
Returning to a Time Before The Apocalypse

Earth's Hero, August Harper. Had saved the world from Monsters and Warriors from another world. He was promised one wish by the 'Gods' if he succeeded in this endeavor. But they lied. They told him that he was a mere piece of a huge puzzle, that he would have no worth if it weren't for them. Angered, he destroyed the 'Gods' and their civilizations. Becoming a hero to the demons and Hell bringer to their servants and worshipers. He used his wish to return to a time before he had to fight 'Gods' and Monsters. To a time, when he was happy. This is my Second Novel, I am still a novice in writing so don't expect peak literature. Please check out, Survivors Guide: To An Alien Invasion. I will be working on both novels at the same time. This novel was a sudden burst of inspiration after reading solo leveling.

he_who_scribbles · Fantasy
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Chapter 23 - Choosing to go

After seating the unconscious Xander, My friends, Jane and I would converse for 2 hours before my mom called Jane to go back home. She quickly apologized for the sudden departure and surprisingly thanked them for coming to visit me. What is she my wife? I fiercely shook my head and reprimanded myself for thinking these thoughts.

Jane soon left. Leaving me, the unconscious Xander and my goth friends in silence before Daisy asked in a curious and nosy tone,

"So, are you two dating?"


"Aw!! C'mon we're friends aren't we, there's no need to lie!!"

Xander suddenly exclaimed, surprising all of us.

"Y-You were faking it!?" Jace asked incredelously

"Hum Hum, that gorilla would've killed me if I wasn't" Xander hummed

"Its your fault for saying such vulgar words." Daisy looked at him deadpan

"Vulgar?! No, no! It was just a simple question of whether these two have already done the sacred ritual of love!"

We all looked at him in annoyance. Daisy sent him a karate chop to his liver, making him wheeze and tilt over and off the chair.

"We're not dating, we're siblings." I revealed to them

"Siblings? But you guys don't look alike?" Daisy asked

"I was adopted into her family when I was younger."

"I understand!" Xander suddenly interrupted

"You and your sister are siblings but also lovers! You guys fuck in secret just like in those animes Zack likes to watch."

"First off gross, and also why do you keep on insisting that Jane and I are dating?" I asked

"Hm? Well, I've noticed for a while that in school you would always give her a side glance whenever she was nearby. I ignored it at first thinking that maybe you had a crush on her. But seeing her with you completely crushed my first thought."

"That doesn't explain why you continue to insist that she and I are having a secret romance."

"You didn't let me finish." He took a breath before continuing

"When I first saw Jane here with you at first I thought maybe you and her were just friends so I wanted to tease you both by asking whether you guys are fucking. I expected a hateful or embarrassed retort but I ended up getting thrown across the hospital." He shrugged while Daisy caressed his face.

He winked at Daisy before continuing "Before I blacked out I saw her face turn bright red, at that time I thought 'maybe there was more between you two'. I confirmed it almost immediately after waking up, I chose to continue pretending to be asleep for uh obvious safety reasons but I overheard you guys' conversation with Jane, the more I listened to Jane speak and how she acted with you made me realize that she most definitely has feelings for you. And also the way she dismissed herself almost like a good housewife especially strengthen my speculation." He ended with an arrogant and all knowing expression





"You're surprisingly sharp in idiotic circumstances." August was amazed by his deductive reasonings

"It's a gift!" He whipped his hair back

"So, am I right? Are you two having a secret affair?" Xander asked as he leaned forward, anticipation written on his face

I showed him a sneer, confusing him before telling him "You're wrong. Jane and I are only siblings, friends at best."

He made an exaggerated shocked expression before he began muttering to himself. I didn't really care about what he saying so I changed the topic

"I heard that there's going to be a school trip. Are you guys going as well?"

"Yeah! We're apparently going to China, Shanghai for 3 nights and 2 days." Zack excitedly said

"Yeah, half the school is going." Jace commented

"Half the school? Since when have public schools been so kind?" I asked in disbelief

"They aren't." Jace laughed

"Apparently some big conglomerate is sponsoring the trip for some reason. And the school was given enough money for every student in the school to go."

A conglomerate sponsoring a school? Why?

"Isn't that a little sketchy?" I asked, unsure of whether letting Jane go on the trip was a good idea or not

"We thought so too. And after asking around we found out that it was an extremely well known and famous conglomerate. I think it's safe to assume that no matter the reason, they wouldn't do something that would risk their reputation." Jace explained

I nodded and sighed in relief. Jane seemed like she wanted to go, so as long as she's with her group during the trip. She should be safe.

