host, your time clock was reduced from 1day:3hrs:45mins down to 10hrs:5mins"

"Oh it's just you, you startled me"

When remember what the system said, he almost faint due to a sudden change of his mission's time.

"I.... I had a bad dream. They decrease my time. I'm going to die soon"


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 10hrs:4mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

"Ahhhhhh What? So it was real? You....you really decrease my time? Why? It's so unfair.. why did you do that? Where is the world's justice"

With a disheartened self because of the sudden news, he force himself to stand up and continue searching. He promise to himself that he'll be strong enough and the first thing to do that is to face this unfair system, face his enemy and finished his mission. And after that he can prove to himself that he's ready to face the world.

With only his phone's flashlight as his source of light, he went to the 2nd floor. His body is currently trembling as his eyes are wondering around when a mouse suddenly standing infront of him.

"Eeeecccckkkkkk aaaahhh help. Help me I'm scared of mouse aaaahhh"

He run as fast as he could away from the mouse. He went inside one of the room without knowing.

"Hello? Somebody?"

Moving closer, he used his phone's flashlight to see if there's any more mouse around. But instead of a mouse a body was found. It was laying down while it's head below the bed with blood dripping out. It's eyes is widely open as if it was staring directly at him.


He quickly run closer to the door trying to get out but was halted. A memory flashed his mind. It was only for a second but the eyes. He knows that eyes. That pair of golden orbs that makes him want to keep it because of how shiny it is, like it was some kind of polished jewelry.

He slowly went back near the bed again to confirm who it was. He cannot be mistaken about his instinct. There's only one person he knows who own such eyes.

His heart is beating loudly that one can hear it because of how quite the room is. As he was trying to calm down, he saw the eyes again. And this time, it confirmed his thoughts.

"Carla? CARLA! Carla what happened to you? Who did it to you? Carla answer me"

He knows that the body he's currently shaking don't have life anymore but he can't help himself from trying just incase it responded even once. But useless, no one will still be alive if one received a slash in their throat. The wound is too deep and the blood is still fresh like it only happened right after he arrived. There's also some traces on her wrist being tied up too tight. He can't believe what he saw. He's friend. He's only best friend is dead. Her body is lifeless. Even if he's loathe her, he didn't wish for her to die. To die miserably. To die in this abandoned place just like how he died in the abandoned building.

He checked every part of her body leaving the private parts. There's no other sign except for the wound on her throat and on his wrist.

He notice that one of her hand was tightly closed. He tried to open it but no used. As if it's stuck. He tried once again. Slowly opening every single of her fingers until it finally open with his 3rd clue inside.

"A key?"


"Congratulations dear host, You  successfully found the third missing clue. Your bonus reward will be given once the mission is complete"

"A clue"

He stare at the dead body. His once frightened self is now slowly forming a terrifying smile. A smile that only a devil can make. A smile that even the most brave man will surely become jelly. He is not his usual self. He glance at her for the last time before shutting the door close.

He was now walking around the house. Trying every possible lock that might open using the key.


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 25mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

"Shit. There must be some basement here or maybe some----- that's right, the attic"

He looked at the ceiling, even in narrowed place but nothing was found. He even tried every room except for the room where his friend's dead body was  laying.

"Don't tell me---"

With his life being at sake he went back inside the room again. His friend's dead body was still there but the blood is now dried. But he didn't give a damn. Instead he keep on searching until he finally found it.

"Ladder.  I need a ladder"

He looked around the room to see if there's something that might be of used to him. His eyes landed on the average size cabinet. He pushed it until it reach the perfect place he want.

He went down to the 1st floor to get a chair since the cabinet isn't enough to reach the ceiling. He went back inside, place the chair above the cabinet and started to open the attic.

He took his phone's flashlight to see if he can find something in the attic but his face suddenly became pale. With the sudden abruptness he fall to the ground including the thing he found inside the attic.


System Update

Mission has started.

Remaining time: 10mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

He stay laying in the floor with the thing above him. His whole body is shaking. Like it is his first time being so scared that he cant help but peed on his pants. A warm water coming from him flow down to the cold floor, but he didn't care as his mind was still processing about the thing he saw in the attic and is now above him.

He can't believe what he saw. He can't believe that he actually saw it. He tried to get up. Slowly pushing the thing away from him. He crawl back away from the thing. His eyes started to get blurry. His head is now aching too much. He force himself to stay awake when  he finally blabber his last word.



"Congratulations dear host. You successfully found the missing person. Your reward will be given in the right time.


Mission Complete

Class: Beginner

Status Bar: 20%


Before he finally lost his consciousness, everything sink in to his mind and finally realized the the missing person is not a living person but instead his dead body.


To Be Continued
