
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 37 Reunion

"Surprise motherfucker."

Anthony said in a forced tone, "Elena, Samael h-h-how did you escape?" Elena didn't answer because she herself wasn't sure what and how it happened but she had her guesses. Samael and her had experienced a similar phenomenon when Azrael had been born.

The difference was that he wasn't strong enough to affect them much. Just then another portal opened and Sebastian and Evangeline entered the office.

They were just as surprised to see their children. What surprised them more was that they were instantly suppressed as soon as they entered. Elena walked toward Anthony and picked him by his throat with her left hand.

Then she started punching his face. When she was satisfied, she stopped and said, "Because of you, I haven't seen my son for almost two millennia. I didn't see him take his first steps, or hear his first words. I couldn't even attend his first birthday. You will never understand the pain I went through, the pain that you put me through. There is nothing I can do that would be enough to punish you for your actions but I wonder..." A maniacal grin appeared on her face as she continued, "...how you would feel if I were to cripple little Anthony..."

"That's enough, young lady! You know that he was just following the rules." It was Evangeline who interrupted Elena. Elena looked at her mother and said, "You are defending him? Him! The man who exiled my son, your grandson, and for what? Existing? He deserves everything that I will do to him and his clan." Elena was practically bubbling with rage

Evangeline waited for her daughter's outburst to finish and said, "He had no choice. We had no choice."

Elena heard the seriousness in her mother's voice and waited for her explanation. Evangeline continued, "Only the clan heads are supposed to know about this but since you have the appropriate strength, there's no point in hiding it. Every clan head has to take a bloodline vow when they put on this mantle, just like the one you took when Azrael was exiled, that they would never break the rules for personal reasons.

Anthony already did his best by not killing you and Azrael. This was why we couldn't stop him, not because we didn't want to." Elena and Samael were shocked by the sudden turn of events, but Evangeline wasn't done yet. She said "Our ancestors recognized strength and added a clause to the vow. They said that the weak had no right to command the strong. If somebody can defeat any clan head in a fair fight, the rules don't apply to them. That was why Anthony asked you to defeat him in a battle. So don't treat him like that, he is still your elder."

Anthony shot a grateful look at Evangeline not because he was afraid of Elena, but because she had cleared his name. He wasn't even angry with Elena because he always felt guilty for his actions. In his opinion, Azrael's existence should have been celebrated by all Primarchs. After all, he had successfully accomplished something that was deemed impossible by their predecessors.

His injuries started healing quickly and he stood up. He fixed his clothes and said, "Why don't we finally bring the little prince home?" Elena looked a little embarrassed and apologized for her previous actions. She looked at Sebastian, who just nodded and opened a portal to the Mortal Realms.

Novaria, Mortal Realms

It had been a month since Novaria's evolution began and now, it was coming to an end. Its size and energy concentration matched and even faintly surpassed Aurora Star. This was only possible because of all the Cosmari blood it had absorbed and the uniqueness of the speck of energy that Iussum had given her.

Everybody on Novaria gradually recovered back to their original states. Every Elysian Mentor successfully broke through to the Spirit Awakening stage. Many of them also awakened many unique body and soul constitutions.

Azrael and Lily took a little longer to recover. They used this opportunity to make themselves thoroughly familiar with all the changes they had gone through.

First of all, their cultivation bases had disappeared but somehow their strength had increased. They could tell that they were invincible in the Mortal Realms. Second, their comprehension of different elements.

Both of them had completely comprehended the Intents of the Five Basic Elements. They also discovered that both of them had three different forms. The transformation didn't cost any energy and they could freely transform.

For Azrael, the first one was similar to a normal human man with short hair. The main difference was that he was two feet tall and had white crystalline horns on his head. There were twelve pairs of wings tattooed on his back and numerous different sigils on his torso. His irises were a gradient of blue and purple and it was very easy for one to lose themselves in them. He called it the Base Form.

In the second transformation, his height increased to 100 feet, and the tattoos on his back turned into real wings. The tattoos on his torso also disappeared and he gained four additional arms. His eyes now reflected entire galaxies and his hair grew in length until the reached his shoulders. But he could tell that it was incomplete like there was something missing. He decided to call it the Stellar Celestial Form.

Finally the third transformation. It was his most powerful form. His height increased until he was 120 feet tall. His appearance also changed, his jade-white skin turned into the embodiment of the starry sky. His hair extended to his waist and looked like nebulae. His eyes turned into silver-golden stars that shined brightly like the sun and a crown appeared on his forehead. He called it the Cosmic Empyrean Form.

For Lily, the first form was also two feet tall. She looked like a draconic human. She had pitch-black dragon horns on her head, and dragon claws on her hands. She had a layer made up of finely knitted dragon scales under her skin like soft armor. She had vertical pupils and a small seven-starred symbol in the middle of her eyebrows. She called it the Draco-Human form.

The second form was a 120 feet long Eastern Dragon. Her horns were pitch black, and her mane was white. She had purple-black whiskers and purple-gold vertical pupils. Her seven-colored scales showed a dichotomy of conflict and harmony. An amber-gold dragon pearl with a seven-pointed star appeared in her right forelimb. She called it the Infernal Zaldrīzes Form.

