

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



Guys, today is Friday and today evening we are going to meet my mom and sis and spend this weekend with them. So, be ready with your bags and sweethearts pack my bag also. I'll return from work as soon as possible. (Cathy is yelling at me and Eva as she's leaving for her work).

Okay bye. (We both replied her at an instant).

Today I'm free in afternoon as the restaurant is going to close because my boss is going somewhere.

So, today afternoon I'm going to my favorite place to spend some peaceful time after the long time. As Cathy and Eva both have works. And I don't want to go to my apartment as I'm sure both Helen and Zoë will be there.

After completing my work and informing my boss I leave my restaurant and started to walk to my destination. As the climate is so good and I love to walk, I didn't book any cab. And I didn't have my lunch also. Within 20 minutes I reach my destination. It's a lake surrounded by trees which blossoms every day in a year. I love this place so much. And I'll forget all my worries and started to enjoy every moment whenever I visit this place. I don't know I have this strong connection to this place for years. I only know this place even Eva and Cathy don't know. There is a bench near the lake where I sat for hours and thinking about my life. As same I sit in the right corner of the bench and started to thinking about my own life irrespective of the surroundings. After some hours I think its evening, I have to go home and started to pack mine's and Cathy's bag otherwise she'll bury me under feet.

As I'm going to leave, I heard some noises like someone is yelling at other person. And curiosity caught the best of me and I move towards the person.



I feel really fresh and happy today. Yesterday night I had the best sleep in these eight years. It's already 6 in the morning. I didn't sleep this late; I used to wake up 4 in the morning daily. So it's really surprising me. After spending an hour in the gym, I got ready to my office. I have to clear this yesterday drama. Otherwise I'll have problem. And again I'm missing that voice and those sweet words she used to wake up Ms. Joseph.

It's already 8 in the morning and I'm sure Ms. Joseph will be here anytime soon. So I have to prepare a perfect lie.

At the same time I heard a knock on my door. After my permission, Ms. Joseph entered in my cabin. I'm really jealous of her.

Ms. Joseph: Good morning sir.

Me: Hmm. Yesterday night I asked one of my friends to call you from my number and asked him to inform you about the meeting and ask you to complete the presentation yesterday night only. He said that he called you but you didn't attend and someone I your friend attended the call and tried to wake you up but you didn't. So my friend asked me hold off the meeting till today afternoon. So there is a meeting today. This file contains all the information and you have to complete the presentation before 12.00. And ask the receptionist to arrange the conference hall for the meeting. This is the only work you have till evening. Am I clear Ms. Joseph? (I gave the file to her).

Ms. Joseph: I'm really sorry sir. I remember my friend tried to wake me up but I'm really tired...

Daniel: I don't want any explanation. Just go and complete your presentation.

Ms. Joseph: Okay sir.

(I wish Ms. Joseph will not argue over this matter to her friend. Otherwise I'll be in problem).

With that thought I started to do my works, after taking my breakfast. At sharp 12.00 I heard a knock on my door. Ms. Joseph finished her presentation and it's time for the meeting. And I'm sure this meeting will be really successful, of course it will cause my Tesoro wished me yesterday night right.

After 2 hours of that meeting, I'm free for this weekend. And here after I'm literally free all the files I have to sign are completed yesterday night and the projects of this month are going well. And my PA will take care of other things. So now I want a long drive ….that too alone...

So after ordering my bodyguards not follow me, and informing my PA to take care of everything and changing in something casual. I went to my secret basement in this building which is only known by me, my head bodyguard, my driver and my PA only. So that no one will follow me. And then I got into my Lamborghini and started to drive without any destination. After some hours only god knows how many hours I driving without destination, my car suddenly broke down in the middle of the road, so I parked my car in side of the road. And I looked around to find some people, so that I can ask them do to anything. There is literally no one in this road. And it's already evening. But this place somewhat looks familiar. But I don't know what place is this. So I started to walk looking for some people or some kind of shops. I found nothing, so I called my bodyguard (Oliver) and started to yell at him.

Me: Do I pay you only for standing behind me. You also have to check whether the condition of my car is good or what. It broke down in the middle of the road. And no one is here at all. I don't know what you'll do I want another car in ten minutes.

Oliver: I'm really sorry sir. Sir can you please tell me where are you. I'll come there as soon as possible.

Me: I don't know what place is this. Track my GPS or do something. I want another car as soon as possible.

Oliver: Okay sir. Please wait.

Me: Urgg. Okay.

(And then I cut the call. After some minutes Oliver called me again).

Me: What...

Oliver: Sir. The place where you're now is called green lake. And it will take more than one hour to drive here to there even with the fastest car and best drivers. So sir, if you want I'll send your helicopter to pick you up from there.

Me: I don't know what you'll .....

(As I'm literally shouting in my phone, I heard a girl's voice calling me from behind. God, I think it's the same girl. I can surely tell from that voice. But I don't want to misunderstand anything… but I want to confirm also it's literally the same). So I got some idea ... to confirm my doubt...

