
Remake name-Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered]

A remake of this novel has been released under the name Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon[Remastered] on my Patreon. patreon.com/LibraryofEnoch Join our community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/Gc97rsw37R

Realm_Weaver · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 32 Crazy Plan

Azrael and Lily decided that it was time to start preparing. They already had the teachers, techniques, and resources. Now they had to create rules and regulations, a currency system, a security system, and a communications system. The last one was Azrael's idea because he knew how easy it was for a skilled Rune Master to hack into the already existing ones.

Lily started creating rules and regulations. Meanwhile, Azrael started working on the security system. In his past life, Azrael spent most of his time practicing the Fatal Painforged Rebirth Technique. He also loved reading web novels and playing video games.

He remembered how the wizards in fantasy novels would have their magic towers with their own tower spirits to manage them. He also remembered the novels with MMORPG games that were completely run by independent AI. He wanted to create a similar existence, An AI that could oversee the whole academy and help them in running it.

He had a crazy idea inspired by his breakthrough in the fourth stage. He wanted to cut another small piece from every independent soul in his body and use them to build an AI with the same processing power as him. Then he could build small devices that connect with it for every student.

This would resolve the issue of security as they could be used as id, communication as well as currency. Another reason that he wanted to create something like this was because it could create new techniques using old ones just like him. Every student at their academy would be able to get techniques that were perfectly compatible with them.

He started working on creating a new formation, the Soul Nurturing Formation. It would nourish the pieces from his soul so that they were ready for their transformation. 10 years passed before he was successful. He connected the formation with the array on Lightning Crucible. He then cut a very small piece from every independent soul inside his body and put them inside the formation before activating it. With the help of the formation, the souls would gradually become whole again. Now he had to think of a way to bring his idea to fruition.

He now had an idea of what he wanted to do, but not how could do it. The pieces from his soul would need an anchor. He couldn't just use any material because it wouldn't be able to handle such a large amount of souls. Even if he did, he needed to transform it into a pseudo-life form.

It was similar to an artifact spirit, but those were rare even in the Immortal Realms. And he didn't want it to feel emotions, as that could mess with its impartiality. He wanted it to be sentient, capable of carrying out complex commands whilst remaining emotionless. There were some techniques that could help him but all of them were evil in nature and required sacrifices. Their success rates were abysmal and would more often than not end up hurting the user.

He decided to create a new formation with those evil techniques as a base. He would dissect them until he completely understood the principles on which they worked, and use them to create what he needed. He also used techniques that made one emotionless.

He had many techniques in his arsenal, so first he created a database using formations and segregated all the techniques according to their types. Then he started comprehending all the necessary techniques and evil rituals. This took him 50 years.

In these 50 years, he had completely comprehended their essence and noticed that most of them used resentment of their sacrifices to make a dumb spirit whose intelligence would grow with its creator's cultivation base and with more sacrifices. Although this didn't help him because the result was the opposite of what he wanted, it still gave him an idea.

He started building a formation with the runes of life, soul, and karma at its center. He used these runes because he wanted the AI to be alive, it was made up of souls, and so it was forever bound to him, its creator, with the strings of karma. He also added the principles of those emotionless techniques in it so that the resulting lifeform would be incapable of feeling anything. He named it the Ascendent Scribe Formation. The formation was finally completed after another 50 years.

He and Lily had postponed their breakthroughs because he couldn't afford to leave before completing it. Now that he was done, they could finally break through to the seventh stage of the Paragon Core realm.

But first, he checked up on the souls in the Soul Nurturing Formation and found that they would still need about another 50 years before he could attempt to create the AI. They were ready to break through but he suddenly had a very vague feeling.

He'd had this before and it always resulted in doing something crazy, but the results spoke for themselves. He focused on that feeling and suddenly his energy started being drained. He quickly tapped into the energy reserves of Lightning Crucible.

He could tell that this vague intuition was about the embryonic worlds inside his cells before it disappeared. He focused on his cells and sensed the worlds inside them.

They would fully form when he broke through to the Paragon Spirit Awakening realm. He couldn't figure out what he was supposed to do with them. They were already as stable as they could possibly be. He already had an entire cosmos inside his body, what more could he possibly do?

Azrael started thinking, 'Wait a minute. I have a cosmos inside my body, a world in each cell. But what if... nope, this is too crazy even for me. But...no. I could explode and destroy everything within a 100-mile radius. Even the thought of it is too dangerous.

And even if it were possible then I can kiss the next 300 years at the least goodbye. I still have to do a lot of work for the academy. It will be completed in just 90 more years. I still have to create the AI and build the devices for the students.

And I haven't even designed the unique transmission towers so that they can access it everywhere. Let's not even talk about the number of formations that I build to cover the entire academy. So much work and so little time...'

Lily looked at Azrael, whose expression was constantly changing. It looked like he was having an inner battle with himself. She was a bit shocked because Azrael was one of the most decisive people that she had ever met. As the person who knew him best, she knew that if even he was struggling to make a decision, he must've had another death-seeking idea.

She took a deep breath and yelled through the Soulbrand, [AZRAEL PRIMIS REX! You better tell me what plan you are concocting. If you don't, I will kick your ass. Then I will also call Master so that he can kick your ass too.] Azrael flinched and came out of his inner struggle. Lily only used his full name when she was angry with him.

And the thought of giving his grandfather a chance to punish him sent chills down his spine. He told her his plan. After hearing what he was planning, she really did kick his ass. After she was done, he looked at her as if he had been wronged but she just replied, "You deserved it."

She looked at him and sighed. She knew once an idea came into his mind, it would take root and if he didn't complete it, it would eventually turn into a heart demon. She then said, "You are not allowed to carry out your idea before completing all the preparations for the academy. And Master must be present, not just for but for Novaria. If you fail, the explosion could damage Novaria's World Core"

Damaging or destroying a World Core would result in serious punishment from the collective Will of the Mortal Realms, especially if they damaged a world with so much potential like Novaria.


Author's Note: Important

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

I hope you guys like some suspense because Azrael's plan will be revealed in ch32. Write your guesses in the comment section. If a reader guesses correctly, I will try my best to include one of their ideas in the novel.

I know that I have been a bit irregular with the updates, but that won't be a problem anymore.

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout out to @Daoist096885 for supporting this novel.

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