
Returning to a Time Before The Apocalypse

Earth's Hero, August Harper. Had saved the world from Monsters and Warriors from another world. He was promised one wish by the 'Gods' if he succeeded in this endeavor. But they lied. They told him that he was a mere piece of a huge puzzle, that he would have no worth if it weren't for them. Angered, he destroyed the 'Gods' and their civilizations. Becoming a hero to the demons and Hell bringer to their servants and worshipers. He used his wish to return to a time before he had to fight 'Gods' and Monsters. To a time, when he was happy. This is my Second Novel, I am still a novice in writing so don't expect peak literature. Please check out, Survivors Guide: To An Alien Invasion. I will be working on both novels at the same time. This novel was a sudden burst of inspiration after reading solo leveling.

he_who_scribbles · Fantasy
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Chapter 22 - Upcoming Trip

"I want to die."

August stated as he watched boring comedy shows on T.V.

After the battle between him and the vampire, the police arrived at the junkyard and witnessed the aftermath of the battle. They all had questions of what happened there but decided to investigate later and first find the person whom they were called to save. It didn't take them long as the majority of the trash and junk had already been turned to dust or were in utter shambles.

The paramedics that arrived there a few paces behind the police went to check on August's condition. They thought the boy was merely unconscious as his body didn't even have a single scratch or bruise on his shirtless body, but unfortunately it was far from it. Although the boy was fine physically, upon further examination it was learned that his heart was no longer beating in rates necessary for a human to survive off of, the medics at that time did their best to fasten his heartrate until they reached the hospital.

It took a while for the ambulance to reach the hospital as the junkyard was located in a more isolated part of the city. August was immediately brought to the emergency room where an experienced and seasoned doctor received him, there he would try to accelerate his heart beat which had become even slower during the drive there.

His family had already been called and informed and were waiting outside the room, waiting for whatever news that was to come. Jane had already woken up by then, her head covered in bandages and looked as if a mummy threw up on her.

After many struggling hours the doctor succeeded. But before the nurses could inform the family of the good news, the doctor decided to do an examination on August's body. During the hours where he accelerated August's heartbeat he felt that his body felt odd and unnatural. Upon further inspection he discovered that every bone in his body had small cracks trailing all over them.

The doctor nearly had a heart attack as he had never seen such a thing before. The cracks had an odd pattern similar to multiple snakes slithering. The skull had the least amount of cracks but still, it was extremely dangerous to leave them like this. The doctor ordered for an emergency surgery and brought in more specialized colleagues to help in the surgery.

It took them 8 hours before all the cracks were glued together or should I say "mended" together. They finally informed the family that had been anxiously and impatiently waiting for the surgery to end.

When the nurse told them the news the family all had shocked expressions but sighed in relief when they told them that the surgery was a success. The nurse wasn't even halfway finished while she gave them permission to see August before they sprinted inside. The mother practically running over the exhausted doctors just to be a second faster.

When they barged inside they saw a mummied up August. His face clean of blemishes and any other impurities looked quite comical as he looked like a tied up dog.

The family had their faces contorted when they saw August. One had a guilt filled expression, one in outrage from seeing him and the other in sadness.

They wanted to stay with August but their jobs and responsibilities wouldn't allow them to. Jane and her parents tried spending as much time with August everyday before having to go to back home

It was only after a month had passed by that August finally opened his eyes. Jane was the first person he saw. Jane was drooling all over his bed sheets with her head down relying on the bed to support it.

He thought she looked cute and wanted to take a picture, but the pain in his body made him wince and exhale. He had inadvertently woken up Jane when he had done so.

She squealed before pulling him into a hug. August yelled in pain and agony as she did so, she only let him go after his constant pleas and near tear filled expression. She pouted and slapped him in the arm, he exclaimed in pain while she pouted while muttering how awful he was for making her worry. Woman truly are unreasonable.

His parents went to visit him immediately after they were informed. His mother was joyful before she became violent and started sending him kicks and punches, yelling at him for making her worry so much as tears streamed down her face. His father was able to calm her down as he pulled her away, he chuckled wryly as he showed August a relieved smile.

"Don't say things like that, I'll beat you again if you do." A disgruntled voice sounded from beside August

It had been a week after he woke up. Jane visited him everyday after school, she would always spend the rest of the evening with him until it got too late.

"Hah, my body has healed up almost entirely so I'd like to see you try." I chortled

"Hyah!" Jane slammed her elbow into his knee

"AHH!!" August's entire body twitched as he screeched

August exaggeratedly held onto his knee as he closed his eyes to prevent his tears from falling.

"Y-You're a real piece of work, you know that?!"

"Haha, I know. God must've spent centuries molding me." She haughtily laughed as she flipped her hair.

I shook my head as I turned my head back to the T.V. Jane was cutting and peeling apples for me, she said that they were healthy and helped in fastening my recovery process.

"School announced that we were going to have a school trip soon. The teacher said that it'll be in 2 weeks, just in time for your release." She mentioned casually as I watched the T.V. program display some guy get his pants torn off in public.


"...You don't seem enthusiastic."

"I, uh, don't really care about field trips."

"What?! But I remember last year you complained that the school never scheduled any" She asked confused

"Did I? Well, I got over it."

Jane stayed quiet after hearing my answer. She gazed at me in seriousness before asking,

"You really have changed..."

I turned to her. Confused and astonished by her statement.

"If I didn't know any better I would've assumed that you were an entirely different person or an August from a different reality that took over this one."

I was confused on how by not wanting to go on the field trip she was able to figure me out. Just how long had she watched the previous August to be able to tell the difference? I know they weren't close before I took over, so this was only my speculation.

"I'm only joking. I know you're not from a different reality." She smiled when she saw me in deep thought

"After all, you remember our promise from back then." Her face turned red

Promise?...Oh. Uh- Fuck, I forgot that she likes me, and...apparently my predecessor and her promised each other something. Probably something like marriage since her face always turns red whenever she mentions it, she also became extremely excited when I gave her the diamond.

"Jane listen, I-" I stopped what I was about to say when I heard the door to my room open.

"Yo superman! I heard you got hurt are you o-" Xander's loud voice sounded when he came inside. Following him was Daisy, Jace and the now moving Zack.

He stared blankly at both me and Jane. He moved his head alternating between me and Jane before asking,

"Are you guys fucking?"


Xander was sent flying out of the room by Jane after he finished his words. Her face was flushed and she gave a menacing glare towards the now unmoving Xander.

Daisy was nodding and praising Jane in her mind while her face also had a light shade of red. I guess she was also embarrassed by Xanders vulgar words. Jace and Zack looked at Jane in astonishment and terror, they moved a few steps back and hid behind Daisy. None of them caring about Xander who was now alternating between life and death.

"Hey guys, thanks for visiting!" I smiled as I waved towards my only living friends.