Me: Oliver. Wait for some time. I'll call you later.

(I cut the call and turned to her. God, she's so beautiful, like angel, flawless skin, and more than that her mesmerizing hazel brown eyes. She's asking me something but I can't able to concentrate on anything. I'm only looking at her eyes which remember me about something which I don't know. But what makes me sad is she looks very tired and weak. She has dark circles around her eyes. As I'm deep in my thoughts she waved her hand in front of me which make me to come out of my trance.

Me: I'm sorry. Did you asked something?

She: Yes sir. Do you need any help? You're looking worried. And you're shouting at your mobile. So I thought you need some help.

Me: Yeah. Actually my car broke down a little away from here; I walked here looking for some help. And I don't know what place is this as I'm new here.

She: Oh. This place is called green lake. Look over there, there is a lake. I don't know whether you able to see or not. Because of this lake and the trees surrounding here it is being called Green Lake. And this place is located in city outskirts. So you'll not get any help here that easily. There is a short cut from here to city its just 20 minutes walk. I'll always come here by that way only. If you want I can tell you about that shortcut from city so that you'll call someone and tell them. So they can reach here within ten minutes, or you can join me in the walk as I'm leaving this place now.

(She explains me everything. And I'm not stupid to let this opportunity to find out, is she is the same girl in yesterday phone call or not). (And I'm 100 % sure that she don't know me. I'm surprised that she really doesn't know the world's most handsome eligible bachelor billionaire)

Me: Oh. Okay thank you. Can you please wait I'll call my bod…I mean my friend and ask him whether he is free or not.

She: Okay. I'll wait.

(Then I called Oliver. He attended the call in first ring itself. Of course because he is waiting for my call)

Me: Hmm. Oliver, are you free now? Can you please come to pick me up? I'll tell you some short route it will not take more than twenty minutes to drive here from city.

(He didn't reply anything. And I know the reason that I'm calling him with his first name and requesting him which is totally new for him and to everyone. But I have to act in front of her).

Me: Oliver, are you there...

Oliver: Si...sir…sir... I … I …..mean…

(Wow. A man who can kill someone with his one punch is stammering this much. This is the first time he is stammering this much. Actually he is the only person who'll not stammer if I yelled at them because he is used to me. I'll always yell at him like a devil no matter what. But he always has his calm posture. But now he is stammering when I'm talking to him normally like a person).

Me: It's okay Oliver. I know you're busy. You don't have to pick me up. I'll come.

Oliver: Sir. What are you doing? I'm not busy. Sir don't go anywhere from there. It will be a problem. People will recognize you. I'll be there as soon as possible. It is a danger for you sir.

Me: I know Oliver. Trust me. I'll come by my own. You don't have to take tension. And I know you're really busy.

Oliver: No. No. sir, please listen to me.

Me: No Oliver, then do one thing. Ask some your friend to pick up my car from here. Okay bye.

Oliver: Sir. sir…

Me: bye. Bye.

(I cut the call not letting him speak any further). And then I looked at her. She is looking at me with a big question mark in her face. I'm shaking in fear now is she found out that I'm lying or worse she found that who is she talking with) so I asked her directly..

Me: why are you looking at me like that?

She: Are you working in Kings Empire.

( what no I'm not working there because I'm the owner of the kings empire. And I'm the king. But I think she recognized from my voice from yesterday phone call. So I have to play the cards now).

Me: Yeah. But how do you know. Do you also working there.

(I asked her rolling my eyes in confusion. I think I deserves Oscar award. I really want to know each and every single thing about her)

She: No. My friend is working there. Yesterday some of her colleague called her late night asking about some presentation. I think that guys' voice is matching with you. So I just asked whether you're that person. Are you that guy?

(Now, I'm 100 % sure, she's my Tesoro)

Me: Oh yeah. I also recognized your voice but I'm not sure, so I didn't ask you anything. So, you're Ms. Joseph's friend.

She: Yes. I'm. I think we should start walk now. Otherwise it will be very late.

Me: okay.

(And we both started to walk. I really have to careful with my otherwise I'll be caught).

She: Oh yeah. Did your boss accept your request? I didn't called Cathy today.

Me: Yes. He accepted my request. And thank you the meeting goes well. After the meeting only I came here as I want some time alone.

She: Oh okay.

(After that both of us didn't speak any word. We both are walking peacefully. There is a comfortable silence between us. Suddenly I got this doubt from somewhere. So I asked her)

Me: Are you all alone there. Are there was any other person with you?

She: I'll only tell you if you promise me you'll not tell Cathy about this.

Me: No I'll not. I promise. It will be our secret.

She: okay then yes I came here all alone. I'll always come here when I want some alone time. No one knows this other than me. Now you know this secret of me. I don't know but I feel some peace whenever I came here. I think this place has this special connection to my heart.

Me: I'm glad that you shared your secret with me. And I'll promise I'll not share this small secret of yours with anyone.

