
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 36 Title at the End

Lily was still recovering from the shock of the sudden change when she suddenly screamed and transformed into a huge dragon. She resembled the dragon in the sigils on her cells. The sigils started burning and began absorbing the surrounding energy.

The Zodiacs were shocked by the sudden development. Azrael knew what was going on and commanded the surrounding energy to rush toward her. The Zodiacs understood that somehow Lily was also evolving and did the same process with her. But the attributes were different. The energy that she absorbed belonged to the Seven Deadly Sins and the Five Basic Elements.

Just like Azrael, she felt her comprehension of the Five Basic Elements skyrocketing. Then the seven Embryonic Hells inside her started collapsing and were devoured by their respective Hell Cores until they also resembled black holes. After some time she also exploded.

The energy released gathered itself in the form of an Eastern Dragon with a tiara on her head. The dragon had the antlers of a stag, the forelimbs of a tiger, and the hind limbs of an eagle. Each limb had nine claws. Her body was serpentine without any wings and her scales looked as if every one of them contained a galaxy. She had long whiskers on her face and a mane of hair on her neck that extended to her tail along her back.

She transformed once more, her horns turned pitch black, and her scales took on a seven-colored hue. Her whiskers and the mane turned white. She had lean muscles but one could tell that they contained explosive power. Her eyes held vertical pupils and an amber-gold pearl with seven-pointed stars appeared in her right forelimb.

She roared as if she was announcing her existence to the world. The Zodiacs could tell that Lily had also evolved into a Cosmari Empyrean. They were confused as to how this happened but decided to give them some time before asking them any questions. Azrael and Lily transformed once again.

Azrael just shrunk in size until he was about 2 feet tall and Lily turned into her previous appearance. She had dragon horns on her head and dragon scales on her body. Just like Azrael, her appearance had somehow turned even more perfect.

Azrael finally looked at his surroundings. He wasn't very worried because he knew that if the beings around him wanted to hurt them, they couldn't do anything. He could also feel that they were very happy with his and Lily's presence. When he looked at Iussum, he felt a very familiar aura. He walked up to her and asked with uncertainty, "Are you Iussum?"

Iussum was a bit shocked by this question as nobody in the Omniverse except for the Progenitors and Primordials should be aware of her existence. She replied, "I am. But how do you know of my existence? Who are you? And why do you have Mother's aura?" Alex and the Zodiacs were also very curious.

Azrael didn't know how to answer but still said, "Well...I am your descendent...technically." Iussum tilted her head and the rest of the audience was shocked. Azrael explained the circumstances of his birth. He told them how a piece of Nihilitty's soul fused with him and his previous life. He then told her about his reincarnation and his exile to the Mortal Realms of the Omniverse.

Iussum and the rest listened with great interest. The thing that shocked them the most was the Eternal Embodiment of Soul Embrace and its evolution. Iussum wasn't aware how this technique had entered the Omniverse and the Zodiacs didn't say anything and just looked at each other. Azrael and the others couldn't see their faces but if they could, they would wonder what could worry beings with their strengths.

Iussum didn't know how to react for a moment. Azrael was a descendant of her children therefore he was her descendant. But he also had a piece of her mother's soul fused with him and was the equivalent of a sibling to her. She was in deep thought when Alex motioned her to pay attention.

The Zodiacs looked at them as one of them said, "You all must be wondering what is going on. Azrael and Lily are Cosmari Empyreans just like the twelve of us are. Unlike normal Cosmari, Cosmari Empyreans are sentient multiverses. The birth of one is so rare that even now only 14 of us"

Alex already knew about this, that's why he was in a hurry to bring them to the Headquarters so quickly. Iussum on the other hand was the youngest among the Cosmari, well not anymore but still, she was very young and weak to have access to this level of information.

The Zodiac continued "We will personally oversee your basic education and we would like to begin right now, but if you want some time, we can give you an epoch. After that, you must return as it is vital to your growth." Azrael nodded gratefully. He knew that they were giving them time to calm down and assess the situation properly.

