
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 35 Cosmari Empyrean

Azrael appeared at the peak of Lightning Crucible. He would need a lot of energy for what he was about to do so he tapped into the Lightbing Crucible's energy reserves. He then sat down on the platform and focused. He remembered the time when he had built his foundation and decided to do the same.

He carefully sensed the embryonic worlds inside him and started flooding them with energy. They greedily devoured all the energy he fed them like starving beasts. He increased his absorption's intensity and a vortex began forming above him.

He didn't know how much time passed but finally, they were satiated. He knew that this was a critical time and increased his absorption even more. The worlds still hadn't completely formed and couldn't handle this much energy. They slowly started collapsing in on themselves.

Azreal started bleeding from his orifices but he continued. He thought of this as another way to strengthen his body. The worlds collapsed and were absorbed by their World Cores. The World Cores started resembling black holes.

The space around Azrael cracked and volatile Energy rushed into Azrael's body. More time passed. All the World Cores had turned into minuscule balls of condensed energy and matter and they stopped absorbing more energy. They were very unstable and Azreal was struggling to keep them from exploding.

He would have to pass a tribulation before he could let them explode and turn into individual universes. As if reading his mind, dark clouds started appearing above him. But suddenly something unexpected happened. He felt an overpowering Will appear. It scanned Novaria completely and Azrael vanished.

Lionel and the others were staying in Elysium. It had been about 750 years since Azrael started. Lily was using a whip and sparring with Lionel on the training grounds. He was using two short swords.

Lionel's expression suddenly changed and they felt a Will scan them. The weird part was that even though they had never felt this Will before, it didn't feel foreign. The Will paused when it scanned Lily and then she also disappeared.

A few minutes earlier,

Iussum was in deep cultivation. According to her seniors, she was very talented as she had quickly reached the 5th stage of the Prima Realm when she was only fifty aeons old. She suddenly felt a disturbance in her universe. Usually, she would send one of her children to deal with it but she felt a very familiar aura. It was the aura of another Cosmari.

So she sent her incarnation to find the source of this disturbance. She tracked the aura to a mid-grade world in the Mortal Realms that was on the verge of evolving into a high-grade world named Novaria.

She scanned this world and to her surprise, she found not one but two Cosmari there. To express her happiness, she flicked her finger toward Novaria and a speck of fantastical energy shot into its World Core.

She was shocked that she had not sensed them before. She scanned them to find the reason behind it and discovered that their true forms had been suppressed because they were currently inside her universe.

She also discovered that both of them were Primogenitors of new sub-species of the Cosmari. This was very big news. She had to inform her seniors. And something was going on with one of them and she didn't have any idea what.

She first formed a secret realm and pulled both of them inside. Then she used the contact imprint her senior had left for her and another Will suddenly appeared beside her. This Will was countless times stronger than her.

The Will spoke, "What happened Little One? Why have you called me when you are not in danger?" When this Will spoke, the surrounding energy seemed to sing as if it were celebrating being in the presence of this being.

Iussum quickly explained the situation and told her about Azrael. The Will was very happy when she got to know about two Primogenitors. The Cosmari were very strong but were low in number. So the news of two new members made the Will ecstatic.

Then the Will examined the two but was shocked by the result. Iussum clearly felt the Will's shock and asked, "Do you know what is going on with him?" The Will didn't answer her and said, "There is not much time. We need to take him to the Zodiac Council. Hurry!"

Iussum was shocked that the Council had to be involved. But she didn't hesitate and teleported Azrael and Lily to the Headquarters.

The Zodiac Council ruled the Cosmari. They were on a completely different level as compared to other Cosmari. The legend was that there was an unknown condition to become a Council Member. Right now, the Zodiac Council only had 12 members.

The Headquarters were where the Zodiacs convened. As it was impossible for them to be physically present, each Council Member had to create an incarnation that would represent them. It wasn't just them, most Cosmari would create Incarnations to travel. Only some were capable of traveling with their physical bodies.

They reached the Headquarters quickly. Her senior's incarnation was waiting for her there. It looked like a Bearman with the head of a bear and the body of a human. Her senior didn't say anything and took her to the Zodiac Council.

They entered a room with twelve huge levitating thrones that looked like they had been forged from galaxies. Twelve huge beings, their visages blurry, sat upon those thrones as they gazed upon Iussum and her senior. One of the beings questioned, "Alex, what is the emergency that you had to issue a red alert? And why is the youngest here?"

Alex, Iussum's senior answered, "It would be better if you see it for yourself." He then motioned to Iussum and she released Azrael and Lily. The twelve beings were confused for a moment before all of them stood up in shock.

One of the beings said their voice stuttering a little, "We-we-Where did you find them?" Alex answered, "They are inhabitants of the Omniverse, Iussum's universe."

The beings stepped down from their thrones and surrounded Azrael. Azrael still had no idea about what was going on. The twelve beings that surrounded him waved their hands and twelve different energies started flooding his body.

Of the twelve energies, he recognized eleven. The Six Origin Elements; Creation, Destruction, Space, Time, Fate, and Karma. And the Five Basic Elements; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. The last unknown energy was golden in color and he could feel the sigils inside his body having a reaction to it.

To his surprise, his cells again started devouring the energy that was flooding his body. He could also feel his comprehension of these six elements growing rapidly. He discovered that the unknown energy belonged to the Destiny attribute.

Due to the high quality of the energies, his cells were quickly satisfied. They kept on condensing until they couldn't anymore and exploded. Azrael physical body also exploded but he didn't die. The energy released from the blast gathered itself in the form of a huge humanoid man.

The humanoid had twelve pairs of wings on his back, two sharp horns on his head, and six arms. His size matched the twelve beings and he had a crown on his head. His skin, if it could even be called that looked like it was made of the starry sky.

His appearance again shifted, his size shrunk just a little bit, and his horns became crystalline. His skin turned into jade white and one could see his rock-hard perfect muscles that looked like they had been carved by the gods themselves. His face resembled Azrael but somehow looked even more perfect.

The twelve beings shook with joy as one of them bellowed happily, "Another Cosmari Empyrean has finally been born." But suddenly something else attracted their attention.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

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Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time