
Restart: God of Destruction

After the world was destroyed by the demon God, time was rewound. Now, it's up to the demon Queen, to make sure that Dorian would not have the same tragic life, that turned him into the monster and ended humankind.

VillainousRed · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Dorian Silver

Everything started with me playing the hero. My family and I went on a camping trip during my sixteenth birthday, where I noticed a drowning kid. I quickly jumped into the lake to pull the girl out.

"Here! Take my hand!" I screamed as I extended my hand toward her.

She gripped the hand tightly and pulled me toward herself. The girl panicked, but when I pulled out of the water, she seemed slightly more relaxed.

However, in the water, I cut my Achilles tendon into the random glass shard left after some drunk threw a beer bottle into the water. I felt adrenaline rushing through my veins, so I didn't even feel it.

After leaving the water, I walked toward my parents, leaving the trail of blood behind me. I felt dizzy, and my eyesight was blurry.

"N-no! Dorian!" I hear a woman's voice as my consciousness fades away. I think the voice belonged to my mother. But I am not sure anymore. I fell, hit the wooden table's edge with the back of my head, and died.

After that, I opened my eyes, and my previous life became just a dream.

"This dream again."

Dorian yawned and slowly got out of bed. Dorian dreamed of the final moments in his past life before he reincarnated into the Lightburn world two months ago. A fantasy world with magic, monsters, magicians, and many other wonders that earth lacked.

"Ah, man," Dorian sighed as he reluctantly put on his dirty clothes and got ready for work in the fields.

Before leaving, he gazed at the bed and opened the doors. He left the house and was greeted by bright sun rays that blinded him.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed while covering his eyes.

The sun was already high, despite being early in the morning. The sky was completely white, and the birds were chirping happily. The only sound that could be heard now was the soft wind rustling through the plants. It gave a soothing feeling. It was a beautiful day, after all. After taking some fresh air, he decided to walk a bit further before returning to work.

When he reached the fields, he sat down on the grass. His job was to watch over the random monsters that could enter the territory from the forest and give guards a warning. He was not asked to fight them himself because he was born with healing mana, which was mainly effective for healing spells.

"This is so boring," Dorian said as he lay down on the ground. He looked into the sky and started thinking about his previous life, his family. He missed them a lot, but there was no way for him to return home. Or at least, he did not know of the way.

Dorian extended his hand to the sky and gathered mana into it. His hand glowed with blue transparent light. He clenched his fist and gathered even more mana until the transparent blue aura surrounding his hand turned opaque and completely hid his hand.

"No matter how much mana I gather, I can't seem to reach the limit." Dorian sighed as he opened his hand, and the mana on his hand faded away into the air.

Dorian's endless supply of mana was unknown to his family, who constantly berated Dorian for being a healer, unlike his brothers. Because of that, Dorian's family lost hope in him, and instead of training and learning magic, they forced him to do a worthless job near the forest.

"I can't do this anymore," Dorian muttered as he stood up. "I'm out of here!" He said and gazed into the forest. Dorian decided that he would try going to the forest. If he can't learn magic from the books, he could at least learn to fight low-level monsters.

He took the dagger out of his sheet and started walking to the forest, and in a few minutes, he entered the woods. When Dorian walked deeper into the woods, he felt amazed as he had never seen such a beautiful forest in his past life.

"It's dark in here."

The forest seemed dark because the leaves covered the entire sky, blocking the sunlight shining onto Dorian's path. The trees were tall, and the branches stretched high than him, creating a canopy of shadows.

Dorian continued walking forward and closed his eyes while spreading the mana around him. The mana reflected everything around him, including what was invisible to the human eyes. And because he had an infinite amount of mana, he could spread it as far as he wanted; but he wouldn't be able to react to everything mana touches because his brain would get too much information that a human could handle.

"That's weird…." Dorian muttered and stopped walking as the weird dejavu feeling stopped. He often felt dejavu ever since he was reincarnated. It was as if he knew what was supposed to happen, but he believed that was his reincarnation's side effect. However, it was gone now, and he felt a little nervous.

