
Replica of the Past

Cole, who has the power of replication, finds himself teaching a class when suddenly his daughter from the future becomes one of his students and says that the extinction of humankind will arrive soon.

CharcoalNotCoal · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Elissa's Father

"Wait, if your power does not clone, but instead replicate previous reincarnation, then could my father be-"

"A replica of past him. Yes, that is the most likely scenario. Unless he is able to suddenly gain emotions again, there is no other way for him to feel love." The replica said interrupting Elissa.

She quickly turned towards me then back at my replica.

"Father told me he used to have a nickname in the past. They used to call him Oblivion. Do you know that nickname?"

I stared at her.

'I don't know that nickname. Elizabeth Bogle is not my wife nor is Elissa my daughter, but if I use Elizabeth, my I can have access to their dungeons and portals to train my students. Should I lie? My replica should not know that much except my train of thought to a certain extent.'

I was about to tell her that was my nickname when I saw my replica smile widely to me.

'Does he know what I am about to do? Is he bluffing. Wait, is he oblivion? Damn that ruins this plan. No matter, I have other plans.'

"No. I do not know that nickname. Seems like I am not your father."

She had a shocked expression that she looked down with a gloomy expression.

"That was not a nickname, but a title given to him at birth right?"


Elissa and I turned towards the replica.

"My name is Reivion and I have no last name, so I stole his. Hello sugar cube, I am your father."

Elissa once again shocked. She looked at his eyes for a while. She smiled and hugged him.

'My guess was correct and now I know how my powers work. I am the original and he did not appear without my consent. He is the clone that I sent to my office. He seems to have a power that lets him teleport.'

There was a divider in the car, so the guards did not hear a thing happening behind them. The divider dropped slightly and one of them spoke.

"We have arrived young lady."

"Thank you. Alright, ready father?"

He looked at me and I just nodded. He seems to know that I could vanish him in any second. There was no bother erasing him. He could be useful later.

They both left the car and went towards the mansion. Elissa ignored me completely after she realized I was not his father.

I exited through the other door and walked away. The guards were confused why there was two of me, but they suppressed their curiosity and walked behind Elissa and Reivion.

After a second, Reivion looked behind towards me and snapped his finger. A portal spawned in front of me and I was able to see my office through it. I looked towards him and he smiled and nodded at me. I turned and went through the portal. It vanished after I passed through.

I saw the work I assigned to Reivion and took it with me back to my residence.

After I arrived, I finished organizing the work and prepared to go to sleep. When I sat on my bed I started thinking of making another replica, curious to see who was gonna come out.

'What other life have I had? No harm in trying.'

I stood up and activated my power. Suddenly another me came up.

"Why was this under my expectation?"

I said towards him while looking at my replica.

Black hair, dark blue eyes with chaotic patterns in them, and about an inch taller than me.

"I caused the destruction of this wor-"

"No. We were meant to control this power. That is our goal. What led to the destruction of this, or any other world with intelligent life, was our offspring."

"Elissa was the cause of our extinction?"

"No. Elissa has golden eyes, so she is one of the few powers that is meant to stop us."

"The cause is a hoard of blue eyes who are suppose to be your offspring. Then don't procreate."

"They already exist. The power of chaos drives people to cause destruction. I fell for it many times. My offspring was the effect of my tendencies. They have destroyed their universe or about to finish, they will arrive here according to your daughter. You must kill them."

"Kill your children?"

"I tried other methods. They don't work. Ending the plague is the only way."

"Change of plans then."