
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 38 The Announcement

After the recent evolution, many things changed in Novaria. The overall strength of cultivators increased, fields produced more yield, etc. But the most significant change was the drastic increment in birth rates.

According to a census conducted by the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce, approx. 500 million babies had been born and about 1 billion women were currently pregnant. The amazing thing was that every one of these babies was immensely talented.

Taking all this into account, Azrael and Lily changed some of their plans. Previously, every student would have a personal residence but now, four students would share a residence. They decided only to accept children that were 4-10 years old.

A group of Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce employees was given special training and even the weakest was at the peak stage of the Foundation Building realm. They also had their unique title, the Elysian Scouts. They were responsible for finding unique geniuses that could not meet the criteria and recommending them to the Academy.

It was just another normal day when a piece of news that shook Novaria was released. Big projections of two people suddenly appeared in front of every branch of the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce who introduced themselves as the mysterious owners of this organization.

They announced that they had built an academy that would soon start admitting students regardless of their backgrounds. The people could obtain more information at the nearest Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce branch.

The announcement made by the mysterious owners of the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce had created ripples of excitement and anticipation throughout Novaria. The common people, who had long been oppressed by the dominance of the sects and cultivation families, saw a glimmer of hope in the prospect of an academy that welcomed students from all backgrounds.

As the news of Elysium Academy spread, people from all walks of life flocked to the nearest Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce branches, eager to learn more about this revolutionary institution. The projections of Azrael and Lily continued to captivate audiences, promising a new era of cultivation and knowledge.

At the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce branches, specially trained Elysian Scouts welcomed the visitors, providing them with detailed information about Elysium Academy's curriculum, admission process, and the benefits it offered. The scouts were well-versed in the wonders of the Cosmic Scribe System, highlighting its ability to accelerate learning and facilitate the cultivation journey.

Word about the academy quickly reached the cultivation families and sects, stirring mixed reactions among their ranks. Some viewed Elysium Academy as a threat, fearing that their long-held monopolies on knowledge and power would be challenged. Others, however, recognized the potential for collaboration and the advancement of cultivation as a whole.

Azrael and Lily, aware of the mixed responses, extended invitations to representatives from various cultivation families and sects. They organized a gathering at Elysium Academy, where they showcased the capabilities of the Cosmic Scribe System and emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of the ever-changing world.

During the gathering, Azrael and Lily unveiled a proposal for collaboration, encouraging the cultivation families and sects to share their knowledge and resources with Elysium Academy. They emphasized that by working together, they could elevate the standards of cultivation, promote inclusivity, and create a brighter future for all cultivators.

While some families and sects remained skeptical, others saw the wisdom in Azrael and Lily's proposal. They recognized the potential benefits of aligning themselves with Elysium Academy, gaining access to the advanced technology and expertise it offered. Slowly but surely, alliances began to form, paving the way for a new era of cooperation and progress.

As Elysium Academy prepared to admit its first batch of students, the anticipation and excitement in Novaria reached a fever pitch. The academy's grand opening ceremony was a dazzling spectacle, attended by dignitaries, cultivators, and ordinary citizens alike.

Azrael and Lily, standing at the center of the ceremony, addressed the gathered crowd. They expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming support and pledged their unwavering commitment to the students' growth and development. They reiterated their vision of Elysium Academy as a place where talent and potential would be nurtured, regardless of one's background or social status.

With the cutting of a ceremonial ribbon, Elysium Academy officially opened its doors to students. As the first batch of children entered the academy, they were greeted by a campus teeming with excitement and possibility. The Cosmic Scribe System awaited them, ready to guide them on their cultivation journey and unlock their hidden potentials.

Within the walls of Elysium Academy, students embarked on a transformative experience. They immersed themselves in a diverse curriculum that encompassed not only cultivation but also subjects like history, philosophy, and the arts. The academy's emphasis on holistic education aimed to shape well-rounded individuals capable of contributing to the world in meaningful ways.

Under the guidance of experienced mentors and the support of their peers, the students flourished. They pushed their limits, honed their skills, and discovered new depths within themselves. The wonders of the Cosmic Scribe System became a constant companion, nurturing their growth and expanding their horizons.

Outside the academy, Novaria and the surrounding realms witnessed the positive influence of Elysium Academy. The cultivation families and sects that had chosen to collaborate saw their own knowledge and practices enriched by the exchange of ideas and perspectives. Cultivators from all walks of life found new opportunities and avenues for growth, fostering a spirit of unity and progress.

In the midst of this transformative period, Azrael and Lily remained steadfast in their mission. They continued to innovate, seeking new ways to enhance the Cosmic Scribe System and improve the cultivation journey for future generations. They were tireless in their dedication, knowing that their efforts would shape the destiny of not only Elysium Academy but also the Mortal Realms as a whole.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

Also check out my other novel "The Genesis Chronicles: Pioneer of Life"

Drown me with Power Stones

Follow me on Instagram @magnus_0508

See you next time

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