

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



As me, Eva and Catherine slept in the room as she's blabbering about her boss almost the whole night .Now that both idiots are sleeping like a log and here I'm looking at the white ceiling and thinking about nothing, sleep is far away from my eyes. Then suddenly Cathy's mobile started to ring. I looked at the time its 1.40 at night. Who is calling her at this time? I looked at her and she didn't even stir a bit. I'm sure that she's somewhere in her dreamland. So, I took her mobile and looked at the caller I'd. There is no name. It's just a number. And then my stupid brain started to calculate all the negative situations... who is this? What if something is happened to her close ones and the one who help them calling her to inform her? Or worst what if someone in that situation calling her for help? Because In late night people only call someone if something is important or urgent. As I'm being stupid and thinking about all these without taking that call, the ring goes off and as I'm going to breathe in relief it started ringing again from that same number. So this I attended the call without a second thought and asked her/him all the questions in one go and without letting the person in the another line to speak..

Me: Hello. Who are you? Why are you calling in this time? Are you fine? Is it something important or something worst happened to you or Catherine's family? Are you sure you're fine? Please respond why are you silent?

He: I can only speak, if you let me speak. (A husky voice speaks from other side, this voice literally sending electricity to allover my body and my body starts to shiver. but why? Oh, I think it's because of this late night and it's too cold outside).

Me: Oh. Okay. I'm sorry and then who are….. (And before I complete he interrupt me)

He: Ohh... there before you start again let me complete. There is nothing happened to Ms. Joseph's family or me. It's just she have to complete some presentation now, it's important otherwise I'll not call her this late night and the meeting is tomorrow early morning so its urgent . And...…. Another thing....thank you ..... And ....I'm.....I'm fine.

(He cleared all my doubts and I think he is sleepy he drag his last words long).

Me: Oh. Okay. But she is sleeping like a dead buffalo, after disturbing my sleep. And I'm sure she is somewhere in her middle of the dream with her boyfriend. Please wait I'll try to wake her up.

He: Hmm. Okay.

(And now I have to wake up this log. Okay let's try.) As I'm saying these words to myself and tried to wake her up).

Me: Cathy. Cathy. Sweetheart. Wake up.

(I slapped her lightly). As she's already tired I don't want to disturb at all.

Me: Sweetheart. Wake up baby. Wakey wakey sweetheart.

Cathy: Please sweetheart. 10 more minutes. My head is spinning . My D.E.V.I.L devil boss , you know right , as per his order I'm worked the whole day and I'm sure tomorrow also that devil will give me more works . please sweetheart let me .....sleep…..

(Here she sleeps again) After hearing her I got some idea so I asked that person.

Me: Hello sir. I think she's really tired as your boss gives her so much of works. So I think if you let me I'll complete her work and I think You're also sleepy, You're only working because You're afraid of your boss right. So I'll too complete your work and you have to sleep now so only you'll be able to handle tomorrow works given by your boss. You just send yours and Cathy's to her whatsapp. And I have no idea to sleep now. Only if you let me, and promise me that you'll not tell this to your boss. I'm sure he'll fire you both. You're her colleague right.

(He didn't answer anything).

Me: Hello sir. Are you there?

He: Yeah. Yes I'm her colleague. You don't have to take tension. I'll call my boss and ask him to postpone the meeting for tomorrow afternoon. So, we both can go to sleep now. And are you her friend.

Me: What. Are you sure. That he'll hold off the meeting. But Cathy told me he'll not listen to anyone words. And yes I'm her friend.

He: Oh okay. And no it's not like that, I'll request to him to hold off the meeting till tomorrow afternoon.

Me: Okay. But make sure that he'll accept your request. If he didn't you call me I'll finish your works.

He: Nah. You take rest. And I'll make sure that he'll hold off the meeting. So don't take tension please go to sleep and you don't have to say this all to Ms. Joseph. I'll explain to her tomorrow morning in office. And thank you for asking.

Me: Wow. You're really a life saver. If I started to explain her she'll ask me 1000s of questions in one minute. Okay. Bye. Good night. Have a good sleep, after all tomorrow you have to attend the meeting and you have to explain everything to your boss. All the best. I just wish that your boss will not yell at you and Cathy.

He: As you wish. I'll be happy if your wish comes true and I'll make sure to fulfill your wish. Good night.

Me: Bye…

(And then I cut the call. and now I'm sleepy. Don't know why simple conversation feels good).


I don't know who the girl in the other end is. But she just started to blabber.

She: Hello. Who are you? Why are you calling in this time? Are you fine? Is it something important or something worst happened to you or Catherine's family? Are you sure you're fine? Please respond why are you silent?

(I don't know why but my eyes started to blur. This voice is really soothing my whole body and brain after a long day and my heart after years. I don't know who is this or whose voice is this but this feeling is too good. I think it's because, someone is truly asking me I'm fine or not and not because of my money or power. I don't want this to end so I started to reply her).

Me: I can only speak, if you let me speak.

(She didn't even let me speak at first. If someone any other than this girl did something like this I'm sure that I'll made their day hell. But look at me now. I'm explaining this small thing to her.)

She: Oh. Okay. I'm sorry and then who are…..

(And before she can start again I interrupt her by saying…..)

