
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 The Plan

Azrael decided to change the name of the AR Formation and called it the CSS Formation. He took a CSS Formation and created a Soul-Link with it. He then pasted it on his forehead and activated the formation. A translucent screen with golden borders and a blue-purple gradient appeared before him.

Cosmic Scribe System


Name: Azrael Primis Rex

Race: Cosmari Stellarium Celestia

Cultivation: 6th Stage Paragon Core Realm

Authority: Dean

Elysian Credits: ∞


He heard Nova's voice, "My name is Nova. how can I help you today?" He was confused because he didn't include this feature in the AR Formation. He looked at Nova questioningly. It answered, "I can project myself on multiple AR Formations simultaneously as long as the number does not exceed 100 trillion."

Azrael was shocked by this revelation. If this was true then, everyone with an AR Formation could have a personal AI assistant. He clicked on the tabs option and several choices; Library, Rules and Regulations, Shop, Status, Map, and Oracle. He could access the runic library, and order products from the Academy. The Oracle Tab allowed a student to access Nova's processing power at cost according to their Authority and Elysian Credits. Under the Status Tab, he could see a detailed status of himself which included his name, race, cultivation level, Intents, racial abilities, cultivation techniques, battle arts, and secret arts with a detailed explanation.

It was perfect. The best part was that Nova could evolve and update the CSS by itself. He passed a CSS Formation to every Elysian Mentor. Every Elysian Mentor had broken through to the peak of the Core realm. They could have broken through to the Spirit Awakening realm but he stopped them.

He could feel that Novaria would evolve into a high-grade Mortal realm in 1000 years. It would be better for them to wait for that before breaking through. The evolution of a world was a blessing for its residents and few were lucky enough to ever experience one. Now he had to go and contact his grandfather.

Sect Master's Residence, Immortal Battle God Sect, Aurora Star

Lionel was sitting in his office and gazing at a picture of Azrael and Lily. It had been almost 1600-1700 years since they had left and he missed them dearly. He hadn't expected that it would take them such a long time. Just then a talisman on his table started flashing.

It was the other half of the talisman that he had given them before they left, in case they had an emergency. It was supposed to be a last resort but he didn't think that they would need to use it. He channelled some of his energy into it and a projection appeared above it.

He could see Azrael and Lily and he asked rapidly, "How are you both? Are you safe? What is the emergency?" Azrael smiled and answered, "We are completely fine and safe. There is no emergency but there could be in the future."

Lionel was a bit confused by his grandfather's words. What did he mean by there could be an emergency in the future? He thought of something and said angrily, "You had another crazy plan, didn't you? What could be so dangerous that you have to call me?"

His tone changed to a joking one as he said, "It's not like it could destroy the world..." He saw that Azrael's expression changed as he continued in a doubtful tone, "...right? Azrael looked at him and said, "Well, we're sure it won't be able to destroy Novaria." Lionel heaved a sigh of relief but nearly choked in the middle of it when Azrael continued, "But if I fail, it would harm Novaria's World Core. That's why we need your help. We'll tell you all the details when you arrive. Give our regards to Mom and Dad. See you soon."

And the projection disappeared. Lionel had to applaud his grandson's guts. To think that he would hang up on him. He chuckled evilly and muttered, "You can give them your regards yourself." Then he messaged Felix and Ariana that they were going on a family trip.

Inter-World Teleportation Formation, Novaria

Azrael and Lily were waiting for Lionel to arrive. Azrael could already imagine the beating he would receive from Lionel after he arrived. The formation started flashing and the silhouettes of three people started materializing.

Azrael was pleasantly shocked to see that his Mom and Dad had accompanied Lionel. He quickly hugged his mother. She hugged him tightly and said, "It has been long since I last saw you. I thought that you had forgotten your poor mother." He didn't reply, just hugged her tighter.

Then he heard his father's voice, "Brat, did you only miss your mother? How come you didn't even greet me? At least your wife is better than you." Azrael broke the hug with his mother and looked at his father before hugging him as well. They were interrupted by Lionel who said, "Would somebody finally tell me what crazy plan this death-seeking brat hatched this time?"

Ariana and Felix looked at him confused before they figured out why they were there. Azrael must have called Lionel as a safety measure in case something goes wrong with his plan. Azrael quickly changed the topic and said, "Why don't we go somewhere comfortable first? I can also introduce you to our friend and tell you about our organization."

The three of them gave him a deep look before agreeing. They also wanted to see what Azrael and Lily had accomplished in the last 1600 years. Azrael switched the Inter-World Teleportation Formation coordinates to a Teleportation Formation in the Everlasting Night City. They all stepped into it and disappeared.

Palace of Eternal Night, Everlasting Night City

The Teleportation Formation suddenly started glowing and alerted the guards. This particular Teleportation Formation was in the heart of the Palace and was protected by some of the strongest people in the Empire. Only the Empress had the authority to use it and they knew that she was currently in the Royal Court. They assumed that it was an enemy and readied their weapons. When Azrael and the rest appeared, they were greeted by weapons pointing toward them.

The guards' leader shouted "Identify yourself and state your purpose. Or you shall be deemed as an enemy and will be treated as such." Azrael looked amused and handed him a pitch-black token with a glowing silver moon on it that Aliyah had given him. The leader's expression suddenly became dignified as he examined the token.

