
Restart: God of Destruction

After the world was destroyed by the demon God, time was rewound. Now, it's up to the demon Queen, to make sure that Dorian would not have the same tragic life, that turned him into the monster and ended humankind.

VillainousRed · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Demon queen

It was late, and the sky had already darkened. The sun had long vanished behind the horizon, but a single moon shone brightly above them. The forest was dark, and the wolves howled further away from Dorian, still sleeping near the headless bear, his future counterpart killed.

Soon, human voices were heard in the distance. It sounded like more than just one group of people, and soon they came closer. Soon enough, a torch was lit on each side of the cave. They kept shouting and searching for Dorian as if their lives depended on it, and their faces were panicked.

"There he is!"Girgal, the captain of the adventurer group, shouted while pointing his finger at Dorian.

"Yes!" the assassin, Kidrif, screamed in joy.

"Thank goodness!" Alina, the priestess, sat down on the ground and wiped the sweat off her forehead. A short, gold-haired elf girl that looked in her early teens despite being in her seventies.

Girgal walked up to Dorian and slapped him as hard as he could.

"Wake the fuck up, loser!"

Dorian opened his eyes. He was confused about what had happened and where he was. He looked around and saw a group of really angry adventurers. While they were relieved that Dorian was alright, the moment Dorian opened his eyes, they started interrogating him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Where were you?"

"What are you doing in this place?!"

"What the hell are you wearing?!"

Dorian was still confused and couldn't think straight. Then he remembered that the bear had attacked him before he passed out.

"Wait, what's going on?! Wait! "Where has the bear gone?!?" He stood up quickly and looked around. Then he saw the bear with its head blown off. "What happened?"

"That bear?" Alina asked and pointed her finger at the bear's corpse. "No Idea."

When Dorian noticed the corpse, he sighed in relief. "Someone saved me… But who?" He wondered because he understood that the adventurers would have woken him upright after the bear was defeated. And the encounter with the bear was at noon, now was almost night.

Girgal suddenly grabbed Dorian's hand and began dragging him home. Despite Dorian's attempts to escape, Girgal didn't flinch and continued forward.

"Let me go!" Dorian shouted; he was so scared that he was trembling. He didn't understand what was happening and why these people were trying to kidnap him.

"Shut up!" Girgal yelled back and punched Dorian in the stomach, causing Dorian to gasp for air.

Despite Dorian being unable to walk, he struggled to breathe; Girgal continued to drag him out of the forest. Then Girgal said in response to Dorian's struggles: "Stop being so overdramatic! We're taking you home!"

"W-what? Why?" Dorian's jaw dropped, and he stared at Girgal with his mouth open. He couldn't understand why his family would hire adventurers to get someone they hated.

"No idea." The priestess said. She increased her speed to catch up with Girgal and Dorian. "Have you encountered a demoness today?"


"You know, white hair, cat ears, and tail? About my height," she continued asking.

"N-No… No, I did not." Dorian lied because he wasn't feeling safe. The dejavu did not tell him anything, so he felt pretty insecure.

Alina raised her brows in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Y-yes." Dorian stuttered.

"Okay." Alina smiled.

Before they reached the mansion, Dorian noticed a huge carriage, dragged by two massive dark wiverns traveling in his home's direction. Dorian felt amazed at how luxurious the carriage was.

"She's here already…." The priestess put on the hoodie, so her ears wouldn't be visible and lowered her head.

"Damn it… I can't believe I get to see her in person." the assassin said with a bright smile.

Alina and Girgal couldn't believe what they had just heard and looked at him wide-eyed.

"You won't. We're out of here the moment we get paid." Alina told him.

"Eh? What?!" Kidrif pouted; he couldn't hold his disappointment and almost threw a fit like a kid. "No! I want to see her!"

"Shut up, Kidrif. We get paid, and we're out of here. That's final."

"Tsk." Kidrif clicked his tongue and crossed his arms while looking at the carriage.

Dorian couldn't help but wonder who the adventurers were talking about. Dorian wanted to ask, but seeing how nervous they were, he shut his mouth.

