
Replica of the Past

Cole, who has the power of replication, finds himself teaching a class when suddenly his daughter from the future becomes one of his students and says that the extinction of humankind will arrive soon.

CharcoalNotCoal · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Replication That Knows

After the class ended, everybody left exhausted but a few wanted to continue longer.

"You can stay longer if the next class' teacher permits your stay."

"We will just wait for the next class." One of them said while looking dejected and leaving the arena.

The others followed behind.

"Alright you ready?"

Elissa who saw the class leave asked me.


While I said that I created a clone and he left towards my office.

"Lead the way."

"Alright father. The car should be at the North gate."

We walked towards our destination and she started talking.

"I was always curious. Powers normally manifest as a combination of both parents original power. Mother space and you replication, but I got time manipulation. While mother has space manipulation, how did time enter the equation?"

"Did you ask your mother what was her ancestor's power? Sometimes someone from previous generation gets mixed in. It's rare but possible."

"My grandfather has Atomic manipulation while my grandmother has psychometry. One has the ability to manipulate the atomic structure of objects to transform them and also minor telekinesis while the other has the ability to read intentions and thoughts from people through objects they have touched. Their parents also has nothing to do with time manipulation."

"Did the future me not answer your question? He should know more than me."

"I guess you are not a replication that knows."

"A replication that knows? You mean my replication can live outside of my knowing?"

"Ah. Your power hasn't mutated to that level yet."

When I heard her say that. It felt like my whole life could be a lie. Not only will my clones be able to live as individuals, but that I too could be a clone and not the original. How powerful is the original if I am not it.

'I suddenly got the urge to grow stronger.'

We arrived at the north gate at this point. Two tall men with black suits were waiting beside a black Cadillac. One of them walked up to us and looked at me then at Elissa.

"Good afternoon lady Elissa, are you ready to leave?"

"He is Cole Rosendo. He is my father and will be visiting my mother."

The man had a shock expression and looked at me, but quickly went back to a professional look and nodded his head.

"Good afternoon Mr. Rosendo. This way please."

We walked passed him and the other guy opened the door. We got in and took our seats. I sat on the right most side while Elissa sat in the middle and rested her head on the side of my arm.

The car soon started moving and we were off to the mansion where Elissa's mother lived.

I rested my head on the seat and looked up while thinking.

'I think I am the original. If each clone evolves separately from the original and start from the beginning, that would mean I could still be a replication and that the original has the power to not only manipulate the power level of its clones, but also its memories. Meaning either I am the original or soon I will have the same powers as the original.'

I started thinking when suddenly I heard a voice to my left.

"What are you thinking about? The mystery of the universe? Hahahaha."

I got startled and quickly looked over because his voice was similar to mines. Elissa also looked over and we both stared at a man smiling.

"What? Do I have something on my face." He said with a fake stressed face while touching his face.

I asked him "Are you my clone? How did you came to be?"

"I find clone a incorrect term for me. I am more like a replica of you." He said with a grin.

"How can you be a replica if you act so different from me?"

"Not you you."


'Does that mean I am just a clone?'

"I am a replica of your past self. A replica of past reincarnations."

"Past reincarnations? I never knew about this." Elissa spoke with a confused look.

"My sweet little sugar cube, do you actually think someone like him who has no emotions can love and have children? I bet the reason for the visit is not to go out on a date, but to advance his goals."

"No emotions?"

She looked at me and stared at my eyes. I looked back.

"Don't listen to him. I do have emotions. I just have a hard time showing them."

She didn't say anything and continued staring at my eyes.

"Your eyes. They look dead. Father, tell me the truth. Can you feel?"