The third form was a 150 feet long dragon. Her scales looked as if each of them contained an entire universe. The dragon pearl disappeared from her hands and a tiara appeared on her head. Every inch of her body looked like it had been crafted from multiple cosmos. She called it the Cosmic Draco-Empyrean Form.

They realized that their third forms were sealed while they were still in the Omniverse. Suddenly, Azrael felt a familiar connection to somewhere or someone in the Mortal Realms. He transformed into his Stellar Celestial Form and shot towards outer space. He could easily survive in space, he even felt stronger than usual. Just then, a portal opened in front of him, and five people walked out of it.

When Elena, Samael, Evangeline, Anthony, and Sebastian walked out of the portal, they were surprised to see a gigantic being with 12 pairs of wings, six arms, and two horns in front of them. What was more surprising was that they could clearly feel the bloodline bond between them. They were sure that this was Azrael. He suddenly shrunk in size, his wings and extra arms disappearing as he gawked at them in shock.

Elena and Samael didn't wait and immediately wrapped him in a bear hug. Elena started crying while Azrael was still too shocked to react. Azrael came to his senses somewhat and asked with a cracked voice, "Are you guys really free?" Elena was shocked that her son knew that they had been imprisoned but still replied, "Yes we are. That's why we came to get you. How was life in the Mortal Realms? Did somebody bully you?"

Azrael said, "Nobody bullied me. I have a happy family. I even have a wife who loves me as much as I love her. I will introduce you to them." Then he finally noticed Anthony in the group. Intense killing intent started oozing out of him. He once again transformed into his Stellar Cosmic Form and said, "What is that man doing here?" Sebastian looked at his grandson and shook his head. He was too similar to his mother.

Elena said "It wasn't his fault or he wouldn't be here. I'll explain later but right now I want to meet my daughter-in-law." Azrael nodded and opened a portal to Elysium. Samael was shocked to see how easily his son manipulated the surrounding space. Even he couldn't do the same when he was a Mortal.

The portal opened into a guest room in Elysium where Lily, Lionel, Ariana, and Felix were having tea and snacks. Lionel's aura flared up when he saw the people who exited from the portal. Sebastian and Evangeline were the same. Sebastian said, "Lunatic Rex, what are you doing here?"

Lionel didn't back down and said, "I am taking a break with my family. What about you? Why are you here?" Sebastian answered, "I am here to meet the family that raised my grandson." Lionel then remembered that Sebastian was Azrael's biological grandfather. He glanced at the young couple and could instantly see some similarities with Azrael's appearance.

Azrael finally stepped in and said, "Stop arguing. I'll introduce you all." He looked at Ariana and Felix and said, "Mom and Dad, meet Mom and Dad." He then looked at Lily and said, "This is my wife, Lily. Lily, these are birth parents and grandparents." The atmosphere became so awkward that you could slice it with a knife.

Thankfully Samael broke the silence as he reintroduced himself and Elena, "My name is Samael Nispatium and this is my wife, Elena Rudraevum. Thank you for giving our son such a happy childhood." Ariana and Felix could sense the sincerity in his voice and they didn't know what to say and just nodded. Elena then said, "Can we talk...alone?"

Ariana once again nodded and the four parents walked into another room. The awkward silence reached another level. Azrael tried to break it by saying, "So, you guys know each other?" Lionel and Sebastian just glared at him and Lily and Evangeline barely controlled their laugh. Sebastian said to Lionel, "So, have you learned your lesson in such a long time...kid?" Lionel instantly got riled up and said with a smirk, "Who are you calling a kid? Your grandson also calls me Grandpa. That makes me your peer."

The two started arguing heatedly and Azrael had to step in. He shouted, "Grandpa!" They both replied at the same time, "What?"x2 and glared at each other. Azrael continued, "Would you please stop arguing? You both are my grandfathers so please..." They got a little embarrassed and stop fighting.

The parents also returned and there was a photo album in Elena's hands. They had clearly had a heart-to-heart and the awkwardness around them had disappeared. He also recognized that album because it contained some of his most embarrassing photos. Azrael told them about his life and Elysium. He also told them about the recent evolution of Novaria.

They were happy to hear that Azrael had accomplished so much in under two millennia. They made a decision and said, "We will give you a gift for all the birthdays that we missed before." Azael was confused when Samael teleported all of them to outer space. The three clan heads released their auras and started chanting. Elena and Samael joined them.

A barrier started forming around Novaria and it suddenly disappeared. With their extraordinary eyes, Azrael and Lily could still see it but even they had to focus a lot. When they were done, they handed a talisman to Azrael and said, "This barrier will hide Novaria from unwanted eyes. Nobody can enter this barrier without your permission. Now you can use it as your main base and fulfill your dream of making the greatest academy in the Mortal Realms."

All of them returned and Elena finally explained the circumstances behind Anthony's decisions. Sebastian even undid the seal on Lionel because despite not showing it, he was very grateful to him. Then they spent a few more days enjoying their time together. The three clan heads returned but Elena and Samael stayed on Novaria. Azrael and Lily began the final preparations and a year passed.

Finally, it was time for Elysium to accept students.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

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Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time