When he reached the house, Dorian's brother, Ray, ran out of the mansion towards them. Ray threw a bag of gold at Girgal and rushed them out of the territory after Girgal explained the situation.

"Now get out!"

Girgal nodded, and then the three adventurers released Dorian and left.

Ray grabbed Dorian's collar and looked furious. His face was red, and the veins on his forehead popped out. He was gritting his teeth and asked.

"What the fuck have you done?!" Ray asked with a raised voice.

Dorian could only look at him with fear because he had no idea what was happening. Was this situation related to that demon girl he met in the forest? He cleared his throat before replying.

"I have no idea! What's going?"

Ray's hands trembled from anger and fear. Whoever came to the house had to be a terrifying individual to scare this entitled and narcissistic bastard. They had always been arrogant, even to other nobles, due to his family's high status.

"And what the fuck are you wearing?!" Ray asked after noticing Dorian's new attire. "Where did you get those clothes?"

"Clothes?" Dorian asked before looking down to realize he was wearing modern-day clothing. He was speechless but assumed that whoever saved him had changed his clothes. And that person must be from Earth, just like Dorian.

"Yes! Clothes! Where did you get them?!" Ray asked; he felt pretty envious because the clothes looked good, and he had never seen such clothes before.

"No idea…" He replied.

"What?" Ray looked dumbfounded, and he stared at Dorian without even blinking. "What do you mean?"

"I woke up wearing them… I probably lost my memories after being attacked by the horned bear." Dorian lied.

"Useless." Ray cursed and told Dorian to get into the mansion. "Go inside. Parents are waiting for you."

Dorian nodded and went inside. When he opened the doors, he saw all the maids and butlers waiting for him.

"W-what's going on?" He asked.

"Young master, follow us." Two maids walked up to Dorian and bowed. Then, they started leading Dorian to the dining room, where Dorian's parents and an unknown woman were waiting for him.

The woman was wearing clothes that barely covered her private parts. She had blond hair and was a little shorter than Dorian but had huge breasts and horns.

Dorian gasped when he noticed her clothes. He knew this person must be royalty or a strong foreign noble because of how Dorian's parents tried to please her. But Dorian felt a little confused at her attire. 'I-Is this what demon women wear when they go to the human lands?' Then he remembered the cat girl, who was wearing regular leather clothes. 'Nah.' Dorian shook his head.

"Sit down, Dorian." Marvin, Dorian's father, ordered with a cold tone.

"Y-yes…" Dorian stuttered and took a seat near the table.

"From today on, you're leaving us." Agnes, Dorian's mother, told him.

"What?" Dorian exclaimed, raising his brows.

"You will live with this beautiful lady from now on." Agness smiled and pointed at the demoness with both her hands.

Dorian stared at his parents, speechless. His mouth was a little open as he tried to say something, but no word came out. He couldn't believe this. While he would prefer to get out of the house, the woman in front of him was a demon. What if this woman treated Dorian even worse than his parents?

"You have no say in this," Marvin said to Dorian after noticing that Dorian was about to talk back.

"B-but why?!" Dorian finally asked.

"Because you're not my son, and I want you out of my house!" Marvin replied with a raised voice coldly.

"What?!" Dorian stood up from his chair and slammed his hands at the table. He was red from anger. "What do you mean not your son?!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" Marvin stood up and shouted at Dorian.


The demon girl slammed her fist at the table, breaking it. Then she stared at Marvin with a visible frustration on her face.

Everyone looked at the girl, and Marvin sat down again and cleared his town before speaking. He decided not to anger the girl, so he tried talking in a gentler tone.

"During the last war against the demons, my father took the previous Demon king's son after he killed my brother. He wanted to raise him as his own."

"This happened eighteen years ago." the demon woman added. "These people agreed to sell you to me."

Dorian could only stare at Marvin. His eyes were full of hate and resentment. Doesn't this mean that his life would have been much better if he lived with his birth parents? What do his birth parents look like? Do they have horns?

"But don't get me wrong…." The girl smirked as she said. "I am not your family. "

"Then why?" Dorian asked.

"Because your family betrayed the demon kind, and I want to keep you as a slave," she answered with a smirk.

The queen's picture is in the cover lol

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