Me: Ohh... there before you start again let me complete. There is nothing happened to Ms. Joseph's family or me. It's just she have to complete some presentation now, it's important otherwise I'll not call her this late night and the meeting is tomorrow early morning so its urgent . And...…. Another thing....thank you ..... And ....I'm.....I'm fine.

(I cleared all her doubts. I think she truly care for Ms. Joseph and Ms. Joseph's family. I think she is Ms. Joseph's friend because she asked me whether Ms. Joseph's family is alright and I'm alright. I don't know why she didn't ask for her family safety. At last I said thank you to her. She is the first person I thanked whole heartedly. Before all this money and power and I have to beg some people and thank them for giving me opportunity. I know they didn't give me any opportunity wholeheartedly. But this thank you is really different. I also think this the first time in my whole life someone cares for me without even knowing who I'm. This is also the first time I'm saying that I'm fine truly. Yes after all these years I think I'm really fine after hearing her caring words.)

She: Oh. Okay. . But she is sleeping like a dead buffalo, after disturbing my sleep. And I'm sure she is somewhere in her middle of the dream with her boyfriend. Please wait I'll try to wake her up.

Me: Hmm. Okay.

(And also this is the first time after 8 years someone asks me to wait. And I don't have any problem in this as long as I can hear her voice. And dead buffalo, I want to laugh at her selection of words).

She: Cathy. Cathy. Sweetheart. Wake up .

(And then I hear her that she's trying to wake Ms. Joseph up. Ms. Joseph is really lucky that she have chance to hear her voice daily)

She: Sweetheart. Wake up baby. Wakey wakey sweetheart.

(She is trying to wake her up with sweet words. Seriously she is treating Ms. Joseph as her daughter. How much I want to be in Ms. Joseph's place. What it will like when this girl will wake me up every morning and forever with her sweet words and her sweet Voice. What suddenly from where these thoughts coming today. I hate girls but I want this girl to wake me up daily. What is going in my brain)?

Another Voice: Please sweetheart. 10 more minutes. My head is spinning. My D.E.V.I.L devil boss , you know right , as per his order I'm worked the whole day and I'm sure tomorrow also that devil will give me more works . Please sweetheart let me .....sleep…..

(And then I heard another girl voice. I recognized it as Ms. Joseph's voice. But what the hell, why Ms. Joseph is calling me devil in front of her. I know the whole world is calling me devil. But I don't want her know me as a devil. And she didn't wake up till now).

She: Hello sir. I think she's really tired as your boss gives her so much of works. So I think if you let me I'll complete her work and I think You're also sleepy, You're only working because You're afraid of your boss right. So I'll too complete your work and you have to sleep now so only you'll be able to handle tomorrow works given by your boss. You just send yours and Cathy's to her whatsapp. And I have no idea to sleep now. Only if you let me, and promise me that you'll not tell this to your boss. I'm sure he'll fire you both. You're her colleague right.

(She thinks I'm Ms. Joseph's colleague and I want to continue like this. I don't want her to know me as Ms. Joseph's boss. She wants me to sleep and don't want me to work. How can she help someone without knowing who are they. I think she's really of Ms. Joseph's boss, I mean me. So she doesn't want me know all this and I can't allow her to work this late night she has to sleep. If she works late this night she'll get health issues. No I can't allow that. I know I'm the one who called Ms. Joseph this late to give some work. But I don't want this girl to do anything now. I just want her to take rest. I want to play some game here. )

She: Hello sir. Are you there?

(As I'm in my thoughts she called me interrupting my thoughts)

Me: Yeah. Yes I'm her colleague. You don't have to take tension. I'll call my boss and ask him to postpone the meeting for tomorrow afternoon. So, we both can go to sleep now. And are you her friend.

(I know this will work. I just want her to sleep now).

She: What. Are you sure. That he'll hold off the meeting. But Cathy told me he'll not listen to anyone words. And yes I'm her friend.

(Yes I can do anything for you. So she is Ms. Joseph's friend. Okay)

Me: Oh okay. And no it's not like that, I'll request to him to hold off the meeting till tomorrow afternoon.

She: Okay. But make sure that he'll accept your request. If he didn't you call me I'll finish your works.

(Finally I'm able to convince her).

Me: Nah. You take rest. And I'll make sure that he'll hold off the meeting. So don't take tension please go to sleep and you don't have to say this all to Ms. Joseph. I'll explain to her tomorrow morning in office. And thank you for asking.

(I said this as I don't want her to know that I'm that devil)

She: Wow. You're really a life saver. If I started to explain her she'll ask me 1000s of questions in one minute. Okay. Bye. Good night. Have a good sleep, after all tomorrow you have to attend the meeting and you have to explain everything to your boss. I just wish that your boss will not yell at you and Cathy.

(I'm really happy today. And sure I'll make her wishes comes true. And I know tomorrow meeting will be successful).

Me: As you wish. I'll be happy if your wish comes true and I'll make sure to fulfill your wish. Good night.

She: Bye…

(And then she hangs off the call. I want to talk to her the whole night but I will not do that. She needs sleep. And now I'm also sleepy why not she wishes me good night so I'm to get sleep a peaceful sleep after years).

I murmured a bye to myself and then I informed every other about the meeting postponed for tomorrow afternoon. After that I got fresh and got on my bed to sleep. As I have this special room for me in my floor.

After I sleep peacefully with the thought of the girl I just know few minutes ago. And I don't even know the name of that girl. So I gave her a nick name in Italian language.

MIO TESORO (My Treasure)