
Replica of the Past

Cole, who has the power of replication, finds himself teaching a class when suddenly his daughter from the future becomes one of his students and says that the extinction of humankind will arrive soon.

CharcoalNotCoal · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Reivion's POV

After I closed the portal, I looked back towards the mansion my daughter and her mother stayed at. The door was opened by a butler and welcomed us inside.

Entering, I looked around and then I saw her.

"Mother! I brought him!"

I gave her a cheerful smile.

"He seems different from your description."

"Yes, so... the father who was the teacher was not actually my father."

"Not actually? Was it his clone then?"

"!!!", Shocked then looking away, Elizabeth got her answer.

"I see. How much are you similar to the original? Or are you unique?"

"He has the power of replication. I am a replica of the past, he and I are two separate entities with different memories and abilities."

"Then who are you?"

"My name is Reivion and I have the power to switch between reality and imaginary."

"Does that mean you could-"



"What was that father?"

All three of us ran outside the mansion with a few other who worked there doing the same.

Looking up, we all saw the sight of the sky turning pitch black and a huge blue portal twirling in the center.

"Father! That is-!"



Cole's POV



"They are already here."

"Is it because I summoned you that they came earlier?"

"Yes. It is best to prepare n-"


The window of the room got decimated by a person who jumped through.

A man stood up and stared at us. Black hair with dark blue eyes with chaotic pattern in them.

It looked at me. Swung at me.

I ducked and uppercut.

He took a step back barely scratching his chin. He then shot a vertical hook towards the top of my head.

I jumped back and the swing hit the ground causing a shock wave obliterating the whole house and creating a crater.

I ran towards him and stood in front of him and took my stance.

Jab forward. Again, again, hook right, feint left, uppercut, dodge back, roundhouse kick, stance recovery, charge at him again.

For each attack from both of us, it would destroy the land and building around.

'Find an opening.'

While fighting he did a right hook and with his other hand a straight jab towards my torso.

I knew he was making me take a step back so instead, I took one forward.

Hook past behind me and the jab I took it.


The air around us dispersed. If someone was around here, they would have stopped breathing for a few seconds.

I blew out air and grabbed his head by the side and back. With a large force I brought my knee towards his head. He reacted with his jabbing hand moved to block the knee and his hooked hand grabbing my shirt from behind.


My knee shattered his hand and smashed his face back. He went flying up ripping my shirt off with his other hand.

'Was he trying to grab my spine? How foolish.'

I felt the scratches on my skin above my spine while I saw him freeze in the air in the same position I launched him.

He then twisted his body back to a normal stance and fell to the ground landing perfectly.

We stared at each other for a while.

I was about to charge at him when...




I vomited blood and looked down to see a hand penetrate my chest and a heart in the palm of it.

I looked back and saw the clone I summoned with a mischievous grin.

"Thanks to you, I can see that my children succeeded in conquering the universe after my death. After I kill you, no creature will stop my children from taking over this universe of yours. HAHAHAHAHA-"

I made him vanish and my heart fell to the ground. I fell to my knees.

The man who attacked me walked slowly towards me while raising his hand with an open palm in chop position.

He stopped in front of me. I looked down. He struck towards my neck.

Dead... was my clone.

I punched in the back of his head, and it blasted to mush.

I snapped my finger and the dead clone vanished.

'Do you actually think I would trust myself when I know myself the best? Foolish.'

I looked up to see the pitch-black sky with a huge twirling blue portal at the center.

I smiled.

"Time to have some fun."