They had also gone through a very big change and needed to examine them. The Zodiacs looked at Alex before leaving. Azrael and Lily looked at Iussum and asked, "Can we return to the Omniverse?" Iussum just nodded and waved her hand. Azrael and Lily disappeared and reappeared on the Lightning Crucible.

Only a month had passed on Novaria. As soon as they appeared, they saw Lionel waiting for them. He looked very worried. When he saw them, he didn't say anything and just hugged them. Even though they had gone through many changes he still recognized them.

As if sensing their appearance, an incarnation of Novaria appeared in front of them. She looked very excited as she said, "Congratulations on your success. I also benefitted a lot because of you. As I promised before I have a gift for you. I will now begin my evolution"

Everybody present on Novaria suddenly heard a rumble. Energy concentration on Novaria began to rise dramatically. Its area started to expand and everyone, even the mortals without any cultivation, fell into a state of epiphany. This was why experiencing the evolution of a world was so beneficial.

While all this was going on something else happened. Novaria had absorbed and collected a lot of Azrael and Lily's blood and even blood essence over the years. She could feel that it was vital to her advancement. It was one of the reasons she was so benevolent to him, otherwise if someone else had created something like the Nirvanic Rebirth Pill, she would have killed them on the spot.

She sent all the blood to her World Core and focused on all the formations that Azrael had created, the ones on Lightning Crucible, in Elysium, and even the transmission towers. She fused them all in a natural array. Nova was also evolving too for two reasons. Ultimately, it was born from a formation. Secondly, It was connected to Azreal fundamentally. He had used his blood essence to make the formation, the pieces of souls belonged to him, and finally, it was bound to him by karma.

When he evolved it also triggered an evolution in it. The transformation into a natural array was just the cherry on top. Meanwhile in a faraway place,

Punishment Grounds, Origin Plane,

Elena and Samael were imprisoned in the Forbidden Chains. They couldn't move at all and the chains were slowly absorbing their cultivation bases. But today something strange happened. Their Bloodline Sources started sucking the blood inside their bodies.

This phenomenon didn't stop until they were completely bloodless. They resembled dry husks and normally a situation like this would have killed them but somehow it didn't. Their Bloodline Sources started releasing a lot of heat and the blood inside them started boiling. They also began spinning at a very high speed and their size began to shrink.

When they were about a tenth of their previous size, they stopped spinning and released all the blood that they had devoured before. Elena and Samael could feel that this new blood was way stronger and purer than before. Their strength started skyrocketing and their cultivation bases started growing at such speed that in just a few moments, they were able to break the chains that bound them.

It wasn't just their cultivation bases, but also their comprehension. At their cultivation levels, that was far more important than absorbing energies. When their cultivation bases stopped growing, to their shock, they were just slightly weaker than their parents. With their bloodline pressure, they could even suppress them.

After realizing this, Elena couldn't contain herself anymore. She looked at Samael deeply and he understood her intentions perfectly. His eyes sharpened and he jabbed forward. Space broke in front of them and a portal opened. They stepped into the portal and it closed.

Anthony Sorsamadhi was sitting in his office when alarms started blaring indicating a breach in the Punishment Grounds. Before he could react, a portal opened in his office and Elena and Samael walked out from it. He wanted to say something but was bombarded with two bloodline pressure so intense, he started sweating. Then Elena simply said with a sadistic smirk, "Surprise motherfucker."

Title: Surprise Motherfucker


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

I will finish this Vol. in the next 4-5 chapters. I will give a small spoiler for the next vol.

Azrael will begin traveling to other universes in the next vol. So tell me about your favorite power systems in the comments or reviews and I will try to include all of them. This offer only lasts till 12 pm on 30 June 2023 IST (India Standard Time).

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

Drown me with Power Stones

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See you next time