
Love someone More

Jesse's POV

We got to James house, and he parked his car at the garage

I open the car this time by myself and walk into the house.

I walk into the room and was about pulling off my clothes when I noticed James standing by the door staring at me, 

I turn around and stared at him 

"What ". I asked curiously.

He moved from the door and walked over to me, he pulls me to himself and gently kissed me on the lips before releasing me.

"I love you, Jesse".he spelled out those words like he meant.

I wanted to speak, but he cut me off, 

"Please let me finish ". He begged.

"The first day I met you I thought you were a rude and arrogant lady, but I never knew you were this loving and caring and I wondered why you made yourself appear that way.

"I got closer to you and instantly fell in love with you, I mean, who wouldn't love a heart as yours".he ran his fingers in his hair nervously.

"We started dating, and I realized I don't wanna lose you neither do I want to spend my remaining years on Earth without you "

I hissed and swallowed nervously because I knew what all this was and I already knew my answer to him.

"Jesse".he called out my name.

I took in a deep breath and stared at him, 

He went for his pocket and brought a stunning ring 

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me ".he asked almost like a pled 

"No".I muttered out quickly.

He stared at me in shock and fear.

"No?".he asked confused.

I hissed softly and sat on the bed, 

"I can't James, I can't marry you ". I said those words while avoiding his gaze.

"Why, did I do anything wrong ".he asked in fear.

I hissed softly and stared at him, 

"It's not about you James, I just can't do it ". I spoke slowly.

He stared at me in disbelief knelling before me.

"I thought you love me ".he asked in pain, 

"I do ". I murmured

"Then why can't you be with me ".he asked in pain 

"Because I love another more ". I murmured.

"What ?".he asked confused, 

I bit lips nervously but did not say a word.

"Answer me".he spoke in an angry tune, 

"I love someone else more ". I murmured out

"Shit ".he shouted in anger and stood up from the floor.

"Why are you with me if you love someone else more ".he asked in anger, 

"It's a long story". I whisper

"Really?". He asked in anger.

"Listen James I did not want it to go this way". I pleaded.

He stared at me with anger and so much pains on his face.

"Who is he".he asked 

I bit my lips in frustration, where do I start from.

"A childhood friend and a high school classmate ". I replied slowly.

He stared at me with shock

"If you are so much in love with him then why are you with me ".he asked bitterly.

I hissed softly but did not say a word 

"Answer me, why are you with me then ".he asked in anger.

"It's a long question ". I murmured softly, 

"Really ". He asked in frustration.

I stood up from the bed and walk up to him.

"You are a good man, James, but if I accept your proposal you will never be happy with me because I love someone else, and I can't see myself getting married to another man". I spoke softly.

James groaned in anger and angrily left the house in anger.

I pick up my few things in the house and left.

Anf that was the last time I saw James.

I came out of the shower and dried my body with the towel.

James was the last man I dated before coming to this town, after rejecting his proposal I haven't seen or heard from him.

I brought out a casual wear and was about laying on my bed when my phone started ringing.

I checked the caller and saw that it was Daniel calling.

"Hey "

"Hey Jesse, am at your door "

"Really, I'm coming". I end the call and went for the door, 

I open the door and saw Daniel standing in front of my apartment with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, come in "

"That won't be necessary, I don't have much time ".

I closed the door and came out of my apartment.

"Where are you off to ". I asked 

"I'm going home, we are about having dinner and everyone is waiting for me "he spoke tiredly.

"Wow, how lucky you are, you ". I murmured 

He chuckled softly and stared at me, 

"You know we will be happy for you to join us". He said those words while staring directly into my eyes.

I met his gaze and shyly look away. I knew what he meant, and I wasn't ready for it.

"So the Christmas lunch, I'll join you guys". I spoke up

"Really".he asked in excitement 

"Yeah, I don't have anyone here and your offer is the best ".

He smiled at me before pulling me in a tight hug

"Thanks Jesse".he pulled away from me.

"I should be the one thanking you for inviting me over ". I replied with a smile.

He laughed softly before speaking up, 

"I'll have to go now "

"Yeah sure "

"Goodnight Jesse"

"Goodnight Daniel"

He smiled at me one more time before entering his car.

I open my apartment door and went inside.

Daniel was a good guy, but I couldn't see myself dating him even when I knew I don't have a chance with Benson, I just can't see myself dating another man now that I know that Benson was alive and now single.

I went back to my room and lay on my bed, I tried to close my eyes and memories of how I lost Benson flashed in my head.