
Forced into their lives

One week to Christmas

Jesse's POV 

It's been a week and Benson has been avoiding me., he no longer brings Lilly to practice, it either any of the brothers who usually bring her, and I wasn't surprised at his reaction, I turn him down, what else should I be expecting.

"Alright girls, that will be all for today "

"Okay miss". they all chorused 

I took a soft breath and went to my table, I pick up my things and waited for the kids to be picked up before I could leave. 

"Bye, miss Jesse".  Lilly waved at me as she leaves with Samuel.

I stayed in the hall for few minutes until everyone must have left.

I stood up from my chair and made my way home, on my way home I noticed my phone was ringing.

I went for my phone in my pocket and saw that the caller was Daniel, I smiled before picking up the call.

"Hey Jesse".  I could notice how happy he was, 

“Hey Daniel”.

"How are you? ".he asked

"Am fine". I responded while waving my hand at someone who I knew was passing by.

"I just wanted to see if I can take you out for dinner ".he asked, almost like a pled.

"Sure, am free ".I replied

"That's nice, I'll come pick up by 6pm".  I could notice the excitement in his voice.

"Alright then ". I ended the call.

I hissed softly and walk down home. I knew where all these were leading to, and I need to stop it before Daniel gets hurt.

Few minutes I was home, I took my bath and made a light lunch before taking a nap.

I was still in sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

I groaned and check the table clock., the time was just pass 4pm, definitely it wasn't Daniel. I hissed softly and stood up from the bed.

Lazily, I walk to my door and open it, to my surprise, it was Mrs Sonia, Charity's mom.

"Hello ma'am ". I smiled and step aside for her to get in.

"Please come in"

She beamed at me before entering my apartment.

"Have a seat ".  I directed her to the couch in the sitting room.

She sat on the couch and stared around before smiling at me, I was uncomfortable because I knew such visit means something was going on.

I smiled at her and sat opposite her.

"What can I get you, ma'am". I asked, 

"Nothing, I'm okay ". She replied with a smile, 

"Are you sure ma'am". I asked

"I'm okay, dear ". she spoke those words while smiling at me.

"If you say so ".

"You must be wondering why I came to see you ".she spoke softly,

I nod my head without saying a word .

She took in a deep breath.

"I notice that you really like Lilly a lot, ".she spoke up, 

"Of course I do, she is such an amazing kid ".

"That's nice ". she said those words and smiled at me.

I stared at her, not knowing where she was driving to.

"I see you and Benson, and I think you guys like each other, ".she spoke firmly.

I stared at her in shock 

"Jesse". she calls out 

I stared at her with wide eyes 

"Lilly needs a mother in her life ".she spoke softly

I stared at her but did not say a word 

"You know I lost my daughter two years ago and Lilly has been my source of joy and I want her to have the best ".she spoke seriously.

I stared at her but can't get what she was trying to say.

"I'll just go straight to the point".she spoke up

I nod my head but did not say a word.

"I noticed the way you look at Benson, I know you like him a lot and I think he also do ".she said those words while smiling at me.

"What are you driving at, ma'am". I asked, confused.

My intics have already told me what she was going to say,, but I decided to wait and hear from her.

"I want you to be Lilly's mother, I know you will make an excellent mother ". She spoke confidently

"What? ".  I asked in shock, 

"Listen Jesse, please just hear me out ". She pleaded.

"You like Lilly and you also love Benson, you can't denie that, I see the way you look at him, you love him very much. Why don't you think about it? ".she begged, 

I stared at her in shock 

"Are you serious?".  I asked, confused.

"Yes, I may like Benson and Lilly,, but that doesn't mean I want to be Benson's wife and a mother to Lilly ".

"And what if Lilly doesn't want a new mother, will you force me into her life? ". I asked 

"Please listen Jesse". she tries to speak, but I cut her off.

"Sorry to say this, but you shouldn't be the one telling me this., is Benson even aware that you are here ". I asked in irritation.

"If anyone has to mention this to me, then it's Benson, you can't drag me into his life, ma'am". 

"Benson is still mourning his wife, and I think you shouldn't force me or any other lady into his life “. I spoke seriously.

She hissed softly and shakes her head, 

"I'm just doing it for Lilly's future".she spoke in a sad tune.

"Do you know how hard it is to ask another woman to marry your daughter's husband, do you know how hard it is?".

I stared at her and noticed she was in so much pain., she must have thought this for a while before she could even accept to it.

She just lost her only daughter two years ago and here she asking another lady to marry her daughter's husband, just become of her granddaughter. She must be going through a lot.

I stood up from the couch and walk up to her while placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Everything will be fine".  I said those words as a promise.