
Familiar feeling

Benson's POV

“Thanks for everything”. Jesse muttered out, 

“It's nothing”. I replied her and came out of the car.

I open the car boot and brought out the tree

“Where should I keep it? “. I asked 

“In the sitting room at the left edge”.she spoke up

I pick up the tree and carried it to the sitting and dropped it at the edge.

Jesse came in with bags in her hands and lazily dropped them on the floor.

“I'm tired”. she sat on the couch with closed eyes.

“Beautiful”.  I whisper to myself.

I need to leave before I do something stupid.

“I'll have to go now “.

“Wait”. she said those words and brought out the earrings.

“Give it to Lilly for me “. she hand over the earrings to me.

“I thought it's her Christmas present”. I asked, confused.

She chuckled softly and stared at me.

“Of course not, this is just a gift “. she said those words while getting up from the couch.

“Thanks for everything”. She said those words and open the door for me.

“You are welcome”.  I smile at her before leaving her apartment.

I hissed in relief the moment I step out of her apartment.

I walk to our flat and met Lilly in the sitting room watching a kid's shows.

“Daddy”. She stood up from the couch and ran to hug me.

“How are you, beautiful princess? ”. I gently stroke her hair.

“I am fine”. she whispered

“See”.  I showed her the earrings.

“It's beautiful, did you get for me”. She asked happily

“No, miss Jesse was the one who got it for you “.

“Really? “. she asked in excitement 


“They are beautiful, did you tell her a very big thank you for me “.she asked 

“Of course I did “. I replied her, 

She giggled happily and took the earrings from me and ran to meet her grandmother.

I hissed relief and went for my room.

I took my bath and put on a casual wear.

I sat on my bed and pick up my computer, I was about to work when I remembered the girl's name in my dream was jeez.

Quickly I went on Facebook and search for the name but couldn't see anything meaningful.

I hissed and switch off my laptop.

I lay on the bed and my thought went to what happened earlier today at the market.

I knew this girl was an important person to me if indeed these memories and dreams were true.

So many questions and that's need answers and only aunt can answer them for me.

I pick up my phone and wanted to call aunt,but then I decided to let it be until I get home.

A knock on my door got my attention

“Come in”

The door was open and Derick walked in looking exhausted

“Hey Benson”

“Hey "

“Thanks for today man, I own you big time”

“It was nothing”. I replied,

 "Alright, I'll go in and rest now “. he smiled at me before leaving my room.

I hissed in relief and lay on my bed, 

“Jeez”. the name sounds so familiar

I turn around the bed in frustration but couldn't sleep.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my window and stared at it in curiosity, just then I saw Jesse chatting happily with the guy I saw her at the club with.

 for a strange reason I felt anger and betrayal and suddenly a strange feeling envelope me 

I hissed in anger and walk back to my bed, I angrily sat on it and kept on hitting my couch with my legs in anger.

I took a grip of myself and lay down on the bed.

I lay down on the bed and could feel pains in my heart and this feeling was so real and familiar to me like I have been through this Before, even when I knew I haven't had a heart break or felt this amount of jealousy before.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep, even when it was just past 7pm.

I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep.

The picture of Jesse with that guy keeps flashing in my head, and I knew it was going to be a long night for me.