

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



I woke up today at 4 a.m. And cleaned the whole house and did Helen's and Zoe's laundry. After that it took 45 minutes to make breakfast for everyone and lunch Catherine. I took a glance at the clock. It's already 7 am. Shit I have to wake Catherine. Her work starts 9 a.m. I went to wake her up. But today she's already ready for her work.

Rose: Who are you? Where is my Catherine? What you did to her.

Catherine: What are you blabbering rose. I'm your Catherine. Go and get your eyes check.

Rose: In all these years my Catherine didn't wake up before 7.30 a.m. So I am really curious what happened to you. Even when your previous job starts at 8.30 am you only woke up at 7.30. A.m. what's so new in this job.

Catherine: Because now I'm the PA for world's handsome eligible bachelor.

Rose: Urgh... Again she started talking about that man. Okay come fast breakfast is ready and already packed your lunch box.

Catherine: Awe. You're such a sweetheart darling.

After that we all had our breakfast. And I and Eva do the dishes as Helen and Zoë only knows how to eat. After that we leave for our respective jobs.


After breakfast I got in my regular cab and arrived at my office at 8.30 am. Wow I'm Half an hour early. This is my record breaking victory. What a building (80 floors glass building). The Name is shining in black in sun. (KINGS EMPIRE).

As I'm going to enter into the building after the security check, I saw a black limo parked in front of the office. I'm sure it's definitely belongs to my boss (Mr. Daniel King). I saw a tall, broad figure enter into the office surrounded by bodyguards. Oh my god, he is here I am going to meet him in few minutes.

After that I entered into the building try to saw after some steps I'm able to saw his face. I can't express this feeling I saw the Dream boy (no not boy, dream man) of all the girls in the world. He didn't give any response to the people who are ready with the flower bouquet in their hands in order to welcome him. As I'm going to introduce myself to him, a girl with really short dress beat me and greeted him. And she introduced herself to him that she's working in this headquarters. I thought he's going to greet her in response. But he literally chocked her to the death and fired her without even second thought. Now only I realize why people calling him "the Curse to the world". Now I just want get out of his sight (no, not only his sight I want get out of this whole damn building). She just wishes him even for that he almost killed her. What if I do any mistakes, oh no then he'll really kill me.

And then he just entered his elevator like nothing happened here. After taking deep breath for ten minutes and appreciate myself to not make any mistakes and follow his each and every order perfectly. After that I entered into the workers elevator and got in to the 79th floor and after asking the reception of the floor to accompany me to the boss (no devil's cabin, as we both are feared him the most as we work close to the devil king). After that we both knock the door of his cabin). As we both hear the Devil's Come in we both literally started to shake in fear.


As I'm reading a file I heard a knock on my door. As I give permission, I saw two girls entered into my cabin. I can see the fear in their face even also one girl is smiling at me. After that they both started to introduce them.

Catherine: Good morning sir. I'm Catherine Joseph. I'm appointed here as your new PA.

Daniel: Did you think you're the boss here. You're my PA you have to be here before me. (I yelled at her as I don't like late comers).

Catherine: Sorry sir.

Daniel: Tomorrow you have to be before me otherwise consider yourself as fired.

Another girl: Good morning sir, I'm your receptionist in the floor 79th sir.

Daniel: Don't you dare to smile in front me another time and hate people wasting my time. So, you both know your job here as you both are experienced in your work. You can start your work now. And you arrange the meeting with Heads of all the departments after lunch. (I ordered my PA, I don't know what is her name it's something starts with C). What are your ms…?

Catherine: Ms. Catherine Joseph sir.

Daniel: Ok Ms. Joseph and I want my entire employees list who works in the head quarters within half an hour on my table. You both can leave now.

And then I studied all the financial reports and employees list and their performance and in meeting I fired half the employees here, as I'm not satisfied with their last year performance.

And I have to say this new PA is also good in her job.


After the hectic day, I returned home at 8.00 p.m. and I don't know why Catherine didn't come till. Everyday she'll be here before when she is in her old job. After making dinner me and Eva is waiting for Cathy's (Catherine's nick name) arrival in the hall. And Helen and Zoe also waiting and I don't know the reason.

A minute before 10 we heard the door click and Eva started shouting at Cathy.

Eva: Idiot do you know what time it is. Where were you this late?

Cathy: Do you think I did party without you in this night.

Me: Then are you at your boyfriend's place.

Cathy: No shit. I just finished my work. And I can't even call him the whole day.

Eva: who will work this late? Are you mad?

Cathy: No one but the devil will. And the devil didn't leave his office till now.

Me, Eva, Helen, Zoe: Devil. Who is it?

Cathy: Who? The devil is no one other than my one and only Boss

Me, Eva, Helen, Zoe: what?

Me: But when your handsome man changed into the devil.

Cathy: It's a long story.

Me, Eva, Helen, Zoe: We are all ears.

Cathy: But why you both are waiting today I'm sure daily you'll be sleeping this time.

Zoe: we just care for our roommate.

Cathy: oh I see.

Then she narrated the full story.

Eva: He's a real devil.

Helen: But he is handsome then who cares.

Cathy: He'll kill you without second thought if you talk nonsense.

Me: Is he even a heart. How can he just fire all of them without any notice? I hate him.

And then we call it as a night and we got on our beds. But I don't why I have this feeling that he is not that bad. I think he had some for fire them.


After that meeting, I saw that half of the office is crying because I fired them. But I know they are creating drama that is not their original tears. I didn't fire them only because of their performance; I also checked each and every thing about their characters. I don't want these types of people around me every time.

At 1.30 P.M. I completed all my work. There is only one meeting I have to handle. And I scheduled it in early morning 6.00 a.m. tomorrow. I have to inform my PA that she has to complete the presentation for tomorrow meeting now only. I know people will sleep at this time but she is working for me, so she has to sacrifice her sleep,

Then I took my professional mobile and called her number. At first she didn't attend the call, so I called her second time and this time she attended the call in first ring itself.