He didn't recognize the handsome man but he did know about this token and what it represented. It was known as the Token of the Guiding Moonlight. Only two such tokens existed and both of them had owners, the Royal Teacher and the Royal Advisor. These tokens granted them the same authority as the Empress. The Royal Advisor was a woman so the young man in front of him must be the Royal Advisor.

Not many had seen his face but everyone knew of his legendary deeds. It is said that he and the Royal Advisor were the reasons the Empress had been able to regain the throne and impose restrictions on the Nobles. The leader was a teenager when he witnessed the Coronation Ceremony and how he had overpowered the rebels effortlessly.

He became very respectful and returned the token to Azrael. He then bowed slightly and said, "Greetings to the Royal Teacher and his guests. I will immediately notify the Empress of your presence" Azrael was a bit surprised by how the leader addressed him. He didn't even know that Aliyah had appointed him as the Royal Teacher of the Empire. She had just handed him the token one day and told him that with it, nobody would bother him in the Palace.

He could see genuine respect and admiration in the leader's eyes. He smiled and nodded. Lionel and his parents looked at Lily as if they were asking for an explanation but she didn't say anything. Azrael received a text from Aliyah that they could meet her in her study and he led them there.

They entered her study and Azrael introduced them, "Aliyah, these are my Grandpa, Mom, and Dad. Everybody this is Aliyah, the Empress of the Twilight Empire, and our good friend." Aliyah was very shocked by their identities. She already knew that Azrael and Lily came belonged to a peak power on a peak-grade Mortal Realm. Then that meant, the people in front of her were very strong. She introduced herself and ordered a servant to bring some tea.

At first, she was a bit nervous but after talking with them for some time she realized that they were very easy to talk to. Lionel even asked her to call him Grandpa and call him if Azrael ever bullied her. Azrael pouted and the rest started laughing. They talked some more and Azrael bragged a lot about the Twin Dragon Chambers of Commerce. It was her first time seeing Azrael's childish side as he usually acted very mature.

When they heard about it, Lionel, Ariana, and Felix were shocked when they heard about how much Azrael's faction had grown. Lionel looked at Azrael cunningly and asked, "How much?" Azrael immediately understood and smiled. He whispered something in Leonel's ear and his expression suddenly changed.

Azrael looked like he enjoyed this very much and said, "Per month." Lionel became even more shocked. Azrael suddenly changed the topic and told them about Elysium. When Ariana heard that Elysium was an early wedding gift for Lily, she just glared at Felix and said, "Learn something from your son. You don't even remember our anniversary."

Azrael and Lily then told them they could visit Elysium right now if they wanted. All of them agreed and left using a Teleportation Formation. When they arrived, everybody apart from Azrael and Lily, was shocked and mesmerized by the sheer grandeur of the Academy, especially Ariana.

As a Rune Master herself, she could see all the complicated formations that covered the Academy. She looked at Azrael and asked while pointing at the formations, "Did you do all of this by yourself?" He just nodded in response and said, "Before I show you the most amazing part take these." He handed a CSS Formation to all of them and said, "Form a Soul-Link with them and paste them on your temples."

They did as he asked because they trusted him completely. Suddenly their expression changed and they looked at him questioningly. He assumed that the CSS interface must have appeared in front of them. He then granted them the highest authority and explained its features and how he had created it.

He took them to the Lightning Crucible and Ariana could barely keep herself from squealing like a little girl after witnessing the Natural Formations. In the next few days, Azrael and Lily gave them a complete tour of the Academy and introduced them to the Elysian Mentors.

A week passed and Aliyah returned to the Empire. Lionel, Ariana, Felix, Lily, and Azrael were having dinner together. It was finally time to talk. Lionel looked at Azrael and said, "Brat, I am impressed by what you've accomplished here but now you have to tell us about your plan."

Azrael knew that he couldn't delay it any further, so he sighed and said, "My race is a very special one. An embryonic world exists inside every cell inside my body. They would fully form when I break through to the Paragon Spirit Awakening Realm

I was about to break through to the seventh stage but I suddenly had a vague intuition that I could still make my foundation stronger. But it was just an intuition and I couldn't figure out how. Then I started wondering, I already have a world in each cell. But what if I could turn every world into a universe? Theoretically, it is possible. I can't exactly explain how, but I know that it is.

The problem is that if I fail, the amount of energy that I will release will severely damage Novaria. That's why I called you. With you here, we can protect Novaria."

Lionel and the others were shocked by this revelation. Lionel looked at him deeply and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? There is a 90% chance of your death. So are you absolutely sure that you want to do this?" Azrael nodded with a resolute look in his eyes and Lionel said, "Then I'll help you in any way that I can."

The next day Lionel took Azrael to an open area and released his aura to the full extent. Even though his cultivation base was sealed, he was still a Divine Being. After sensing his aura, energy started converging until it formed a humanoid figure.

It was the manifestation of Novaria's Planar Will. A female voice appeared in both of their heads, "What is a sealed Divine doing here?" Lionel smiled and replied, "We're here to protect you." He then explained Azrael's plan to her and she was visibly shocked.

She examined Azrael closely and said, "If you are successful, it wouldn't only benefit you but also me. I can evolve earlier with your help. If you succeed, I will personally give you a gift. But beware, this tribulation will be unlike anything you have faced before."


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

My laptop broke down and I couldn't upload new chapters for a long time. I will try to upload more often to make up for it

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time