
Another myterious dream

Benson's POV

It has been a week since I last saw Jesse, I have been trying to avoid her, and it has been successful so far.

Just one week and I will be out of this town and hopefully I would be able to forget her and return to my normal life.

“Papa, dinner is ready ". Lilly stood by my door, 

"Okay princess, I'll be there ".

She smiled at me before she left 

I stood up from the chair and keep the laptop on the table before walking out of my room, I walk to the sitting room and saw that everyone was already seated there.

I pull out a chair and sat on it.

I pick up a plate and put some food in my plate.

"Papa, don't you think we should invite miss Jesse to have Christmas lunch with us ". Lilly asked while staring at me with those two puppy eyes that I couldn't refuse.

I hissed softly and kept on eating, pretending I did not hear what she said.

"Papa".she called out again.

"Yes dear ". I said those words while avoiding her gaze.

"Please papa". She begged, 

I kept on eating my food but did not say a word.

"Of course darling, we will invite miss Jesse over for Christmas, and your dad will go inform her later in the day ". Mrs Sonia said those words while staring at me.

I wanted to quickly reject it,, but Lilly's next words Stooped me.

"Really, am so happy, thanks grandma".she spoke happily 

seeing how happy Lilly was, I couldn't say a word.

Out of frustration, I ate the food in anger even though I have lost my appetite already.

After dinner everyone retired to their room, leaving I and Mrs Sonia.

"You have to go over to Jesse's apartment and invite her over for Christmas".she said those words like a command.

"Why must I be the one to invite her, can't someone else do it "? I asked in anger, 

"Because your daughter wants you to. ".she spoke firmly and stood up from the chair.

"You have to do it by tomorrow, you know Christmas is just a week away ".she said those words as an order before leaving the dinning table.

I groaned in anger and stood up from the chair, if only she wasn't Charity's mom, I knew what I would have said to her.

I got to my bedroom and the thought of going to Jesse's apartment and inviting her over for Christmas annoys me.

I groaned angrily and kept on tossing around the bed in frustration until I slept off.

"It's our first Christmas together,, so I thought of getting something special for you ". I said those words and brought a small box from my pocket.

"What's that ".she asked happily.

"Close your eyes ". I moved close to her, making sure her Eyes were closed.

I open the box and brought out a necklace from the box.

I smiled while staring at the necklace before putting it on her neck.

"You can now open your eyes". I spoke happily.

She open her eyes and stared at me for a while before she moved her hand to her neck.

"What is this".she asked while bringing out her phone from her pocket.

She opens her phone and looked at the necklace through her phone.

"Oh my God, this is beautiful ".

She moved closer to me and kissed me softly on the lips.

"You are welcome, am glad you like it ",

 I spoke up

"I don't like it, I love you ".she kissed me again.

I chuckled softly and gently caress her cheek .

"I love you "

"I love you more, Benson".

I open my eyes and realized it was all a dream again.

I hissed softly and went inside the bathroom and wash my face.

Another dream, another mysterious dream.

I left the bathroom and walk back to my room, I checked the time and saw that it was already 5am.

Knowing I couldn't sleep anymore, I put on my walk out cloths and made my way out of the apartment.

I walk out for few hours until I noticed it was already 7 am, I hissed and went back home.

When I got home I noticed Lilly has already woken up

"Good morning Papa".she greeted me while on Smith's laps 

"Morning sweetheart ". I kissed her forehead and was about making my way back to my room, when she called out to me, 

I turn around and met her two puppy eyes on me.

"Have you invited miss Jesse yet ".she asked, 

I hissed softly and walk back to her.

"I will, let me just take a shower okay "

"Okay papa"

I hissed softly and walk back to my room.

In frustration I pull off my cloths and went to take a bath. How do I face Jesse after what happened in her house a week ago.

I put on my clothes and met everyone in the dinning table having breakfast.

I pull out a chair and joined them.

"When are you guys leaving". Samuel asked, 

"A day after Christmas ". I replied, 

"But dad, I thought we could spend the new year celebration here ". Lilly begged with her two eyes on me.

"No, dear, Daddy has a lot of work waiting for him at home ".

She murmured angrily and went back to her food.

"You can leave Lilly here, we will bring her after the new year celebration". Smith spoke up, 

"I can't leave her here ". I quickly replied, "Why can't you, we are also her family". Derick asked, 

I hissed softly and took a spoon of my food.

"I would have left her here if I could, but I can't .if I leave her here, then I won't be able to concentrate at work because I would be so worried about her".

"Lilly can choose wherever she wants to spend her Christmas when she comes of age, but right now, I think it's best she stays with me, please excuse me " .

I said those words and left the house to Jesse's apartment.