

Jesse's POV

I hissed in relief the moment Mrs Sonia left.

I check the time and noticed it was almost time for Daniel to arrive. I rush to my room, took a quick bath and put on a simple dress.

I was about combing my hair when I heard a soft knock on my door.

I took off from my room and rushed for the door, I open the door and saw Daniel smartly dress and look incredibly handsome.

"Come in".

He came in and flash me a big smile, 

"Seems you are not done with your hair".

I chuckled softly and led him to the sitting room.

"Just give me some minutes, I'll be done by then"


I left him in the sitting room and rush to my room, I combed my hair and did a light make up before leaving my room.

I walk to the sitting room and met Daniel's eyes all over me.

"You look amazing". He stood up and softly kissed me on the cheek, 

"Thank you, and you look hot too, ". I whisper

He chuckled softly and open the door for me.

We left my apartment and got into his car.

"So where are you taking me to this time? ". I asked 

"Somewhere". he replied and starts the car.

He drove for a while until we got to a beach filled with white sand and cold breeze.

"This is amazing" I said those words as we came out of the car.

"Am glad you like it.". he said those words and stood beside me.

I look around and noticed a table was already set with different foods and drinks.

"Is that ours?". I asked, 

"Yeah, come on.". he led the way, and I followed.

“Wow”.  I exclaim and sat on the chair Daniel pulled out for me.

“Am glad you like it, ".  Daniel replied with a big smile on his face.

"Shall we ?".

He opens the food and put some in my plate, I knew the food would be delicious just by looking at it.

"Thank you ".  I picked up a spoon and put a mole of food in my mouth. 

"This tastes delicious".

He smiled softly and took a sip of his drink.

"I'm glad you like my cooking"

"Your what?". I asked in shock, 

He laughed softly before speaking up 

"My cooking, I cooked it".he spoke firmly.

"Wow, this is good ".  I spoke in shock, 

"You are an excellent cook, your wife would be lucky ".  I said those words and went back to the food.

"Why don't you be the fortuitous one? ". he said those words while staring at me with a serious tune.

I swallowed nervously and took a sip of my drink and went back to the food.

He hissed softly and took a bite of his food. We eat in an awkward silence until he spoke up, 

"When do you intend leaving this town? ".he inquired.

"After Christmas". I replied

"Why? ". he asked 

"I have to be in Australia before the new year, I have a good job offer that I can't reject, ". I replied and took a sip of my drink.

"Oh, I see, what kind of job is that? ".he asked 

"It's a dance academy., we travel to four countries dancing in big shows and are being paid for it ".

"Is it the Royal dance academy? ".he asked.

"Yeah, how did you know? ".  I asked while staring at him with curiosity.

"It's a popular dance academy, and I know they travel by this time of the year. but you are already late ".

"Yeah, I have to stay because the kids are performing the day after tomorrow, and I need to see them dance, but after that, I will leave". I said those words and went back to my food.

"It's a pity, the people in this town will definitely miss you, ".he spoke firmly.

"I will miss them more ".

We continued eating in total silence until we were done.

"Who would arrange the table? ". I asked, 

"Don't worry about that, someone is here to do that ".

"Okay, thanks a lot "

"I should be the one thanking you for accepting to go out for dinner with me and eating my food ".

I chuckled softly and stood up from the chair.

We walk around the Beach with our bare foot.

"Are you cold? ".he asked, 

"No".  I shake my head and look away.

We stroll around the Beach, feeling the cold breeze and the fresh air in silence until I spoke up.

"Where do you live? ". I asked 

"Nowhere". he replied quickly.

I turn and stared at him confused 

"I don't have a specific home, I have houses in different countries which I stay less than five or six months there and then I visit another countries and stay in my houses there, so I don't have a specific home ".he spoke up 

"I see ".  I nod my head and look away.

"But right now, I want a home, a family, and a wife to welcome me back home, ".he said those words while staring directly into my eyes.