
Returning to a Time Before The Apocalypse

Earth's Hero, August Harper. Had saved the world from Monsters and Warriors from another world. He was promised one wish by the 'Gods' if he succeeded in this endeavor. But they lied. They told him that he was a mere piece of a huge puzzle, that he would have no worth if it weren't for them. Angered, he destroyed the 'Gods' and their civilizations. Becoming a hero to the demons and Hell bringer to their servants and worshipers. He used his wish to return to a time before he had to fight 'Gods' and Monsters. To a time, when he was happy. This is my Second Novel, I am still a novice in writing so don't expect peak literature. Please check out, Survivors Guide: To An Alien Invasion. I will be working on both novels at the same time. This novel was a sudden burst of inspiration after reading solo leveling.

he_who_scribbles · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 - Shanghai, China

I started gasping and coughing after waking up inside the dark room.

Every cough felt like I was forcibly swallowing sand paper. I held my throat while trying to muster as much saliva as I could to moisten and lessen the pain.

Footsteps sounded near me, I didn't put much attention to them as I knew that they most likely belonged to one of two people.

"Here." She softly said while handing me a clay cup of water.

Without looking up I knew who it was. I savagely grabbed the cup and poured it down my mouth. I didn't care for appearances as after pouring down the cup of water I asked for more.

She took out a metallic bottle from the bag hanging by her waist. I impatiently waited for her to give it to me. She smiled in content.

"Good boy. At least you haven't become a total savage during your time here."

I ignored what she was saying, the only thing that mattered to me right now was to drink the water in the bottle.

"Huu!" She pouted when she saw me ignore her.

"Are you still mad? I didn't want this to happen, I actually wanted you to train with me instead of this." She sighed

I looked at her blankly before sighing while shaking my head.

"I'm not mad at you. Just disgruntled by this 'training'." I raspily said

"....Well, at least you've become more athletic." She tried cheering me up

I looked at her deadpan "What's the point of being athletic if monsters and enemies are able to jump hundreds of meters in the air and can send literal balls of fire at me."

"hehe..." She gave me an awkward chuckle

"Were you successful in learning the lightning spell?" She changed the subject

"Yeah, but it was harder than the balloon spell."

"Of course it is, one only decreases your weight and the other is a lightning bolt!" She stated

I crossed my legs as I drank more water. "Thank you." I said

"Hm? For this, it's nothing." She waved her hand

"This, but as well as helping me back then at the camp. You helped me despite not knowing who I am."

"I didn't help you. We made a deal." She crouched down before looking at straight in the eyes.

"Remember, you chose to fight for me and my cause. So it's only natural that I help you."

"...Yeah, you're right. But, why did you help me?"

"It was your spirit."


"Before I approached you, I had been watching your fight. And as I watched you, I was amazed and impressed by your unrelenting spirit. Watching you never give up despite being bloodied and disoriented. It was beautiful in a way."

"You continued fighting even when you were close to losing." She stood up

"Your unrelenting fighting spirit is something incredible and especially rare now. So after you had won, I decided that you had to fight for me."

"Someone like you, someone that would never give up even after being one step behind death. Only someone like you is worthy of fighting by my side." She turned around and began walking away

"You will go through more hardship here, August. As long as you don't fall here, you'll become much stronger, and the day we fight together will come closer."


I was woken up by the rummaging of the people around me. The announcer lady had already welcomed us to China on the small speakers above us. I got up from my seat and grabbed my luggage before walking out of the plane and onto the airbridge.

The plane that I was on was filled to the brim by hormone filled teenagers. Everyone speaking over each other exclaiming how different the air here was compared to the U.S.

We had to go through many processes before finally walking outside of the airport. Our guides soon met up with our teachers and chaperones. We walked to an outdoor parking lot that was a lot farther than the ones used by the public. There were few vehicles in this parking lot and the few that there were were expensive and fancy.

We came to a stop in front of a line of tour buses, ten in total. They had us group up with our class before separating us and asking us to group with whom we submitted we would stay together during the trip. We were told to go inside and to sit next to our group.

It was an hour drive before we finally made it to hotel where we would stay for the next couple of days. After arriving in front of the grand hotel, we were hurried to get off as where the buses were currently parked was a public area. We messily got off before the teachers made a quick headcount. We finally went inside.

The teachers had us wait inside the lobby before walking to the lobby counter. The teacher in charge of this trip spoke with the lobbyist before they both walked towards us. The lobbyist introduced himself in English before stating some basic rules. He ended his speech by telling us to enjoy our stay here.

The teachers gave every group a set of keys before dismissing us to go upstairs to drop off our luggage. My group and I went up and entered the room soon after. The room was huge, but I thought it would be better suited to call this a living space. As the place had its own living room, a small kitchen and two separate bedrooms. The bedrooms had 3 beds each, as well as a bathroom in each one.

"Fuck yeah!" Xander exclaimed as he jumped on top of one of the beds

"Dude! It even has a minifridge embedded inside!!" Jace yelled as he opened the small door connected to the bed

My group consisted of Me, Xander, Jace, Daisy, Jane, and the girl named Samantha. I was surprised at first when Jane asked me to let her and her friend join my group. I had no reason to refuse, in fact it made potentially protecting her from harm easier. I asked her friend if she was fine with it, but she just gave me a timid nod while hiding her crimson face. I thought maybe she felt afraid of me as I didn't appear kind nor harmless when we first met.

"Whoa it's the exact same with you guys huh?" Jane asked before walking inside

"Hey! No girls allowed!" Xander yelled after seeing Jane walk in

"What, you want me to beat you up again!?" Jane raised her fist as small veins popped out of her head

"Eeek!" Xander waved his hands around in an attempt to defend himself

Jane rushed him while launching gum gum blasts all over his goth ass. Xander shrieked in pain and agony while Jace and I prayed in silence.

Daisy and Samantha walked in as Xander was keeling over and begging for forgiveness. Samantha looked at them in amusement while Daisy looked in horror as Samantha's small figure did a Russian Suplex on him.

After organizing some of our luggage and locking the door after leaving. We went inside the elevator and made it to the lobby where some students were already waiting.

Zack was forced to join the gamer club after I had essentially forced him out to let Jane and Samantha Join. He gave me an expression that screamed unjustice while he listened to the gamers speak.

I gave him an apologetic expression before ignoring him. We waited for a few more minutes before everyone returned back to the lobby.

The teachers and chaperones gave us some basic do's and don'ts as well as telling us to respect the culture and living style of the civilians. The teachers did one more rollcall before telling us to return by 7:00PM.

"Where should we go visit now?" Jane asked after we walked outside