
Return of the Lustful Hero

Sora Rysvel was a hero in his Past life if you think he was a good hero Wrong he was the worst, he was so lustful that he screwed every noblewoman, queens, empresses, demon girls no pretty girl was safe from him The only reason he didn't fail as a hero was that his lustful rampage caused the demon king and all the kings to band together in order to kill him He was burned at the stake his sin obviously Lust when he died he was transmigrated to earth and naturally he read novels and watched anime He watched a lot of ecchi anime about heroes getting harems and not banging them the one thought that came to his mind was these Fools are ruining My Legacy He then purposely gets run over by Truck-kun and then talks god into giving him the ability to go to different anime worlds and the reason was simple He wanted to bang all of the girls in the animes The story is about a guy banging girls from different animes that's it don't be angry if your disappointed The cover is not mine

Joyful_Demon · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Transfer Student

~Time Skip~

After getting to the mansion I thought about my plans or Future plans

I know I'm going to school tomorrow just so I can get closer to the main characters my main target is of course Mio as she is the female protagonist

Aside from her the childhood friend of Basara that I completely forgot the name of the blue-haired one she's a maybe the only reason is I happen to have a soft spot for blue-haired girls and I wonder how Basara would react

Maybe the Sexy nurse Chisato that happens to be a goddess... Wait now that I think about it I haven't had sex with a goddess YET, she is a yes

The succubus yes mainly because sadly in my old world there wasn't any succubus there or else I would have screwed them all

It makes me sad by just thinking about how I missed a demon that's main reason for existence is sex

But when I think about how much God has given me almost makes me wanna pray however the only thing I worship is the thing between women's legs

~Meanwhile in a completely different place~

"Do you know anyone like that guy?" said a certain succubus

"No I don't know anyone like that but did you have to flirt with him," said a certain jealous person

Sensing a chance to tease Basara Maria said "Ohhh is someone jealous"

"No I'm not," said Basara as he turned his head away hiding his red face

If Sora was here he would be happy that Basara was getting angry because of something he did

However, if he saw him blushing from a little thing like teasing he would spit on the ground and leave with a disgusted face

However, Basara's face turned serious and he said "Be careful if you meet him again he's strong so don't tease him you might end up offending him"

"Yeah yeah however we probably won't see him again"

~Meanwhile at Sora's mansion~

FUCK IT I WILL SCREW THEM ALL yelled sora as he had been thinking about who he wants to fuck

If Basara and Maria knew who they were talking seriously about not offending was angry because he didn't know who he should fuck they would probably cough up blood

Well I wonder how Basara will react when he sees me at school tomorrow hehe

"Hello students I know that we've had new students coming to class recently however today we have a new transfer student come introduce yourself"

Everyone was interested because just like last time the teacher was blushing

Basara couldn't help but have a bad feeling like an upending doom and he soon realized the cause of that feeling when he saw a handsome youth that practically radiated arrogance

Everyone gasped when they saw his face and all the girls couldn't help but say "Handsome"

"Hello everyone my name is Sora Rysvel and I will be in your care from now on" after I said that I showed a charming smile

I looked around I saw a beautiful girl with crimson hair that was tied into pigtails she had big breasts and crimson red eyes she was Mio the female protagonist she was blushing from my smile

Then is saw another beautiful girl with long blue hair that went a little past her neck she was only slightly blushing from my smile

Strange the female protagonist is blushing from a mere smile however a side character is barely blushing may be because of her cold personality

No one else was noticeable to get my attention except that lars guy the demon sent to observe Mio however he was asleep and I don't bother people who are asleep I'm not a monster

Basara who noticed Mio and Yuki blushing was uncomfortable

"Sora you can go to an empty seat"

I took a seat that was at the end of the classroom I would have chosen one closer to the main characters how none were open so I just choose one in the shade I relaxed and thought about how much more beautiful the girls are compared to the animation it doesn't give them justice

Thinking about that and the cool breeze flowing on me I sorta fell asleep


Damn it what is that annoying noise then I suddenly remembered I was in school and jumped up only to see a beautiful blue-haired girl looking coldly at me however if you looked closely she was slightly blushing

"Why didn't you wake me up"

"Because class was almost over by the time we realized you were asleep so we just let you sleep"

That wasn't the truth though the truth was they noticed him instantly when he fell asleep they wanted to wake him up but the girls threatened to kill whoever woke him up

Because Sora looked incredibly handsome when he was asleep because he looked relaxed like a kitten, not the stressful life of figuring out which goddess to screw because when you have thousands of anime you could just teleport to filled to the brim with beautiful women it becomes stressful choosing

Man life is hard for someone as handsome as I

Thanks for Reading:)

Joyful_Demoncreators' thoughts