"I heard that during our stay, we would be allowed to explore the city on our own and that we only had to be at the school's designated hotel for role call in the morning and in the evening." Daisy explained

Explore? On their own?!

"Are there still any openings left for the trip" I grit my teeth as I asked

"Uh...I think so."

"Then I'll be on the plane with you guys as well."

"Eh, really?!"

"Will you be released by then?"

"Yeah. So, I'll see you guys then."


Friday, two days before departure.

"Yes, don't worry. I can make it home on my own. No, you don't have to come pick me up. Okay...Yeah, alright bye. Bye!!" August gave an exasperated sigh as he ended the call

August was finally released from the hospital. Jane called and offered to walk with him back home. He refused as he didn't want Jane to continue babying him as she had done during the time he was in the hospital. He could finally move and he didn't want someone watching and treating him as if he were a newborn child.

I know she means well, but I really do get irritated when someone starts treating me as if I were made of glass

The temperature had slowly risen during the time he was hospitalized, he had to take off his sweater which his parents had bought him the night before as he walked.

There were a lot of vendors and people walking around. Summer had already begun and a lot of schools had already entered summer break. Meaning, the time for summer classes and waterparks had arrived.

The only ones that weren't enjoying the blistering heat were those still in school or white collar workers

I made it to the penthouse building after taking the bus for 20 minutes. The hospital was located near the border of the city. I felt gratitude and warmth whenever I thought of how Jane and my parents would come visit me almost daily despite the distance.

I walked inside and saw that the usually crowded lobby was now more organized. I guess management finally decided to enforce order.

"Please be careful, they are heavy and they are easily damaged." I heard a soft and angelic voice come from the front of the elevators

It was Evangeline. It's been a while since I've seen her.

"Evangeline!" I called out as I made my way over to her.

"...? Ah, Auggie!" Evangeline showed surprise when she saw me

"It's been a while." I said, hiding my surprise by her sudden intimate way of calling me

"Yes, I heard you were hospitalized. I hope you're okay now." She said, her eyes furrowed as she examined me

"Yeah, I'm all healed up now." I flexed my arm to show her

Her eyes softened as she saw me move without difficulty "I'm really glad." She said softly

"You bought new furniture, you want me to help?" I turned my head to the movers

"No, it's alright. These guys have it." She pointed with her thumb

I accompanied Evangeline as the movers carried her furniture to her room. After placing and moving some of the furniture in her room they left. I spent some time with her, talking about menial, unimportant things.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked as I saw some packed luggage by one of her doors.

"Yeah...My family summoned me to go back home. My grandmother is naming the new head of our family."

"New head?"

"Hm. Something like the chief of our household." She nodded

"...You don't seem overly thrilled to be going back home." I hesitantly asked, family problems aren't exactly an easy topic.

"Well, my grandmother always saw me as a disappointment. So, I can't exactly expect a warm and exuberant welcome home from her."

"Well you're a gamer, what else do you expect her to see you as?" I nonchalantly said

"Hey!" She punched my arm as I chuckled

"This is serious." She pouted

"I know, I know. I'm sure it'll be fine, you're an amazing woman after all."

"Amazing...How can a single woman in her 30's be amazing" She scoffed

"My mother briefly mentioned that you were a part of the incredible development team who created 'EyeC'."

"Yes I was, but it wasn't anything that amazing"

"What do you mean?! You helped create one of the most ingenious inventions ever made on the planet!!"

"EyeC has allowed the blind to see, it has allowed easy and quick access to the internet, and it even gives a brain and body scan daily making sure that the owner is able to stay healthy or warn them of any sickness or danger.

"And the fact that you not only played a role on its creation, but you are actually one of the main developers and maker of it!!"

"You give me too much praise August, it's making me embarrassed." She lowered her head

"I just want you to know how amazing you are. I don't know if it's because of what's happened recently but it's about time you realized it." I said softly at the end.

She raised her head slowly and we made eye contact, time seemed to freeze when we did.

She put her hand to my cheek and caressed it, her eyes widened when she noticed what she was doing. She quickly stopped and hurriedly pulled away.

"T-Thank you f-for giving me company today" Her face was flushed, unable to look me in the eye.

"It was...my pleasure." I dazedly said

The atmosphere between us felt weird and uncomfortable. My face felt hot, my lower body pulsated and I knew that wasn't good. Acting as natural as I could I said my good byes and left.

I felt deja vu after I left. All that was missing now was for a creepy vampire to appear.