
Return of the Lustful Hero

Sora Rysvel was a hero in his Past life if you think he was a good hero Wrong he was the worst, he was so lustful that he screwed every noblewoman, queens, empresses, demon girls no pretty girl was safe from him The only reason he didn't fail as a hero was that his lustful rampage caused the demon king and all the kings to band together in order to kill him He was burned at the stake his sin obviously Lust when he died he was transmigrated to earth and naturally he read novels and watched anime He watched a lot of ecchi anime about heroes getting harems and not banging them the one thought that came to his mind was these Fools are ruining My Legacy He then purposely gets run over by Truck-kun and then talks god into giving him the ability to go to different anime worlds and the reason was simple He wanted to bang all of the girls in the animes The story is about a guy banging girls from different animes that's it don't be angry if your disappointed The cover is not mine

Joyful_Demon · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Grand Entrance.... Again

Just as I was about to go to meet Sona again something happened that delayed my plans


[Sora please leave DxD now]

"Why do I need to leave System? I'm doing something right now"

[I know that Sora, however, the world is getting ready for the current plot The Rating Games so the world will be down for a few days so you need to go to another anime]

"Damn it I will go to Testament of Sister New Devil I just need to find someone else to screw"

You would think that if you have sex with so many other people especially beautiful women that it would become a habit or addiction and yes it does but not this bad but maybe it is the world that is causing me to be constantly turned on?

Maybe this is the driving force of the ecchi anime protagonist however when they do not fuck women they need to jerk off a lot maybe they have to do it so much they lose their minds

Wait I won't become like that right..... of course not jerking off is beneath me Hmph

"System Prepare for travel to the anime Testament of Sister New Devil"

["Okay Host we will arrive at the world in a few seconds"]

If you are asking why I didn't become curious about how the DxD world needs to get ready for the plot simply..... I don't care actually I couldn't give less fucks about how little I care

I mean curiosity killed the cat if you read novels even the littlest bit you could probably find a curious protagonist trying to find out a secret and guess what happens.... a setback or making a new enemy and for the biggest bullshit reason in existence

What happens when you find out this secret... you will have a horde of angry people after your life most likely powerful people too

if I was them I would just say secrets are secrets for a reason because someone doesn't want them found out for better or worse

I can't count how many movies I watched where the main plot is about someone who found out a secret and is hunted down.

So what if the secret could destroy humanity I say let them all die they caused a problem they should fix it and if they did die it would be a lesson for the descendants of humanity or whatever is left.

Me I'm just going to screw my women just like God intended for me to do.

However, my ramblings were put to an end when the system said ["Sora we have reached the destination"]

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask what time period are we in"

[Sora currently we are basically in the middle of the first season]

"So basically there is no real plot currently just lude stuff"

["Yes Sora"]

"Then let's make one" after I said that I grinned evilly

Well since its night time we need to find somewhere to sleep after that I will go to school

I then on my way to find a guy who can get me a mansion after all with Gilgamesh's treasures I had basically unlimited wealth

However, on my way, I came across an interesting scene

I saw a girl with a beautiful face and a loli body with an exposing outfit

along with a guy with brown hair who had a bunch of scars on both of his arms

They were fighting demon beasts

I started wondering why they would do this but then a thought came to mind these people are Basara and Maria and I remembered that the hero village said that Mio's power was attracting demon beasts and if they didn't stop them they would kill Mio.

While I was watching the scene one of the demon beasts noticed my presence

"Oh no Basara that demon beast is going to attack that guy stop it!!" yelled maria

The demon beast started running towards me with the intent to attack me and Basara was charging at it however he looked at me and probably saw my face and I think he got jealous and purposely let the thing attack me however he snapped out of his jealousy tried to stop it however it was too late.

However instead of being scared my lips started to curl up forming a smile and I raised my hand and golden portals started forming behind me and blades slightly came out showing the tip of the blades

This little demon tried to attack me cute however Basara if I was a normal human I would have died

You put the title Hero to shame unlike me

My hand change into a fist and the blades shot out and almost killed the demon beast instantly I did this on purpose I didn't want to kill it instantly I needed to test out my sword prowess

A golden portal formed next to me and out came a sword that I grabbed

it wasn't the overpowered sword as I would shame a blade that could destroy the world by using it on a mere demon beast

I grabbed the sword then dashed forward at incredible speeds I slashed and killed the injured demon beast then I rushed over to the ones Maria was dealing with and killed them all with a single stroke of a sword

'Splat' 'Splash'

The demon beasts blood was all over the place except there was none on me

"Incredible how did you do that thing with the portals," asked Maria and it would seem she was actually surprised

"Oh that it's just a family technique" of course I lied though I would wonder if I told her I got the technique from God herself

Upon looking at my handsome face Maria instantly started looking at me seductively and said "That was some incredible swordplay do you play with your sword often"

Sensing her trying to tease me I couldn't help but tease back

"Yes I do play with my sword a lot and actually I could show you sometime if you want"

Though Maria looked surprised at first she quickly regained her seductive face and continued teasing me

"Hehe are you sure you are good enough for me to watch you because I know no one wants to embarrass themselves"

"MARIA" yelled Basara

I couldn't help but chuckle at his response

"Sorry I have to go," said Maria as she looked quite sad

"Don't be sad I'm sure we will meet again"

Yes I'm not just sure I'm positive

Thanks for reading:)

I should be able to upload new chapters normally and tomorrow I might upload two chapters tomorrow though no promises

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Joyful_Demoncreators' thoughts