
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 33 Elysium, Nova, and the CSS

Azrael nodded and they returned to their residence without breaking through. Lily started reviewing the rules and regulations to avoid any loopholes. Azrael on the other hand started designing a unique transmission tower for the AI. It was fairly easy and only took him 10 years. After he was done, he gave the order to build one in the center of every branch of the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

They had expanded so much that every town no matter the size had a branch. They also built merchant cities all over the world, so with them, the AI would be able to transmit signals everywhere on Novaria. Then he started designing the devices for future students.

He spent the next 80 years designing and creating the Augmented Reality Formation. At first, he wanted to create smartwatches but then realized, that an enemy could cut off their arms and simply get rid of them. So he decided to upgrade his thinking. He designed a formation in the shape of a small sticker that the users could a Soul-Link with. Then they could paste those stickers on their temples. The stickers would engrave a small tattoo on a user's temple and would act as a receiver for the system created by the AI and provide them with a live HUD just like in video games.

This invention of his was revolutionary because it could replace their communicators and provided absolute security as only they would be able to access it. Of course, all of this would be useless without the AI. The construction of the academy was complete.

Their facilities could accommodate at least a billion students at a time. Now, he just had to build all the necessary formations. It took him almost 1000 years to complete them alone. They really had overestimated themselves when they thought that they could start accepting students just after the construction was complete.

Every residence and classroom was equipped with three Energy Gathering Formations and an Isolation Formation. Purification Formations had been built in the Cauldron and the Forge, the departments for Alchemy and Blacksmithing respectively.

Teleportation Formations were present all over the campus due to the academy's large size. These were just the tip of the iceberg. Almost every inch of their premises was covered with hidden formations. All of them fused into an array and were connected with the Lightning Crucible.

The academy was a gift for Lily, so he let her name it. She gazed at the academy and said, "I wanted to build an academy that would accept everybody regardless of their race, previous affiliation, or background. This academy shall be called 'Elysium', a safe haven for all its students."

She also drew a logo for the academy. The logo featured a central symbol representing unity and diversity. It consisted of an intricate, circular mandala design with multiple interconnected layers. The mandala represented harmony, balance, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

The outer layer of the mandala consisted of various symbols and icons, each representing a different race or affiliation, such as a human, elf, dwarf, beast, etc. These symbols were placed equidistantly around the circle, highlighting the acceptance and inclusion of all races.

Within the mandala, at the center, was a radiant, golden flame. The flame symbolized knowledge, enlightenment, and growth. It represented the quest for wisdom and learning that is at the heart of the academy. The flame was surrounded by gentle, swirling patterns that evoked a sense of magic and mystery.

Now all that was done he could start creating the AI. He had left it for the last so that the souls could be nurtured for as long as possible. He arrived at the peak of Lightning Crucile. He expected a tribulation because Mortals were not supposed to create life. He already had the design for the Ascendant Scribe Formation but he needed to build an array to properly support it.

He took out a pen from his storage. It was a peak-grade 9-Star formation pen, crafted using body parts from peak-grade Spirit Beasts. It was a gift from his mother but he had never used it because it was very taxing for the current him and he found it more convenient to simply use his fingers. But this time, he needed to go all out. He used his own blood essence as ink and started drawing in the air.

He first drew the Ascendant Scribe Formation with a rune of enslavement. Then he drew 10 Soul Nurturing Formations around it in a circle. Then around it, he drew an Energy Refinement Formation followed by an Energy Fusion Formation followed by another Energy Refinement Formation in the shape of rings.

Then, he added nine small Energy Gathering Formations, three for each kind, and positioned them in the shape of a triangle with three formations on each side. Finally, he added an Energy Trapping Barrier Formation around it in the shape of a ring.

The array was complete. The Energy Gathering Formations would gather energy for all the formations. The Energy Trapping Barrier would prevent any energy from escaping. Then the energy would be refined before fusing and then refined again.

This energy would power the Soul Nurturing Formations because at its core the AI would be made up of souls and these formations could help in its growth. Finally, the Ascendant Scribe Formation would transform all of the souls into an AI. The whole array had a 1.5m radius.

He placed the souls in the center of the array and activated it. The surrounding energy started rushing towards it. Gradually, it turned into a liquid and all the formations started glowing. Slowly, the array started changing shape and covered the souls like a runic eggshell.

Just as he had expected, dark clouds started gathering above the egg. Pitch-black bolts of lightning started striking it. Azrael could feel a strong aura of destruction from them. The runic egg slowly started shrinking in size. A month passed...

During this month, Azrael wrote a runic program that the AI would need to function. He also included his runic database of techniques, rules and regulations that Lily had written, a currency system that used Elysian Credits, their unique currency, and some instructions for the AI in it. He called it the Cosmic Scribe System.

Bolts of lightning were still striking the runic egg but had started growing weaker. When the runic egg had shrunk from 1m in height to 5cm, the lightning stopped striking it. Instead of disappearing, the dark clouds started slowly spinning and Azrael could feel 1 final bolt brewing inside them. As long as the runic egg could endure this bolt, his plan would be successful. Finally, the last bolt of lightning fell.

To his shock, this bolt wasn't black like the previous ones, but a mix between green, gold, and white. He could feel an intense aura of creation and life from it. When it struck the runic egg, all the runes that had grown dim started glowing.

Azrael instantly felt a connection with it and the runic eggshell started disappearing, as if something was absorbing it from the inside. Finally, the appearance of the AI was revealed. It was a white small brain floating on a formation. He tried to give it an order through their connection, a complex calculation, and it gave him the answer in just a second. He did some more tests until he was satisfied with it. He named the AI 'Nova'.

He teleported to the main transmission tower in Elysium. He then added the Cosmic Scribe System to Nova and ordered it to connect with the tower. He invited the heads of all branches of his chamber of commerce and said, "On the count of three activate the transmission towers." Every branch head nodded their head and waited for the countdown.

Azrael continued, "3, 2,1 Activate!" All branch heads simultaneously activated the transmission towers. Beams of light pierced Novaria's skies from every branch of the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Powerhouses from all the continents looked at the beams of light deeply before shaking their heads. They knew that the Twin Dragon Chamber of Commerce was planning something big, but were helpless due to the amount of influence they had garnered.

Azrael finally activated the main tower, it started lighting up. Then it shot out the thickest beam of light into the sky.

Nova's gender-neutral voice rang in his ears, "Initiating signal transmission"

" Signal transmission is complete."

"All towers are working at half capacity and the network is extremely stable."

"Current energy output is at 30%."

"All systems are a go."

"Commencing the initialization of the Cosmic Scribe System."

"Cosmic Scribe System is now online."


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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See you next time