Dorian began noticing how quiet the forest was. No animals were roaming around, nor anything that moved. Dorian found this unusual. He spread his mana a few hundred meters around himself, and a little further to the north, Dorian noticed a group of people arguing with someone very powerful.

"Should I go and check it?" He wondered out loud. "Yes. Yes, I should!" He said and started running north, and when he finally could see the fight, he hid behind the tree and observed.

"Come on! Just come and have a drink with us!" A fat guy who wore an armor plate smirked at her.

"Hurry up and take her already!" An adventurer girl who seemed to be a priestess frowned.

The other three adventurers stayed quiet and smiled. They were standing behind the white-haired cat girl, wearing a chocker. They were itching for a fight as one of them tightly gripped his short sword's handle, waiting for the demoness to move.

Dorian wasn't sure what to do. Should he help her? Could he even help her? The last time he acted selfishly, he died!

Suddenly, the demoness grabbed the fat guy's neck and lifted him as if he was a weightless doll.

"Listen to me, you piece of shit!" She hissed at him. "I told you to let me through!"

The other adventurers tried to retaliate. However, she moved so fast that I could barely keep up.

She dropped the fat guy on the priestess and quickly punched the assassin, trying to stab her from behind.

"My nose!" the assassin screamed as tears and blood dripped down his face. "You bitch!" He called and swung his sword at her. However, she jumped to the left and dodged it. She punched the man's face again.

"Auch!" he yelled while trying to stop the bleeding.

The priestess was not amused. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she screamed at the fat man.

"Get off me, you bastard!"

"S-sorry…" The fat guy blushed while taking his time climbing off her.

'Does that girl even need my help?' I thought, looking at the cat girl, standing firmly in front of five adventurers. The mage created a fireball and threw it at the girl. However, she caught it with her hands and threw it back at him. The mage's robe burned, leaving a hole in the middle.

The adventurers paled when she caught the fireball with her bare hands. They knew it was not a feat a regular human or even an average demon could do. To do that, a person was required to have extremely high reflexes, mana control, and quick spell casting.

"N-No way!" the priestess gasped.

"W-with bare hands…" the fat guy stuttered.

The others stared in disbelief without even blinking. They realized that they had messed with the wrong person and internally prayed that they would survive this unfortunate encounter.

However, the demoness seemed that lose her interest. The demoness gazed in Dorian's direction and said to the adventurers.

"What a pathetic bunch. Get out."

They ran as quickly as they could without turning back. They feared that the girl would change her mind and would attack them instead, so they did not say anything to her in return.

Demoness just sighed, and she gazed in Dorian's direction again, yelling.

"Come on out! I know you're there!" she shouted while pointing the finger at Dorian.

Dorian was slightly startled because he did not expect her to notice me from this far. He walked in her direction.

She looked at Dorian with a smirk, but when she saw him, her expression froze. Her eyes kept looking around as if she wanted to escape.

"What now?" Dorian asked her.

He looked at her blankly, unsure if he had made the right choice coming here. Dorian was afraid for his life but did not want to show it to the girl. However, the feeling of dejavu was gone, and while it was a little scary, it was also really relaxing.

"Are you going to kill me?" Dorian and the girl asked in unison. "What?" The two of them exclaimed in unison.

The girl stared into Dorian's eyes and slowly took a step back. Her hands were shaking in terror. But she couldn't understand why. She didn't know who Dorian was. However, her sense of dejavu told her that the man in front of her was dangerous.

Dorian was cautious of the girl as well; while he was confident that he could retaliate if she tried to kill him, he wasn't sure if he could win against her. Healing was the only magic he was good at, as he didn't have anyone to teach him any magic so far.

"What now?" Dorian repeated the question. He raised his brows and was slightly surprised by the girl's reaction. He did not expect the girl to feel any fear of him.

The girl stared at him as if he was a monster who was here to swallow her whole. Her mouth was slightly open, and her lips were trembling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dorian asked.

Dorian's portrait is in the comments.

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