

Jesse's POV

I lazily sat on the couch after Benson left.

I closed my eyes and my thought was on why Benson was acting strange throughout our stay in the market.

I knew something was wrong, even when he was trying to hide it.

I stood up from the couch and pick up the bags and took them to the room. I arranged the bags properly in the room before picking up my towel and went to the bathroom.

I on the hot shower on me and what happened in the mall came to my thought.

Gift was already married so are most of my high schoolmate and even Benson but here I was still single dreaming of what could never happene.

I can't keep count of marriages proposal I have gotten from different men and rejected.

“Hey babe ". James moved closer to me and kissed my cheek, 

"How was your day “. I asked with my eyes still on my drawings.

"It was fine, I never knew you were coming, "

He spoke with a smile on his face.

"Yes, I thought I should come help you cook some food “. I replied still drawing on my book 

"You are the best ".he kissed my cheek and smile awkwardly at me.

"Is everything alright". I asked while staring at him with curiosity.

"Everything is fine, I was thinking of taking you out for dinner ".he spoke up, 

"Dinner ?, what's the celebration ". I asked, 

He laughed softly before he gently strokes my hair.

"Nothing special, I just want to spend some quality time with you ".he spoke up 

"We can spend time at home, but if you insist, then I'll go get ready”.

He pecked me softly on the lips before leaving.

I close up my books and stood up from the couch, I went to the room and noticed James was already taking his bath.

I search his drawer and saw that a dress of mine was properly folded.

I took it out and place it on the bed.

James came out with a towel on his waist, grinning widely at me.

"Remove that look in your face ". I roll my eyes and was about going for the bathroom when he held me back and pull me to himself.

"You are wet". I murmured

"Doesn't matter, you are going for a bath ".he said those words seductively to my ear.

I hissed softly and pull him away.

"I know what you are up to, but not today ". I smiled at him and rushed into the bathroom.

"It's not fair". I heard his voice before closing the door.

I took a quick bath and came out with a towel on my chest.

I walk into the room and noticed James was already dressed in a tight blue jean and a black Turtle neck long sleeve, he was looking incredibly hot.

"Should I come closer so that you can have a better view". He asked with a big grin on his face.

I roll my eyes and look away.

I wore my panties and put on my dress, 

"Come help me zip this ".

James stood up from the bed and walked over to the dressing mirror.

“Beautiful”. He kissed my shoulder before going for my neck.

"Thank you ". I murmured those words after he zips my dress.

I combed my hair and did a light makeup before leaving the house with James.

We got to Jame's car, and he open the door for me to go in.

"Where are you taking me". I asked as soon as we got inside the car.

"It's a surprise".he spoke firmly.

I nod my head and smiled at him.

He drove for some time before we got to a unique restaurant.

"Here ". I asked surprised

"Yeah, you always wanted to come ".he smiled at me before getting out of the car.

He walks over to my side and open the car door for me.

We walked into the restaurant, and we were directed to a seat at the left end.

"This place is beautiful". I murmured those words while staring around.

"I'm glad you like it ".he took my hand and place kisses on it.

"These are the menu for today ".a waitress handed us the menu, I looked at the menu and pick a dish, 

"That will be all". James told her and handed the menu to her.

I stared at James and noticed he was smiling and at the same time nervous.

"Is everything okay ". I asked 

"Everything is perfect".he replied, 

I stared at him with curiosity before looking away.

An appetizer was brought to us, and we ate quietly.

Our food was later brought to us, and we ate in silence until we were done.

"Mom was asking for you ".he said those words after we finished eating.

"Alright, I'll call her later “. I replied, "You know Jim has been asking about Jennifer, he doesn't let me concentrate in work “. James spoke in annoyance, 

I chuckled softly and took a sip of my drink 

"He has been begging me for her line, but I told him he should come meet you that I don't want Jennifer's trouble".he chuckled softly.

"So are you saying my twin sister is a troublemaker". I fake being angry.

He chuckled softly before speaking

"Twins indeed, you guys don't look like twins in anyway".he mocked, 

Well he was right, I and Jennifer looks entirely different from each other.

Jennifer was light skinned like me but she was bit taller and has a thick black hair.

While me, I was light skinned just like Jennifer, a bit shorter than her with a gold color hair and has different looks, so totally different, but we were twins.

"Whatever". I roll my eyes playfully at him.

“How's work ".he asked, 

"Fine but stressful". I replied 

"You know you can just take a month rest".he spoke in a concerned tune

"And do what ". I asked 

"Nothing, just rest "

I shake my head in disapproval and took a sip of my drink.

"We should go home ".he spoke up, 

I nod my head and stood up from the chair.

"Thank you ". I whispered those words and kissed him on the cheek.

"It's my pleasure".he spoke up, 

We walk to his car and he open the door for me before entering the car.

We drove in an awkward silence and I knew something was bothering him,but I decided to let it be until we get home.