
Restart: God of Destruction

After the world was destroyed by the demon God, time was rewound. Now, it's up to the demon Queen, to make sure that Dorian would not have the same tragic life, that turned him into the monster and ended humankind.

VillainousRed · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"Please, don't hurt me…." The demon girl begged while covering her eyes as if Dorian was the scariest monster she had ever seen. Instincts told her to run away, but she couldn't. Her legs were shaking, and she was frozen on the spot.

Dorian was startled, but he did not say a word. Instead, he took a step back while looking at the girl, wanting to leave. But the moment he moved, the girl screamed.

"Kyaaaa!" The girl started running away at a speed that Dorian couldn't even react to.

When Dorian blinked in response to the girl's scream, she was gone. Dorian looked around and shrugged his shoulders.

"What was that all about?" Dorian wondered.

He stood there for one more minute and went deeper into the woods to search for weak monsters to train against.

Soon, he noticed a group of goblins walking in his direction—green humanoid monsters, no taller than a human child.

"I should avoid them," he muttered and climbed the tree to hide. He did not want to risk and fight four goblins wielding daggers at once. He had no experience in battle so far, so he tried to fight lone monsters.

"Argha!" One monster screeched, sniffing the air.

"Graaaa!" Another one yelled as it also sniffed the air.

Dorian was nervous because he thought the creatures had noticed him and started sweating. Before he noticed his hands started to become slippery, he tried to reach for another branch to climb higher. However, he couldn't hold on to it and fell.


He crashed to the ground, making the goblins jump back from surprise. Dorian knew that he had messed up. His face paled as he looked at the monsters.


The goblin with the dagger stopped moving and pointed at Dorian.

"Graaaa!" The monster screamed.

Dorian was still lying on the ground, trying not to cry or move much, still thinking about what to do. One by one, the other goblins approached him. They crouched down and sniffed at him. Dorian stayed silent and closed his eyes tight, trying not to panic.

"Hmm… Human?"

" He looks human… Why do you smell different?"

"You're not injured?"

Dorian couldn't believe what he was hearing. The creatures spoke. This was unheard of because the gods cursed monsters never to speak the human tongue. They can understand humans, but they can not reply.

'I can understand them!' Dorian's eyes were open wide.

One of the creatures took a branch and poked Dorian's leg, making Dorian flinch.

"Yes, I am not injured," Dorian said, trying to show them that he could understand them.

While Dorian was strong enough to fight the goblin one-on-one because of their childish physique, Dorian wouldn't be able to stay uninjured against four dagger-wielding monsters.

When Dorian answered, the creatures' jaws dropped. They stared at Dorian with their mouths open in disbelief.

"H-he understood you." one of the goblins pointed at the goblin, who gave Dorian a question.

"I can understand you too." Dorian interrupted.

He still didn't understand what had happened. Why could he understand them? What happened? Is Dorian even a human? Dorian felt confused.

One goblin muttered something to the rest of the group, and after receiving the nod, he smirked and turned to Dorian.

"Tell us your name." One goblin smiled at Dorian.

"D-Dorian." He stuttered. The way the goblin looked at him made him feel chills. The feeling as if he had lived through this situation returned and started giving him a danger warning.

"Good, good!"


"Very good!"

Goblins smirked and slowly walked toward Dorian. They noticed Dorian's fear and started feeling that they had found easy prey.

"It's always nice knowing the name of the person we kill!" Goblin pointed its dagger at him and chuckled.

When Dorian heard those words, he realized that the monsters wouldn't care that Dorian could understand them. The goblins wanted blood.

"Let us kill you, Dorian!" Goblin screamed, and together with three others, it jumped toward Dorian.

However, Dorian was far enough to be able to stand up and try running. He dodged the goblins by jumping to the left. However, one of the goblins managed to stab him in the leg, leaving the dagger stuck in Dorian's leg. The blood was slowly dripping from the wound.

"S-shit!" Dorian screamed while trying to walk away. Out of reflex, Dorian took the dagger out of his leg, making it bleed even harder.