She: Thank You

(I want to tell her that I also have the same feeling about this place. And I'm sure this place will be our place. Suddenly her stomach growled. I think she didn't had her lunch today, I also didn't ate mine)

Me: I think you didn't have your lunch, I also didn't eat mine. So If don't mind can we have something when we reach the city.

She: Yeah I didn't. Okay. I think we already reached the city. There are some small restaurants we will grab something on our way.

(Okay now I have to more careful with my surroundings. People will recognize me anywhere. So I wear my mask as I already have a cap. So people will not recognize me easily. Still I have to be careful).

She: why did you wearing your mask now?

Me: Just for pollution. Nothing more. You also try to wear mask when you're in streets. Otherwise city pollution will affect you.

(I somehow managed her today)

She: Hey. Look there.

(She pointed her left hand fingers towards my right side. But there is nothing)

Me: what. There is nothing.

She: Look there. That seller. He is selling hot dogs.

(She again pointed at the same direction. Now I see some man in his late 40's selling hot dogs in the small vehicle. Don't tell me she's going to eat that. I think this is the reason for her weakness. She has to eat healthy not something like this).

Me: No, not that. It's not healthy.

She: Please...

(She is giving me her puppy eyes… That look in her face is very clear _ If. You. didn't. allow. me. to. eat. That. I'll. Cry. Now. That. To. Here . in. the. road - look. So I have to accept her request and I can't resist her puppy eyes. This is the last time and next time I'll allow her to something like that even she gives me her puppy eyes)'

Me: Okay. But this is the last time.

She: Okay Okay. Let's go.

(We both went near him).

She: Hi. How much is this.

That man: 1 dollar

She: Okay. Give us four. Two for me and two for him.

(She ordered for me too).

Me: what I'm not going to eat this. Only you're going to eat.

She: No you're also eating.

(I'm sure she'll not leave me that easily. Okay let's see why she wants to eat this)

Me: Okay

(Then he gave us two plates. She starts to eat without any hesitation. After some time, she notices me that I'm still didn't started to eat. Without saying anything she took a small piece from plate and holds it near my mouth. At first I got confused what is she doing? After realizing what is she doing my eyes got blur I controlled hard not to cry. So I simply open my mouth and she feed me the first piece. After that also I didn't eat anything. So she started to feed me while she's also eating. I'm enjoying this small moment. Then I saw a group of man wearing all black walking towards us. I instantly got panic. No they are not my enemies they are own bodyguards and the man in the centre is none other than Oliver. Shit. If she saw them, today will be turn upside down. She'll hate me. No I'm not going to let happen this. So, while she is eating her hot dog I signaled Oliver not to come near me. I know he'll understand me. So, he stopped them and they went near the car and started to looking at my surrounding to find is there any kind of threat. Oliver is looking at her with eagle eyes like she's going to kill me anytime soon. But he saw she is feeding me, his eyes got wider and he looked at me with the same shock look. Then her mobile suddenly started to ring. She stopped feeding me and took her mobile and looked at the caller and I cursed the person who ruined our little moment. Once I got to who it is I'll definitely kill him or her). She attends the call.

She: Hi Cathy.

(So, Ms. Joseph is the person I want to kill now. Buy I can't do that, otherwise my Tesoro will kill me).

She: Oh .shit sorry, sorry I totally forget. I'm coming. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

(Then she cut the call and looked at me with sorry look. What happened now?)

She: I'm sorry. I have to go now. I totally forgot that we are going to meet Cathy's mom and sister today and going to spend this weekend with them. So, I have to leave now bye.

(What. she's going. I'll not able to meet her for two days. I don't want her to go. But I can't to that she have enjoy her life. Okay I'll meet her once she's is here again. Control Control. She's going for only two days. Then I suddenly got a doubt).

Me: It's okay. But you didn't tell me your name.

She: We only meet today. So if we meet again then I'll tell you my name. You can also tell me your name if we meet next time. I'll also not ask Cathy anything. Okay bye.

(Then she paid for our hotdogs. And then she called the cab. I want to drop her but I can't do that. The cab came within 5 minutes. She got into her cab. She waves her hand at me saying bye through the window).

She: Bye. I wish I'll see you again. Thank you for this beautiful day. I really enjoyed your company.

Me: Me too. Bye. Safe journey, enjoy your weekend and take care.

(I'm only looking at the cab till the cab left my sight. I can have information about her within seconds but I her to trust me and give me her information on her own. I know I'm hiding my identity to her but I'll reveal my identity to her soon. )

Oliver is still looking at me with wide eyes. I don't want or need to explain anything to anyone and now I have ensure her safety when she is not with me. With these thoughts I got into the car. After me Oliver also entered the car and sat in the passenger seat. And I ordered him….

Me: Mr. Smith. Ensure that's girls' safety from today. She is my PA Ms. Joseph's best friend and she is leaving this city today for this weekend with Ms. Joseph. So you can easily her with the mobile which we gave to Ms. Joseph for her work. Track that mobile GPS. And make sure that girl is safe.

Oliver: Okay sir.