Dorian ran faster and hid inside a large cave. There wasn't any place to go; he had nowhere to run and only one path he could take. Luckily for him, the goblins went past it.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Dorian kept cursing.

Dorian was breathing heavily. He stared outside to see if the goblins had found him. And after a few minutes, he relaxed and sighed.

"Close call."

Dorian was so focused on what was happening outside that he didn't notice a large creature behind him. It was a large horned bear, which was slowly moving toward Dorian.

"Meat…" the bear growled before trying to strike Dorian with its vast and heavy paw. It failed because Dorian heard it approaching and dodged by running out of the cave as fast as he could. "Demon meat! Meat!"

As soon as the bear touched Dorian, it threw him off the cave. Dorian flew across the clearing, crashing to the ground near some bushes. Dorian groaned in pain and covered his body, hoping that none of the injuries were severe. He slowly pushed himself to sit up when he heard the sound of footsteps and growling again.

Looking back, the bear was coming back. Dorian didn't have time to think about how he should get away from the bear. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he wanted to run, but his legs wouldn't move. He was frozen in fear.

"I'm going to die…." Dorian muttered and tears formed in his eyes. "I am going to die again." He said and then screamed, "Help! I don't want to die!"

When the bear came close to Dorian, it struck him before he could even think of dodging. Dorian crashed back into the cave's wall; his eyes went black, and he passed out.

"Meat." The bear growled and strolled toward Dorian.

Dorian's mana started rushing out of the body, and something sinister took over his body.

"Huh?!" Dorian gasped and opened his eyes.

He got up and slowly wiped the dust off his clothes with his hand. Before he could react, the bear's heavy paw struck his head. However, this time Dorian didn't even flinch. Instead, he was startled, his brows raised as Dorian turned his gaze at the creature.

"Meat strange! Demon strange!" the bear growled and tried to strike Dorian again; however, this action only made Dorian click his tongue in annoyance.

"Tsk! Pests!" Dorian received the blow without moving or trying to dodge. Before the bear could do anything else, Dorian jumped up to reach the bear's head and slapped the creature.


A loud explosion occurred when Dorian's palm touched the bear's head. The slap was powerful enough to implode the bear's head like a rotten pumpkin. After it did, the beast fell to the ground, dead and motionless.

Dorian breathed out and stared at the creature. He walked out of the cave and looked around.

"Where the hell am I?" He muttered to himself. Soon, the disgusting smell reached his nose. Then he looked at his clothes, which were wholly drenched in bear's blood, guts, and brains.

"God damn! It stinks!" He pinched his nose to avoid the smell, released dark purple mana and burned off the clothes he was wearing, and created new modern-looking clothes.

"Now that's more like it!" Dorian proudly looked at his new leather jacket and jeans. Behind the leather jacket, he was wearing a white shirt.

He stretched his legs for a moment, and suddenly he jumped a whole kilometer into the air; he started levitating and looking around the territory. His eyes landed upon a small village surrounded by walls.

When he saw where he was, he gasped.

"This… is…" Dorian stared into the village without even blinking. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "This is impossible!"

He recognized the village, and with a smirk and a chuckle, Dorian lowered himself back to the ground and muttered under his nose.

"This is… Lightburn?" Dorian kept repeating it as if it was his mantra. "I am in a fucking Lightburn?! Not only that, I recognize that village… I was reincarnated here 20 years ago…" then he shouted. "I fucking destroyed this world! What the fuck is going on?!"

Before Dorian started to feel dizzy, he started thinking of why he was back in the Lightburn and chuckled. "I see. Those cowards rewinded the time!"

He realized that his future memories were slowly fading into unconsciousness. He started thinking of how to keep himself in control of his body when he realized that he needed a specific item, which gods use to regain their memories after they rewind the time.

"I need the time orb…." He muttered, but before he could do anything, his vision darkened. "But… I don't have enough time right now…."

Dorian fell to his knees and said his last words before returning to unconsciousness. "Well, I will return anyway. Just a matter of time… hehe!" he chuckled one more time before falling asleep.